Since pollsters aren't on her side, I think we can pull it

We do love pollsters, aren't we.

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Just praise kek and it will be



Trump and Brexit is one thing, this is another.

You cannot compare the two, she has absolutely no path to winning. Not in the Trump sense, but in the if you're not too much of a fucking deluded idiot to believe that LE POLLS SAY SHE CANNOT WIN SO THAT MEANS SHE CAN sense

She will be the Goddess Empress of Europe.

Check my recurring decimals.

regardless of polls she has very little chances to win due to how our system works, she needs to be pitted against Hollande at the second turn to have a chance to win otherwise our own brand of cuckservatives will give their voice to Valls, and the socialists will vote for the soft right.
Same thing as what happened in the regional elections, massive advance in the first turn, then the two other big parties gang up together to get a tight win.

Praise Kek!

Because of the way the french elections work, this is the best thing you could hope for. In 2002 the Front Nationale came second in the primaries with the regular "right wing" coming first and the socialist party taking out third. The socialists proceeded to drop out of the race and instruct their voters to support the right wing, making it effectively impossible for the FN to win. And they didnt. This has continued to be a tactic used in regions where the FN has come close to winning.

The solution is simple, the FN needs to come third in the primaries and then win the final election. Coming third in the primary disincentives the other parties from dropping out just to stop her, they'll be too busy focused on each other. This gives the FN the opening to win the final election without anyone abusing the system to stop them.

honestly don't think she can pull it off
France is a special kind of fucked in the head ever since 1789.

Thank you for surrendering the record.

>people will actually vote for the man who told you to get used to terrorism

I found the shit skin

>this is another.
no family. It's a poll. Polls have proven wrong spectaculary this year.

Hollande is a faggot he lets niggers and Muslims riot in calais.

There are no primaries, it's a two turns election, first turn is everyone, if someone gets 50% first turn he is elected, otherwise the two with the highest score go to the second turn.

so it will be le pen against X, in the second turn?

Front national news get just get over 50% of the vote first round

Only the two on the top goes to the second round you fucking stupid kangaroo.

France is full of niggers and muslims with right to vote. Stop with this delusion.

I wonder if they'll start weighting polls with more of a right wing bias, given their credibility has been stretched to breaking point.

Bullshit. She needs 50% of the popular vote. Last time they got 25%. Work to do but I wouldn't rule it out.


Okay, how do you, and we, make her face Hollande then? Anything we can do?

Both sarkozy and Hollande have a hard story of letting nigger immigrants riot in the streets without Consequence's

according to the most likely scenario yes, then she loses the second turn in every configuration except against Hollande and the right is already propping up their hard center candidate, Juppé, while the media are propping up Macron, a liberal populist from the Rothschild bank.

Murica is full og negros and mexicans.

France is significantly more white than murica.

>if someone gets 50% first turn he is elected

The average french citizen is pissed. They had enough of the slowy destruction of their cities and civilisation. They had enough of government stuffing migrants down their throat. They had enough of being cucks and blindly following media and the masses. She has a shot!

I don't see how she can win unless the other candidate is a french Hillary Clinton

only if she is against hollande.
no self respecting RPR/ republicain would vote hollande.
in the meantime filthy leftist will vote and sell their souls just to block the only party that has never been in power because """evil nationalism""" while every other party has proven times and times again their incompetence.


oooh me likes.

STR btfo!

Not 2016 anymore
Maybe 2017 is their turn?

hasn't happened in decades though, and her political positions prevent it, basically she's running on a national socialist platform that appeals more to the left than to the conservative economically liberal right.

it's not even sure he'll run

the average french citizen is a minority

Make sure you call macron a puppet for the rothchilds

But then again, she's a woman.

le pen's a slut tho
in all meanings

seiba for president!

Both sarkozy and Hollande have let muslims commit crimes when they were in charge

we will win and we will win and we will win and we will win

>pollsters are more powerful than Kek

I don't think these people paid attention to the US election very well.

memeing into another language is hard though


So there's always 2 rounds?
Even if one candidate gets >50% in the first round?

Unlike Trump and Farage, who value freedom and democracy as well as being nationalistic, Le Pen and the National Front are full-blown unadulterated fascists. Do not get these monsters elected.

>inb4 lefty shill
I'm a nationalist through and through, but what these people want to do is stamp on civil liberties and turn France into the new Nazi Germany.
Plus this whole 'meme magic for le pen' thing is way too forced, and I haven't seen any god-tier gets for her yet like we had with Brexit and Trump.

Hollande is a faggot he lets Muslims and niggers into france enjoy this video of French Catholics punching a nigger.

Tell me how she would win the second round?

The odds on bookers e to low for her but my analyzes tell me it's almost impossible. It would take a lot of sand niggers making on Bataclan for week prior to elections and even with that it would still be difficult.

It's already been decided.

no if a candidate gets 50%+ first round he is elected but this doesn't happen anymore due to the amount of 0.1-10% parties running

she's poised to get 30% first turn.

Check those then.

She will get to the second round and her opponent will be fairly unpopular, it will be a close race, after which she will win with 50-55% of the vote.

t. made a good amount of money off Brexit and Trump

She would win second if people get stubborn and stay the course and vote marine le pen

Is it possible for Le Pen to get more than 50%, is there enough support? If its even remotely possible why are more frogs not mobilizing on here to save their nation, does the anglo master race have to do it for them?


I wish but the conservative right here is too stubborn and the socialists have no integrity.

How about you check mine faggot?

Off topic, any right wing party in your country looking possible?

Why is she good? Any red pills?

Well posters are never wrong so i guess its over guise, we lost, time to leave

we have our own channels, there is probably a couple hundred frogs on Sup Forums total

staunch anti-immigration, anti-mudslime

check mine and you'll see she will be the empress of europe.

The tories are as right as we'll get. This I am ok with, because MUH NHS.

Explain the colours of the map please?

Bet the fucking HOUSE on her winning



Can anyone give a rundown on what she stands for? Will she MEGA?

The bookies seem to believe that Le Pen has a better chance than Trump or Brexit did both of which were 4/1.

I'm convinced it will happen one way or another. The momentum of the nationalists is immense.

The only election that worked out well for the western establishment recently was the Austrian presidential election, and even that result was overturned and the election is being redone.

What am I looking here pierre?

wtf, is that poll from 2016???
are people really that stupid to vote for that piece of shit again? he is first in the polls...noway this is true

She's getting about 40% of the vote right?

She's fucking close. She can win with a little meme magic

Problem is most french people, mainly 40+ dont speak a word of english so they only get info from there own media or french websites

So its hard to get Sup Forums's meme magic to work on them

Deep red is communists, pink is socialists, light blue is UMP/Republicans soft right, deep blue is FN

Well looks like you better get ready to swear her into office then

>niggers and muslims

For the size of France we don't see many right wing French online compared to other white countries, are most people there liberal?

no that's the result of the 2012 first turn

That's from the last election's first round you mongoloid

The nationalists have both momentum and inertia.

Thank you rapefugees.

i think those are results of last elections?
but Le Pen will lose anyway tho

we have a lot of websites that allow us to go around the official medial channels and we still have a culture of real life mobilization

Most of the French posters are not white
They act like Mexican flags that said Trump can't win.

Sounds to me bookies are simply being cautious after two wild happenings.

We get BNP elected all minority's deported

Yeah they're a lot more conservative in their estimates this time around kek

Unfortunate, I was hoping to make more money when Hofer gets elected in Austria.

It's a language barrier, far less french people speak English well enough to go to English internet compared to Scandis and Germans etc.

This poster speaks the truth (aside from equating fascism with discrimination, which is retarded).

FN is indeed bad news for almost everyone's human rights. Don't do it Sup Forums

it's also an ideological one, most french people who are politically active on the internet are leftists or jihadists.

This is likely, which sucks.
I wanted to place a bet on her, I suppose laying that bet is where the value is, but I don't like to make bets on things I really don't want to happen.

Jesus Christ why don't they speak English like everybody else?

Not not matter are meme's break language barriers

Kek wills it, we shall reach >51%

51% my nigger

Australia has the smartest people!

Can a frog redpill me on her policies?
I took a brief look on Wikipedia, and this is what I cared to remember
>Anti-immigration, seems like she wants the FrExit just like UK
>Is scared of the Nuclear Energy boogeyman

Thing is, French people won't be divided between a Yes/No and Trump/Hillary

There's a myriad of political parties, the votes spread between all of them, and for the FN to govern they'd need 51% of the votes. Anything else, the second most voted would gang up with any left party just to make sure the right wing stays out.

This being said, doesn't mean it's a lost war, but that it's a battle that needs to be fought. With every election that the FN manages to gain more votes than the previous one, will slowly but surely convince people that the FN is a political party as legitimate option of voting as any other.

The Austrian election in December will be super important in this regard. In that case, we've seen that it is a battle between right and greens. It's the battle than needs to be waged NOW. If Austrian right wins in a western european country, more French people will believe that their right can indeed be a valid option.

This, but watch Sup Forums sperg out than have a giant fit
Parties simply don't get over 50% in multi-party systems. Ever. In a way, it's even more rigid and inflexible than the 2 party "dictatorship".

If it was a 2 way thing like the US election, she could swing it. This way, the working class votes will still be syphoned away by old school commies, the "traditional right" etc. There are too many options and unlike Gary Johnson, all of them have actually a chance (to be in the government coalition at least).

But that is the stance you would assume white french would take. Defeat is their default mindset.

The French refuse to speak English like every other white country because they hold a grudge and think they're better still. They better give in and start speaking English or their country is doomed.


3 is a magic number, after all.

> are memes
> not not matter
Your memes can't even translate into English, burger.