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What's with all the niggers?

what's with all the niggers?

please be a girl

boys please one at a time

Its going to be another one of whatever Sette is.

a lovable street urchin?

Wow, there's no way taking almost the the entire escort, caster included, and then diverting the carriage down a narrow track instead of the wide open bridge full of witnesses can end badly.

Considering the hair, it might well be another Sette outright. Due Frummagem maybe.

>Knife-waif will show up in the comic again one day. She's another Frummagem cousin. Sette calls her "Rib" and she calls Sette "Finger" because they each broke the other's in a fistfight once.
Christ, Crescians either don't have urban fighting in mind or don't have any experience at it. Pymary tosses a whole other layer of worry and caution needed to that entire scenario.

They've been fighting Alderode for so long that they're probably completely out of practice against anybody else.


>She's another Frummagem cousin. Sette calls her "Rib" and she calls Sette "Finger"
What is that from?


>sette breaking someone's rib
She looks a lot older than Sette, unless Sette has been stunted for that long. So I guess Nary set this up?

if sette's is like "forever 10", that new person could be 15-16 and look adult enough.

Sette probably hit her with a bat or something, I doubt she hit her bare-fisted. That little bitch will fuck a person up, never forget Starfish.

not sure what it's from, but I hope in ends in the porn canon. bruised little girls are so hot.

Witnesses who'd all probably die in a bridge explosion. But clearly, it was a ploy. A lighter touch feels out of character for a shart

Yes, yes, brilliant plan, Rilursa: "attempted attack? Better send my guards away!"

Seems Nary has a penchant for employing young girls, unlike that sexist monster Duane.

>This girl is allowed in this assassination attempt
>Nary seems to believe Sette is capable

Further proof that Ana was forced into prostitution because the she was too incompetent for anything else.

Please tell me that the only two body guards ran pell-mell off after a potential assassin and abandon the Queen's sister to merely take an alternate route?

These idiots had better hope they die during this mission or the Queen is going to feed them to her Rape Snake.

Bell has done nothing wrong in wanting a coup if this is the state of Cresce guarding the heir to the throne

Raw unfiltered arrogance which proves Bell right. There's a disconnect in how bad the current political climate is and how the royals expect to come through unscathed.

What if Nary is a professional father-figure for orphaned girls. He spends an hour a week with each, imparting rogue wisdoms and making them think of him as a paternal presence in their lives. Desperate for his approval they will then spend the rest of their usually short lives doing anything for him.

Sette is nothing special, he's probably got a dozen adopted girls like her ready to die for their "Pa"

Nary doesn't seem to believe in freebies. And size didn't help Starfish too much.

Though Starfish is just a fat fuck who is used to preying on helpless children and not experts of roguery

>Sharteshane has random Japanese horror movie girls walking around killing dogs

How can one single country be such a fucking shithole?

It is. It's Sette's past street-rat rival.

Why are you doubting Sette's abilities in the "FITE ME CUNT" martial art of Shartstain?

Who? I don't remember that character.

She just showed up. she only said who she was on patreon see

So this is where Elka and Toma turn up again right?

This chapter's already covering way more than I really expected it to. I'm not sure another odd scene away from the Temple would fit. We still need to extricate Duane from his water bitch predicament too.

Takes weeks to cross from Ethelmik to Sharteshane

A full week to go from the tomb near knobbytop to Ethelmik even with Uaid towing Starfish’s crew

Two battered to fuck people aren’t gonna manage that unless the Jarla flows through and they floated the whole way

Was there ever any mention of the populations of Kasslyne?

Assuming commie cresce is the largest, but I’d be curious about the size of Alderode with its plague and war losses or industrialized Shartes

This interview from Cope is interesting electricrev.net/2018/02/07/4983/

I didn't realize how motherfucking long she plans this comic to be but it's reassuring that a lot of this is resolved in the first part. I wonder which characters she'll kill off and not take forward into the other parts. It would be a kicker if Duane or Sette didn't make it.

The biggest one that'll be wrapped up is probably gonna be Duane. Whether he'll make it or not I don't know, but I expect most of his story, his situation anyway, to be wrapped up by the end of this first third given how heavily it's tied into the various political and metaphysical happenings going on. Sette's an odder one because we've gotten very little about what she is and very little that's been hinted at indicates where it might be take or who would have the answers. It at least seems her more peculiar situation and origins aren't well understood by her circle, like her agelessness being a surprise to Ana. Her tail is considered unusual, but in a normal way by someone like Duane. Nary probably has the best idea but very little or what he's said indicates anything other than her being just odd. Her having to go on without Duane, one way or another, would make for a clear break point in the story.

It's hard to see where the story might go after whatever gets wrapped up in the next 6 chapters. That doesn't quite seem enough to deal with everything we've still got. The most immediate things in reach are Cresce, and perhaps something on Alderode's border. The Silver Monster is clearly the lynch pin, but Murkopff is probably gonna be a lot longer, as is the full scope of Aldrode, Sonorie, Bell, and Beadman's goals.

>Unsounded is fastidiously planned. I’ve split it into three Books, each with a separate feel and each with its own conclusions and hooks [into the next. We’re still in the first Book of Unsounded, which is 18 chapters long. We’ve just started chapter 13, so we’re well over the halfway mark. By the end of the Book we’ll have wrapped up many of the characters’ arcs – and some of their lives – and left the path open for the story to move forward in a different direction. Of course I can’t say more than that. I want you to be surprised!

Book one should presumably end with the silver detonating at the Gefendur festival and Duane meeting the Queen.

Book two about traveling through Alderode and getting more familiar with it.

Book three the Aldish capital, climax, or the Khert blows completely open and the story goes into there.

The part about the story moving forwards in a different direction is interesting because chasing the silver through Alderode feels like a rethread of book one. I hope we'll ditch the silver entirely at the end of this one. Cresce breaking through the Dhammakhert and launching a regular invasion of Alderode would allow Ruck, the Black Tongues, Elka and Toma to remain on the heels of our heroes even as they trek through the country as it falls apart. I can't imagine Quigley ever returning to Alderode unless it's government is on the verge of being overthrown.

Duane's arc can't end before he has returned to Alderode and dealt with his family and brother. He also has to murder Bastion which means he'll sadly be about until the end of book 3 at the earliest.

One question is just how hard Cope is willing to break the setting apart for the last book. For all we know the Khert will break completely, Duane will "travel back in time" since the Khert is timeless and slay the Gods and found Ssaelism. Lions become a sacred symbol because Sette's tail is mistaken for one's while with him in the Khert. Things can get pretty crazy in there.

>retroactive creation of a god by the mechanism of a magical all encompassing parallel realm composed of the remains of all of history’s dead

Shit, Unsounded is just a prequel to Gunnerkrigg Court!

I don't honestly imagine she'd kill off either Duane or Sette in the first part. If you read the interview she says their relationship is the heart of the story, so destroying that wouldn't make any sense. I don't know if she'll kill them per se, but I have a hard time imagining Toma, Elka, or Quigley going forward after the first part. Quigs would never go back to Alderode and Toma only grows as a character if he mans up, deals with his ex, and stays home with his kid. Him adventuring on is a dead end for his growth.

There's confirmation that Duane meets the Queen and confirmation the second part of the story takes place in Alderode. Maybe Duane will go turncoat and become an agent for the Queen, then head back home on a mission for her.

But really it could go anywhere. Unsounded is pretty good at thinking outside the box.

Ashley has said before the final third will be heavy on the metaphysics.


Is the khert really timeless? Things enter and exit it, and move within it.

I don't even know. It hurts my brain to try and imagine a truly timeless place. Maybe it's thought of as timeless because memories from all of the world's time exists in there at the same uh time. But the place itself isn't completely static. It didn't always exist after all, so it had a beginning.

Yeah. I don't think the khert is timeless, just that stuff persists there in different ways.

I'm almost certain you can catch glimpses of the future within the Khert, like with Ilganyag finding the vision of Alderode being attacked by the silver monster.

As a side-note, Duane and a lion-tailed Sette fighting and killing Ilganyag within the Khert sounds like an inspirational event.

>lion-tailed Sette
How is that different from what she has already?

I wonder if she's also going to grow a mane when she goes through puberty. Yes, I know she's a girl; that just makes it funnier.

He's talking about how Lions figure heavily into both the gefendur and Ssaelit religions, and her being lion-tailed would play into the inspirational-ness of the aforementioned event

I felt a bit confused at Ashley claiming Nary rarely ever smiles when I feel like he's been smiling almost every time Sette thinks back on him.

I wonder if it would be worth asking Cope whether or not Sette is making up him smiling in her memories as part of living in her best world.

Maybe Nary only smiles for Sette because he loves her and she makes him happy.

Rilursa gives the impression she can handle herself. Her dress evokes armor, and she's a wright herself.

Word of Ash is Starfish is actually a pretty dangerous combatant physically. He's short, but fast and strong (dude was a warehouse grunt), and utterly without scruples so he can go from zero to murder instantly.

What would you wear if you were a battle wright, Sup Forums?

Nothing at all~

There's actually an argument to that. Nothing that can be turned on you. But nothing you can use either.

>doesn't smiles
>when he writes Sette's name he puts a lion tail on the S

It's just a poker face

I am so looking forward to Duane eating this smarmy cunt's guts.

>Book one should presumably end with the silver detonating at the Gefendur festival and Duane meeting the Queen.
>Book two about traveling through Alderode and getting more familiar with it.
>Book three the Aldish capital, climax, or the Khert blows completely open and the story goes into there
I see the comic will be going another decade and will be totally bonkers by the end of it all. All of Kassylyne is totally screwed.

>the final pages of Unsounded
>all of Kasslyne is torn to shreds
>a magical khert storm ragings across existence, unraveling reality
>nothing is stable
>all is chaos
>only Duane remains - however temporarily - intact, sitting amidst the ruin
>he looks up directly at the reader
>his undead eyes stare into yours
>his mouth opens (gif style)
>"What's with all the niggers?"

Sette is an unreliable narrator

>Mikaila was effortlessly murdered by a blind incompetent Crescian mercenary
>Sharteshanian Ratgirl #2 easily disables the Crescian royal elite
I guess we know who's really the better dad now.
