Why so many Russian poster are quite critical towards Putin, but American posters praise him?
Why so many Russian poster are quite critical towards Putin, but American posters praise him?
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Americans are stupid
only the left wing Russians post here.
the sort that oppose his cult of personality.
>pic related
Putin ha.
that guy?
Nah man.
Cuz Putin is a warmonger and corrupt kgb guy. Medvedev was way better and want russia to became a modern country not third world shithole with iron curtain
because americans dont live in russia, while russians do
But wasn't Medvedev just Putin's little bitch?
Same reason only anglos on the board worship hitler while no German or austrian does (there are two exceptions)
Sup Forums is a contrarian board. You've got contrarian americans (right wing) and contrarian russians (left wing).
Also, whoever says that Russia is the haven of the white race should take a stroll around Moscow. I've been in New York, and you actually have less shitskins in there.
you never know how good you've got it.
"Tanned" guys is a normal thing in all big countries, even in the Roman Empire.
I live in Russia, and I live good. And my friends live good too. Putin didn't anything bad too me.
Because Americans are retarded.
Also, [spoiler]checked[/spoiler]
Because Putin's foreign policy is a lot better than his domestic policy.
Putin sold the country's industrial complex to his friends back then. I wonder why Russians are pissed off...
t. Lavrentiy Beria
Hy пpaвильнo, тeбe в кopмyшкy нacыпaют пepиoдичecки и тeбe нopмaльнo, a кoмy тo вaжнee жить в cвoбoднoй cтpaнe a нe в клeткe c миcкoй. У мaмки нa шee нeбocь cидишь?
Beria is that guy that did russian nuke bomb. He saved my country from Nato.
Because US posters see his foreign policies and we see his local policies. That being said, I think he did a great job in his first 2 terms and in general he was good for Russia. I do want him gone though, because I want to live in a democracy, not in a country where a guy can run for office 3 times.
Most of my countrymen only know about Russia from memes. No joke, they think it's like a big beautiful all-white place where you have bears for neighbors and everybody says comrade after every sentence with a cheesy Ivan Drago accent and all they do is drink vodka and squat.
For Putin they think he's some kind of demigod based KGB agent that has resisted the touch of the Jew and fights Islamists. Putin is a meme too, for them.
I admire efficiency of mr Putin and I hope he will not try to liberate Poland
A для тeбя cвoбoднaя cтpaнa - этo paзгyл cжв и вoзмoжнocть пpибивaть яйцa нa Кpacнoй плoщaди? Meня вcё ycтpaивaeт.
Hating Putin was very popular meme on the russian imageboards, so people who recently moved here still didn't outgrew their old hugbox
>take a stroll around Moscow
Do you live there? Just how many shitskins are we talking here?
That's actually a much bigger issue than many would think. If you live in a left-wing country, all the outcast of society turn right-wing. If you live in a right-wing country, all the outcasts turn left-wing. Which is why Russian 2ch is overwhelmingly liberal and Sup Forums is mostly conservative. If you're a loser and you fucked up your life, you want to blame someone for your failure and a lot of people like to blame the government.
you want him to fuckin count them all m8?
We're talking "all of them" number. It wasn't nearly as bad before USSR fell, but now you can't walk through the street without seeing shitskins on every corner.
Tы бы знaл, кaк oн бeздapнo дeньги нa нayкy тpaтил. Этo пpocтo пиздeц, y нac тyт, в Aкaдeмгopoдкe,пpoфeccopa дo cих пop c этoгo гopят. Для нeгo пpoгpecc в нayкe - тeлeфoн пoтoньшe дa экpaн пoбoльшe.
There's a sizable minority of muslims in Moscow, I'd say about the same as the amount of blacks in New York. Our muslims are mostly home-grown though, so what are you gonna do about it. We're not giving back Chechnya and Dagestan and you can't really stop those people from moving to Moscow.
I was thinking of doing travel nursing in Russia. Is it safe for Ameribros? Also what are my chances of finding a right wing qt?
Because in the USA they have president. We have tsar.
Ofc he was. This Russian fag is taking crap.
Are other major cities like this as well or is it only confined to Moscow?
Bozhe tsarya hrani
80% of Russian posters here are from russian imageboards, where they're unironically want collapse of russia and they want some lgbt sjw bullshit which putin banned.
In short - they are (((russian opposition)), just reddit-tier SJWs.
Moscow and St. Petersburg are the only cities where life exists, so I don't understand the question.
Mostly just Moscow, but there are obviously some muslims here and there in every city. As I said, it's their country too. The good news is you're allowed to be racist. If you're trying to rent, every other owner will say he's renting to white people only.
The country is safe, I travelled a lot and don't have any problems. There is a lot of wannabe-"right" maids, my last love was a footbal fighter-hooligan
Shitskin != muslim.
They like beaners for US - like to drink and chimpout till they get BTFO.
Because US posters have become much more authoritarian over the years. They are tired of SJW bullshit and want to just lace up the jackboots, break out the riot shield, and crack libtard college student skulls all day like the police used to do in the 60s. Putin embodies that kind of "Wreck, subvert, undermine, and destroy anything in my way" kind of mentality.
> 2016
> Trump elected
> not wanting a russia to collapse
Are you even a russia, comrade? I especially like all the latest internet-related laws, site blacklists, and all stuff like that.
There is a lot good muslims, my schoolclass's friend is from Chechnya.
We have an interesting situation here in Russia
In one hand our Tzar banning all of the sjw, lgbt, fem shit
In the other hand he secures votes by Ramzan Kadirov so muslims are real problem
I'm really curious what happens when Putin dies. Ramzan won't be loyal to his successor, whoever it will be.
Will Ramzan be his successor?
buttmad 2ch rejects and proxy kokholes
the same as OP who makes these threads daily at the same time
Muslims was a part of Russian history since 15century.
I'm starting to understand who you really are, Murat.
Russians are pissed off, Americans are ironic / stupid
Weird that they come here of all places if they oppose cults of personality
Russians are always pissed off
Ramzan is a a unique case as I think
So he is presents all the votes of his region to putin, providing evey elections in kind of a legal way.
But at the same time hi is some kind of "common enemy" to unite people of russia
So he is in charge only abut Putin
I praise him because he's the only one that's actually killing Obama's ISIS shiskins
You is pissed off, migrant colonial scum
I am right as fuck.
I don't see a need to praise him he's fine without shilling..
Hopw it should looked like?
>Shitskin != muslim
Yeah, they're not. Which is why I'm using the word "muslim". A lot of those look pretty white to be honest, most would be called white in US. We don't really have a lot of burka wearing sharia law supporting terrorists walking the streets.
This is why we just need a fucking Czar.
Too bad all the fucking Romanovs are in Europe / US.
>Cuz Putin is a warmonger and corrupt kgb guy.
This suposed to be bad or good?
>russia to became a modern country
Like sweden or what?
Romanovs are jerks.
That's why everyone hates you, liberal cucks. You've been going on about destroying the country for years now and you're still wondering why everyone hates you. No, ruining everything because you're a NEET piece of shit isn't a legitimate political stance. It's just you being a baby.
Romanov are losers, deal with it.
We need new dinasty christened with blood and fire.
Yes, Russians are pissed off. But mostly we're pissed off at you, liberals.
Mighty fine memes comrade.
Yeah. The only man from this family that isn't over 40 is a cuck looking UK citizen, he doesn't even speak Russian. And all women are typical American shithead girls, there's no way one of them can be an impress. There's also the Grand Duchess of Russia, but she's just too old
They blame Putin for all their failures in life such as being 20+ years old and still virgin, poor, living with parents etc
What part of me telling you that you're child who doesn't have any idea about politics is a meme, comrade?
>We have tsar.
as god intended
Putin done some good things, but he waits too long to behead oligarchy, Stalin would have finished the job in 1/100 of that time.
>site blacklists
Yes, some obscure game forums, torrent trashbins and libturds buzzfeeds.
Sad things is most russians so bluepilled they think some sites being banned is actually tyranny.
I think MVD should let those uzbeks blown St-Petersburg last week. Just to let assholes from capital cities know what terror is.
Living in Moscow is fine, but it's not perfect. If your president is not a literal Jesus Christ and freedom of speech exists, it's easy to see faults within him, and we do.
There are great things about Russia - free education even in the best Unis, tons of jobs in the capital(most don't pay much, though), free if a bit sub-par healthcare. We have some immigrants, but they are mostly "invisible": quiet guys cleaning the streets at 5 AM, construction workers, people like that. But then again the goverment is banning porn, you can post anything you like but there is 1% chance you get persecuted, economy is dependent on oil and te money from it is not reinvested into other industries but shitty Olympics and "research labs" which produce nothing; protests end up with police brutalities, opposition is jailed, monetary politics are developed by retard 5-year-olds.
Putin beheading corruptioned guys RIGHT NOW. Even the ministers.
>hi is some kind of "common enemy" to unite people of russia
You are retard actually.
He is enemy only for facebook rebels.
Also his twitter banters are pure gold.
> if you upload a stale cuckrainian meme for lulz, you automatically become a liberal
Lmaoing @ ur logic
I's hard to be not pissed off if your winter is -35 degrees.
If you chill for a minute you will be dead.
Americans don't live under Putin.
Because in Russia imageboards are the refuge for small but vocal minority of liberals pathologically obsessed with Putin as the root of all evil in the world.
putin is a class-a cuckold
how can russians accept the fact he gives money to former jihadists?
>implying a minister has more money than oligarch
>but American posters praise him?
He is like visiting your friend's pet tiger. It's cool seeing it, hearing about it, watching it get whatever it wants, occasionally savaging something weaker than it, but at the end of the day you're secretly glad you don't own that tiger.
-35C is not that freezing you pussy, just very uncomfortable.
cвoбoднaя cтpaнa этo кoгдa зa нихyянeдeлaньe гocyдapcтвo бaбocы дaeт
тoт ктo хopoшo paбoтaeт и cтpeмитcя, живeт хopoшo
We live here and we know better, that's why. I'm not blaming Putin personally for everything, but as our President he is obviously responsible for all federal and regional corrupted bastards who can't solve any problem here and just stealing rubles.
I don't mind Muslims having a place of their mental illness, as long as Putin made sure they don't ever step on white man's property.
it's much better to tell the oligarchs to spend the money on state-run projects
even those who don't live in Russia anymore
Two words, comrade. Пaкeт Яpoвoй.
The government is setting up global internet surveillance saving everything we open in our browsers, and WE have to pay for it. Pay a lot.
If this is not the purest form of cuckery, I don't know what is.
Even after our Internet providers explained why this project can ruin our already fucked economics, it got suspended, no cancelled.
>"I can but thank you," he said, in a tone too respectful to be sincere, "for your kindness in letting me speak, for I have often noticed that our Liberals never allow other people to have an opinion of their own, and immediately answer their opponents with abuse, if they do not have recourse to arguments of a still more unpleasant nature."
>"Excuse me," continued Evgenie Pavlovitch hotly, "I don't say a word against liberalism. Liberalism is not a sin, it is a necessary part of a great whole, which whole would collapse and fall to pieces without it. Liberalism has just as much right to exist as has the most moral conservatism; but I am attacking RUSSIAN liberalism; and I attack it for the simple reason that a Russian liberal is not a Russian liberal, he is a non-Russian liberal. Show me a real Russian liberal, and I'll kiss him before you all, with pleasure."
>"In the first place, what is liberalism, speaking generally, but an attack (whether mistaken or reasonable, is quite another question) upon the existing order of things? Is this so? Yes. Very well. Then my 'fact' consists in this, that RUSSIAN liberalism is not an attack upon the existing order of things, but an attack upon the very essence of things themselves--indeed, on the things themselves; not an attack on the Russian order of things, but on Russia itself.
Because in the western world Putin is like a fucking god in the fog of corrupt and retarded politicians.
The Russians are just being paranoid. Putin is actually OK. If you can actually prove me otherwise than i would consider otherwise.
>My Russian liberal goes so far as to reject Russia; that is, he hates and strikes his own mother. Every misfortune and mishap of the mother-country fills him with mirth, and even with ecstasy. He hates the national customs, Russian history, and everything. If he has a justification, it is that he does not know what he is doing, and believes that his hatred of Russia is the grandest and most profitable kind of liberalism. (You will often find a liberal who is applauded and esteemed by his fellows, but who is in reality the dreariest, blindest, dullest of conservatives, and is not aware of the fact.) This hatred for Russia has been mistaken by some of our 'Russian liberals' for sincere love of their country, and they boast that they see better than their neighbours what real love of one's country should consist in. But of late they have grown, more candid and are ashamed of the expression 'love of country,' and have annihilated the very spirit of the words as something injurious and petty and undignified. This is the truth, and I hold by it; but at the same time it is a phenomenon which has not been repeated at any other time or place; and therefore, though I hold to it as a fact, yet I recognize that it is an accidental phenomenon, and may likely enough pass away.
>There can be no such thing anywhere else as a liberal who really hates his country; and how is this fact to be explained among US? By my original statement that a Russian liberal is NOT a RUSSIAN liberal--that's the only explanation that I can see."
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Well that reminds me how funny it is that Russia is economically blocked by west, but not for oligarchy, they live in other countries, buy football clubs, without problems move around, make contracts, even hire companies from foreign lands on visit to Russia. The economic trade limit means little to them, because they are western founded, they were western founded when they stolen and bought everything after Soviet split. The trade limitations are experienced by regular folk, they suffer. Russia was taken prisoner by oligarchy, a hosting place for business, of course they don't mind if Asians get imported by millions, they don't have permanent home in Russia, they can live in France, they can live in Germany, even USA.
Alt-right wants to be dominated by a facist/dictator
Russians that are being dominated want a breather.
>"""Tanned""" guys are ok
You are the one who is going to told off libcucks, right?
Because Putin decided to bring his image around after the 8/8/8 embarassment, and Amerifats fell for it.
they had their golden years in the 90s, now the security services got their balls tight in the grip.
slowly they're paying their fair share.
and all these oligarchs were 'appointed', not like in the west thru work and family
it's really hard right now to move money out or legalize it, you got it but can't do shit with it