Haha, get rekt alt-right
Haha, get rekt alt-right
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Well this will fix the problem
Twitter is censoring the Interwebz! Sup Forums dislikes
mah freedoms of speech
That is the moment Twitter officially kills itself. Banning one person like our resident faggot is one thing, banning an entire group will relegate your company the way of Myspace.
>Sup Forums is alt-right
You cucks have been pushing this shit for a year
Makes sense. If a thought can't be expressed in 120 characters or under then its too complex for a liberal to process.
What site do we go to next? The alt-right is basically a pretty small group since one of the definitions is to call yourself alt-right.
Like what the fuck can replace Twitter right now?
Surely masking the problem and pretending the problem doesn't exist anymore is the best way to fix things as evidenced by the election.
Normie detected
What the fuck is alt-right?
>implying it matters
Trump already won dipshits
So is this mistake of humanity of a "social media" site anywhere close to profitability?
Sounds like sore losers and sour grapes to me.
It is still calling out for us though.
He's not the end.
Ok as your leader of the alt-right I need generals of the alt-right to give me some battle plants, solders of the alt-right stand fast.
No one of value cares what Twitter does.
Nice thread, queerbait.
Yeah because shitting on the "alt right" worked out so well for you guys for the election.
Keep on digging that hole.
The ones """""leading""""" the alt right are non essential.
Its the memes that are essential, the leaders are just the medium which we funnel our memes through.
As long as we can meme they can never censor us!
>already in financial ruin from shooting yourself in the foot.
>finally just shoot yourself in the head.
ive already been banned 4 times for spamming redpill jew infobombs
like i give a fuck, ill just make another. its not like they even IP ban.
Not surprised, they are the enemy. Why would Alt-Right sites also have a Twitter/Facebook button when they know those sites are biased and block their feed. Have them switch it to minds or gab or something else. Stop playing with the enemy. The same goes for youtube, they will one day block critical videos, just as how they blocked Evalion. Never liked her but it was wrong to ban her and she was red-pilling some people.
I don't understand why they're doing this NOW.
Seems a little late, now our meme is in the White House and probably not averse to raining down some sort of 1st Amendment vengeance on them...
Seriously, what are they doing? From their point of view, what's the game-plan here?
Or are they just flailing the banhammer around in a salty, incoherant rage?
Anyone who actually refers to themselves as alt-right is being pretty cringy desu
Also this will kill twitter, which is fine by me I don't use social media
They are trying to stop a movement that is growing everyday.
Twitter is basically an advertising service. Anybody smart enough to vote for Trump isn't going to buy what they are selling so it's better to keep a safe space for the sheep.
>company running into financial trouble (no growth means jews get asshurt)
>purge a fifth to a fourth of your heaviest users, all of which will go to an alternative service (such as gab)
what a brilliant idea
The tea party
Neo Nazis
Fox News
True, we need to leaders, our "leaders" are more parasitic than anything else
However Twitter is a special place because this is where all the normies congregate and where we can directly harass them. Why do you think all these jewrnalists have been writing tweets and articles about us? Because every day we've been calling them kikes on twitter.
Look! CNN telling the truth
>Pretending Twitter ever had a future!
Like most of Silicon Valley, Twitter's management is from a small list of Ivy Leauges who hate Trump and his brand of politics so they are going to fight it head on even if it means ruining their own careers. It's the natural state of things, this is how fortunes are lost and how mainstream narratives evolve.
It's not going to work though given that most of the sheep have newer places to post on.
kek, I wonder what would happen if they realize they simply could not make any money with the site, regardless of how popular it is. I guess they would just pull th plug.
Creating more of an echo chamber as it is already. How is the campaigning for Trumps 2020 run going?
I've been saying this the whole time
none of you spergs should say you're alt right when dealing with these people. it's an insult and an attempt at marginalizing the silent majority who largely agree with us and will occasionally express our views.
How the fuck aren't they making money? It's still very popular worldwide.
Everyone with half a brain uses an adblocker.
Haha oh wow.
They really didn't learn, did they? Censorship always ends up being counter-productive.
Somebody predicted this earlier in the General. If Trump lost they would wait until January to coincide with Hillary taking office officially. But if Trump won they would do it as soon as possible.
Anyone who disagrees with my progressive values and hurts my feelings.
>must be profitable
It's like the late 90s again.
Plays right into our hands though because it proves what we have always said.
On top of that Twitter is dying anyway. It is a bottomless money drain and now that it has proven that it lacks even in the area of social engineering the funding will dry up.
And what ads would that block? I thought they didn't have any and their business model was a total mystery to me.
Fuck you and your "gif" kiwi.
>tfw never used twitter in my life fâm
>tfw never used Facebook in my life
Not having a detailed NSA file on record of your character & actions....priceless.
Feel good man.
You guys can all go back to Twitter now...lmao
Twitter creating an echo chamber
Given the typical user, that shouldn't pose a problem.
reminder that there is an alternative free speech twitter called "gab"
Absolutely not.The only reason it is being kept alive is as a tool to shape the public opinion.
>Because if you marginalise opinions, they just go away
This will have the exact opposite effect.
The right will become more radicalised.
They can likely be sued for discrimination if they ban people by race or political leaning in some countries.
Also if you're in the EU everyone remember to file a request for your personal data, a few hundred thousand euros filing them would cripple the company.
The alt right are pretty much fucking nazis. Modern society has no place for such beliefs and Twitter has every right to silence them.
Trump should just create a gabai account
Twitter is becoming fucking gay
Haha who? That's like MySpace purging people.
Liberals are losing their minds. Truly a great time to be alive.
Data mining, go have a look at twitter post metadata. Also they get FBI funding for being enough noise to hide secure communications in.
M8, either private companies have the right to ban people from using their services for their political beliefs or they dont. I would prefer that nobody has the ability to, but if a cake maker in the middle of nowhere in america can get sued for refusing to bake a cake for a group of people they disagree with, then twitter doesnt get to block everyone they disagree with.
So what?? We retreat, regroup, find other avenues of penetration the neo-liberal lies are so flimsy it won't take much.
Canadians are pretty much civilisation destroying faggots.
We have every right to silence them...for good.
Joint US/Russia nuclear strike on Canada when?
They need to take their people & ideals elsewhere. Maybe Reddit perhaps.
That was a good attempt at irony, right fellow leaf?
>prominent alt-right accounts
Literraly who? Milo has been banned for a while now.
>tool to shape the public opinion.
>obviously a progressive one
>Trump makes it an essential part of his arsenal and shitposts his way to the White House
Proof Twitter is a governmented funded operation. No way would it still be running if it lost 2 billion otherwise.
Oi m8, what is this twatter nonsense of witch you speak?
>Data mining
That seems like a really shitty source of revenue, and the finials reports confirm this.
A computer command alt+right arrow for the generation of nazi propaganda.
Twitter is already heading down the shitter.
>not using MySpace the superior social media website
What makes an account """alt-right"""?
Kekked liberals are tech retarded
Kkk is a left wing democratic arm, do keep up with your own hate groups Lawrence
It's what people on Sup Forums mention every time the establishment tries to build up another authoritarian or propaganda tool - it can just as well be exploited by your enemy and then you are utterly fucked because you handed them everything they needed to achieve victory and then wipe you out.
Now they are learning why we said that.
The argument is that surely if you have billions of people's data that you can sell it. Unfortunately google has more people's data and can undersell you.
>tfw intelligent people use conversation and not random declarations for likes.
I actually think it's more likely the case that it's supported by the NSA/GCHQ in particular, instead of 'the government'.
Rather than funded by, I think twitter is now ran by these organisations. Providing the hardware and the server management.
Makes sense when you think about it, how could the NSA let twitter go down?
ding ding ding!
>hey rabbi
This is actually a good thing for us.
Sup Forums are now the shadowy, string pulling, subversive Jews. The fewer people in the public spotlight who are openly connected to us, the better.
>all those groups are literally samefag, fuck the origin or name
Haha what a stupid cunt.
This massive purge by google+twitter+facebook will end with a dotcom bubble burst 2.0. Watch all those social media services turning to Africa as their last effort to make a profit.
>The argument is that surely if you have billions of people's data that you can sell it.
And I still think it's very bad business model, unless the operating costs are cheap enough, which they clearly aren't.
This is the best thing about this all.
Until a couple of years ago, the political right basically didn't exist at all. It was liberals and liberals-who-pretend-to-be-conservatives controlling everything.
But they just couldn't stop doing this shit and making up lies, memeing an actual political right into existence.
>implying Twitter gives a fuck
Did they even ban the people calling for assassination?
Attention Sup Forumsacks:
In response to Twitter's censorship, we are working on a script that abuses Twitter's lockout in order to make SJW accounts unusable.
The script ia written in Python 3 and requires requesocks to work.
If you don't know what this means:
Sit tight, a dependency free version will be available soon.
How to use:
Run the script and enter the Twitter handle when prompted.
The script will work as long as you keep it running.
Praise KEK
Streisand effect incoming
They'll realize too late that they are on the wrong side of history
>y google+twitter+facebook will end with a dotcom bubble burst 2.0.
Realistically, Facebook is rock solid and Google much more so. Not sure about Twitter, however. If profitability can't ever be reached, it has no reason to exist, no matter how effectively it's used by elites.
I've been shitting on Tumblr since May
Why don't they just replace the hateful words with 'senpai' & 'desu'?
As soon as someone makes the next Twitter clone and promises no political censorship, they're finished.
user the fun time is over.
Stop making dumb jokes and do something.
Data mining is what every company uses now. Big data is worth heaps because you can make accurate and precise business decisions with it
>As soon as someone makes the next Twitter clone
Ideally for this "someone," a close that's actually profitable.
Haha, this is nothing. Liberals will feel safe in their twatter safe-zone. Shitposting and meme's will evolve to the next level and infiltrate
> Nuking a leaf
Over budget.
Behind schedule.
A rake will work just fine.
>Big data is worth heaps
Okay, but it hasn't worked yet and it's even more precarious than ads.
You know it's bad when a Jew points out you have a severe money problem.
>Realistically, Facebook is rock solid and Google much more so. Not sure about Twitter, however. If profitability can't ever be reached, it has no reason to exist, no matter how effectively it's used by elites.
How has Jack not been sued by twitter shareholders? You can't just burn a publicly traded company to the ground to shill for Hillary and leftist extremists.