Did their relationship work?

Did their relationship work?

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does it count as a man if you're a dickless robot?

Maybe she's really into rimming.

A better question is will they ever get back together?

It worked great until Byrne got offended and ruined two decades of comics over MUH DEGENERACY.

We can only hope.

Until Byrne threw a spanner in the works.



What does anybody see in this dynamic? What's the appeal or reasoning? A witch and a robot seems like a pretty random pairing

If your wife is always eager and ready to ride your "brother", then your relationship is shit.

like a clockwork

they're both autistic

Yes, and then they let Byrne take control.

It wasn't much about their powers to begin with, although later writers did play around with the magic & science, chaos & order themes that were a natural fit for them.

He was the only one of his kind, 'born' into the world as an adult, with the wants and feelings of a human, and struggling to cope with them, choosing to hide behind a cold façade.

She had been an outcast since she got powers that she difficulty learning to control, had escaped from being controlled by Magneto, but was stuck with an over-protective twin brother keeping her apart from the world.

The dynamic was two weird, introverted outcasts finding love with each other, and helping each other grow, develop and better themselves, eventually retiring to start a family.

For most heroes, the big important stories are big battles, deaths and rebirths. For them it was the little things everyone else got to take for granted, the domestic stuff like getting married, buying a house, having babies.

It was one of the best romances at Marvel, until Byrne ruined it.

>For most heroes, the big important stories are big battles, deaths and rebirths. For them it was the little things everyone else got to take for granted, the domestic stuff like getting married, buying a house, having babies.
Wanda threw that away because she wanted Wonder Man's cock, her one TRUE love.

Never forget.

Haha what if Lois Lane and Superman got a divorce?
And we had a series about Lois Lane as a single mother?
And she takes the BBC?
Haha, just a thought guys.

This is one of the few things where Marvel have been fighting hard against movie-synergy, and against what the characters' fans want.

Marvel could have taken the years since AvX to do a slow-build to getting them back together. But Brevoort is strongly against letting them get back together, so we've had Vision starting two new families, while the unpopular Wanda/Wonderman relationship got pushed, followed by Zub rushing Wanda into a romance with Brother Voodoo.

Unless Yoshida overrules Brevoort, don't expect any changes, even if Infinity War makes them hugely popular with normies.

Just retire, Brevoort.

Wanda is war criminal and should be executed for her crimes against humanity.

Shut up, Cyclops, you're dead.

He was right about her, so were all x-men, even her father was right about her.

Yep, they will imitate the MCU on so much but NOT that.

Order and Chaos
Ultron and Chthon
The New and the Ancient
Discovering humanity and trying to hold onto humanity (this is very prominent in the MCU V&SW).

Their oddness yet also being in many ways they are actually the two most human Avengers.

Their relationship is thematic gold.

Cap is based. He shows everyone else up for what they are.

I like how Magneto threw her under the bus instantly yet Cap is the only one who gives a shit about her.

Yes, even crazy old Chthon is a better dad than Magneto.

Huh, never realised the romance cut so deep. Just figured it was one of those token romances that last a few weeks just to sell a couple issues. That actually sounds pretty interesting.

It lasted about 20 years, they got 2 miniseries in the 1980s.

Several times writers have tried to get them back together, but never stuck around to finish the job.

It was fun while it lasted. That said, the only relationships that Marvel hasn't destroyed yet is Creel/Titania and Luke Cage/ Jessica Jones. Even then, it is probably only a matter of time.

>That said, the only relationships that Marvel hasn't destroyed yet is Creel/Titania and Luke Cage/ Jessica Jones. Even then, it is probably only a matter of time.

Absorbing Man's currently dead, user. It probably won't last, though.

Bendis won't be around to protect the Cage/Jones marriage for much longer, it's going to be interesting to see how other writers treat his characters after he leaves.

Regardless of changes in writers and editors, Marvel does seem to have an ongoing failure to understand that a lot of readers like to see lasting, long-term romances, and happy, loving couples. Fans want the their heroes to be happy and successful in at least one aspect of their lives, and there's an aspirational element to it.

Of course it did. It was one of the most stable and well done relationships a cape comic has ever done. Until writers with a hateboner for one or the other came along and fucked it all up

Dare I say it, Wanda and Vision separated and their children fucked with before reincarnating is just as worse as OMD.

Their breakup and then later Disassembled, are by far worse than OMD. OMD was shit for the Spider-Man mythos and character, but it only really affected Spider-Man.
Wanda going crazy made Marvel's comics worse as a fucking whole for decades.

Makes you wonder if OMD was the first time Mephisto killed a marriage and re-wrote the timeline...

And Whedon writing Wanda into his movie didn't even convince the editors and their obsession with synergy.

it hurts

and they don't reprint old comics and people dont read old comics so all their fans are dying out

i really hope someone comes in and reverse Bendis the whole thing.

Maybe bring in Master Pandemonium. Should it be a consequence of conflict between Mephisto and Chthon?

And yet the MCU has given them new fans, mostly younger, and it seems mostly female. Infinity War is going to create a lot more of them. They're the type of audience Marvel has spend the last several years trying to attract, but is chasing them away instead.

Just because people go out and watch a movie every few months, doesn't mean they'll buy overpriced comic books.
In the history of comic book movies, they have never appreciably had an effect on comic sales.

Reminder that Byrne claims Wanda marrying Vision was widely regarded within Marvel as the dumbest thing they'd ever done

>remember when it was "code" around the Marvel offices to say a story was not going to have anything really stupid in it by saying "…and no one is going to marry a toaster!"


If true, this is why no-one cares about fixing them.

Byrne is an extreme fucking faggot and I have no doubt that was his own shitty little catchphrase that he thinks everyone liked

The best thing Marvel could do for them at this point, is a series similar to what they're doing with Rogue & Gambit.

>find a writer who loves both characters
>someone who can accurately write their voices
>storyline that forces them to work together closely and brings up old feelings
>celebrate and pay homage to the best parts of their history, while downplaying or ignoring the worst (maybe better to completely retcon some of it)
>good art, not just "good for modern Marvel", and not afraid of being sexy
>aimed at longtime fans, yet easily accessible for newer readers

I think Byrne was exaggerating as a way to shit on Jim Shooter.

Given Wanda and Vision were an allegory for interracial relationships, they kind of give us a fascinating insight into what Marvel's progressive creatives really think.

To appreciate Wanda and Vision's relationship and its themes requires an imagination. Marvel's writers seem to lack this. The fact that they are both introverts means they require more effort to write (can't just roll out pop culture reference and quips), and they are both complex.

The outsiders are shat on, just like in real life, I guess.

A Vision and Scarlet Witch movie could seriously be cape kino.

Comics have had way, way worse marriages. Steve Englehart quit the book shortly after marrying them off, but instead of trying to break up the marriage they got some decent storylines out of stuff like Vision's angst over whether Simon Williams was the "real man" or not. They at least were popular enough as a couple that they got a miniseries and a maxiseries out of it.

The real problem was Englehart in the maxiseries making Vision a perfect bland suburban dad, getting rid of his robotic speech bubbles and telling us every issue that he is HUMAN and NOT A ROBOT and his MIND IS HUMAN.

Wanda was fine in that maxiseries, mostly (Englehart wrote her well and pretty much defined her character for a lot of people) but Vision had lost everything that made him cool.

So I can see why Byrne decided it was time to split Wanda from Vision, just like Shooter decided Wasp would become a more popular character divorced from Hank (which she did). The way he went about it was completely insane and damaging to both characters but that's Byrne for you.

But no, the marriage was fine. She's a mutant sorceress who sees his humanity, he's a synthetic man who thinks she's stronger in her own way than more typically Strong Modern Women like Mantis (or Carol, or whoever else is the New Modern Woman being pushed these days).

Don't the kids turn out to be Cap's though?

You'd think that since most comics writers would naturally side with the weird, introverted outsider like Vision over an extroverted normie and Hollywood leading-man like Wonderman. But Vision being a synthezoid is something they just can't get past. Worse, they keep trying to push the obviously false idea that both characters are exactly the same.

This may be why Englehart went so far on trying to establish that Vision is as human as anyone else, if he was surrounded by people who never got it.

You might be thinking of that Avengers Disassembled What If? issue. Cap has never had any children, nor cuckolded anyone on his team.

What are your hopes for Infinity War, anons? For millions upon millions of normies to see them, as we do?

>What are your hopes for Infinity War, anons?
For Quickslav to come back
And for Wanda and Vision to interact more

He has a dick you fucking casual