Redpill me on communism Sup Forums

Redpill me on communism Sup Forums

A meme with "The people" as the primary buzzword.

was invented by Jews

You're going back to it!


don't listen to this goy, it perverse system created by the gentiles

It's a Jewish construct

It makes Anglo investors tremble in fear, because they can buy or invest into countries to ruin them. So Anglo will say it's invented by Jews, when Anglo has the most Jews and circumcision, which was banned during Socialism.

You know when someone keeps trying to force a meme, and you call them out on it and they get all offended and are like "well, you all seem to know what it is so clearly its a meme now".
Communism is like that. People keep insisting that its the natural outcome of capitalism but keep trying to force it instead of let this supposed natural outcome happen, and then they disown it when it turns out it turns out to be a failure.
So yeah, a shit meme someone keeps trying to force.

*can't buy

Jewish invention meant to destroy traditionalism and monarchism

fun-fact, the man who killed the Tsar was a Jew

>says a glorified Anglo Gook
Germany: 10 million foreign born, population 81 million = 12% foreign born
Australia: 7 million foreign born, population 24 million = 30% foreign born
Switzerland: 2 million foreign born, population 8 million = 25% foreign born
Sweden: 1.5 million foreign born, population 10 million = 15% foreign born
Socialism/Communism = deportation of foreigners.

Do you enjoy to stand in lines for hourse to buy potatoes and onions?

As realistic as Santa

t. Free-market capitalist

You mean like you waited for uncle Sam to deliver you genetically mutated potatoes after WW2 to transform you into a cuck? That was some fun time for Americans, raped your women, taken over your banks and media, you braked like little doggy to get potatoes and made USA very rich. Good goy.

socialism in one country is fine.

marxist leninist idea of communist world revolution is not good. if a country wants to be communist, let them be. they shouldn't try to export communism abroad though. in that sense, stalin was a cool guy

>because i blame Marxists for the fact i can't even speak Russian and are under American control
Your cuck fetishes can't exists without niggers and Marxism didn't had niggers. Just remember who it was that imported niggers there, it's not so hard.

Seems pretty neato without all the gay shit about black people feminists and trannies. How do we make conservative communism real?

It's the ultimate redpill to get rid of degeneracy

Stalinism is Marxist Leninism you dumb fucking leaf
> if a country wants to be communist, let them be. they shouldn't try to export communism abroad though. in that sense,
That's not why he went with socialism in one country.

Exactly but for the most part communists/socialists are pretty degenerate or advocate degeneracy. How do we stop this? Is National Socialism the answer?

Dont try it. Its like crockodil but for countrys.

Jews were butthurt about Europe so they tried to bait lower class goys into hating other goys. Divide and conquer style much like feminism.
Only worked out in Russia and eastern Europe, though.

not memeing here but

can anyone legit explain to me what is communism and what it means.

i only know communism by the fact that people were forced to grow potatoes and starve and stalin was shit

>people were forced to grow potatoes and starve
This is basically communism.

Satanic poison/soul cancer.

A stateless, classless, moneyless society.

Marx understood the nature of the Market but not the nature of men. Somebody or a community will always try to screw you or take advantage of you for personal gains.

He didn't live the two world wars, failed to predict the welfare state which keep the system afloat. Failed to predict the constantly moving sweatshops or factories. Failed to predict that the overwingly majority of people are totally ok with modern slavery if they can saved 1$. There will never be a unity of workers worlwide because of the language/culture barrier.

Imo studiying maoïsme is way more interesting.

>Somebody or a community will always try to screw you or take advantage of you for personal gains.
that has a simple solution send them to the


Typical old school communist

A superior form of National Socialism

ask your family, you twat

Is that Stalin?

Is that a rotting dick on his arm?

Nice digits

An ideology based on the assumption that every person involved is "willing". Therefore an utopia.

Thank you. Also how is Stalin viewed in the post-soviet times. I know he his loved in Poland and Ukraine.

voluntary interactions(capitalism) vs Forced Interactions(communism)