ITT: Apologize for being white.
I'm sorry we invented vaccines.
ITT: Apologize for being white.
I'm sorry we invented vaccines.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sorry we probably designed the house you live in
Not built though, that honor goes to the beaner
I ain't apologizing for shit
Sorry we made the best civilization that anyone could ever make. Just ignore Sweden
On balance we're sorry for Vanilla Ice.
I'm sorry that when Martin Luther King Jr said that he dreams of "a world where people aren't judged by the colour of their skin, but by the colour of their character" that he wasn't just speaking about you
I'm sorry for giving you free house,money, drivers license, free dentistry, allowing you to stay in the country even if you commit murder,
I'm sorry for sending care to Africa
I'm sorry for being superior
I'm sorry we haven't annihilated your worthless kind yet
[apology for australian inventions]
1856 – Refrigerator
1874 – Underwater torpedo
1877 – Mechanical clippers
1889 – Electric drill
1902 – Paper notepads
1906 – The world's first feature length film
1906 – Surf life-saving reel
1912 – Military Tank
1928 – Electronic Pacemaker
1930 – Clapperboard, to synchronise sound on film
1934 – Coupé utility car body design (ute)
1940 – Zinc Cream
1945 – Hills Hoist
1953 – Solar hot water
1958 – Black box flight recorders
1960 – Plastic spectacle lenses
1961 – Ultrasound
1965 – Inflatable escape slides for airlines
1965 – Wine cask
1972 – Orbital engine
1972 – Power board
1979 – Digital sampler
1979 – RaceCam
1979 – Bionic ear
1980 – Dual flush toilet
1984 – Baby Safety Capsule
1992 – Multi-focal contact lens
1992 – Spray-on skin for burns victims
1992 – Wi-Fi
1993 – Underwater computers
1995 – Jindalee Radar System (detects stealth aircraft & missiles)
2003 – Ballistic proof glass
2006 – Cervical Cancer vaccine
> [acquired knowledge inserted] This has been modified for the purpose of Allah:ليوم تذكير (ctrLz)الله ملاك العلم يأتي الآنالله ملاك العلم يأتي الآ
I'm sorry for giving you the right to blame everything on me
I am sorry we elected Trump. I am not kidding. I am embarrassed to be a white man.
its content of your character you chav fuck. color doesnt even make sense, learn your own language
also nice digits
I'm sorry we gave you better lives than you would ever have had without us.
I'm sorry we've wasted, and continue to waste, enormous amounts of our wealth trying to help you.
I'm sorry we've allowed our pathological altruism to let you ethnocentric primitives take advantage of our more charitable nature.
you're just mad I got dem digits and you didn't
cry harder
Sorry we sailed the oceans and fought to bring an end to slavery.
Sorry jews
Good post, just a shame you kinda fucked it up.
I know, right?
I blame Cyndi Lauper
Oh god...
>passive-aggressive girly losers masturbatorily congratulating herselves and taking credit for things they had nothing to do with other than the happenstance to be born with the same skin color.
God damn you sadfucks put a new low to the word pathetic...
So can blacks stop crying about slavery?
For real. Why did you cunts had to invent shit and save all the week? Why can't you just let the nature take its course and let the strogest survive.
I'm sorry for bringing you alcohol. You're clearly incapable of handling it on a biological level and you should be shot to put you out of your misery.
Altruism is our biggest weakness.
>talking to black dude about native Americans
>I say "lol yea they got fucked big time"
>he responds "yea well y'all the ones that did it em like that"
if I can be blamed for everything that happened to native Americans even though I've never even met one I can take credit for vaccines.
I'm sorry we pretty much elevated all of you monkeys beyond what we should have and pretend you are normal humans when it's obvious you're violent animals that would rather live in mud huts and shit in streets.
I'm sorry we discovered insulin so you fat donut eating assholes can stay alive after you destroy your own endocrine system.
Sorry for starting slavery, which has meant millions of africans now enjoy the benefits of first world countries rather than being born into starvation, disease and genocide in Africa
So you stoop to the level of bitter niggers and injuns and every other losers that blame the white man for their problems? Yea man, you seem to be as great as those inspirational, great men who made progress for the entire mankind.
People like you are the furthest from achieving greatness like inventing vaccines.. Who do you think you are? Delusions of losers who have nothing going for them, and the lengths to which they'll go to make themselves feel better are truly astonishing.
>taking credit for vaccines created by liberals who want to improve every race in the world's health
Liberals don't judge white people basing on the color of their skin. They judge white people basing on their racism.
>taking credit for what you never did
>admitting your racism
>admitting your thirst for mass murder
>implying you are blamed by every person you see
>taking credit for what you never did
>pretending whites colonized other countries in order to help them
>pretending you have altruism
>applauds his race for putting an end to the slavery it created
>mixing up stealing someone's credit with having hatred passed on due to your ancestors getting enslaved and tortured
>implying you have any altruism and empathy
>acting so high when you're an unproductive neckbeard
>implying white people colonized countries out of good intent
>implying anyone asked your ancestor to come and enslave them
>implying african people wouldn't still be slaves if it weren't for pre-liberal whites to put a stop to racism
>mplying you aren't fat
>implying white people planned to enslave Africans in order to give them benefits in the 2000s
Basically you brought it upon yourself.
We didn't start slavey
Slavery has always existed in every culture. We practiced it for a, relatively, very short time. We then did because
>I sit on my ass and jerk it to Trump all day but I'll take credit for all the white man's inventions. Muh heritage
You think white people invented slavery?
Ever heard of the Barbary Slave Trade?
>White people cant take credit for ancestors inventions
>White people should be punished and owe reparations for their ancestors owning slaves
Sorry for art, people. Painting and ballet oppressed you very hard.
>implying the point is about who created slavery
You ok Pierre? No more migrants to fuck you in Calais so you go back to Shitposting?
>the entire post
get bombed froggie.
>>White people should be punished and owe reparations for their ancestors owning slaves
When did I imply this? I'm just making fun of the dumbasses who think they have done something for this planet with the mere coincidence of being born white.
Im sorry we didn't just execute your whole continent rather than enslave it.
Stop infecting us with your viruses white boy.
You stated we created slavery. We didn't. We engaged in it briefly. Do you go around criticizing arabs and blacks for the slavery they engaged in? You know that existed far before we took part, right? And you know we put a stop to much of it? Nobody else was sailing the seas capturing slave ships and returning and freeing their cargo. But apparently whites have no compassion. By comparison, you must view the brutal blacks and arabs terribly, right?
Awfully sorry about all this.
>implying achievements can be inherited the same way hatred is inherited
>admitting you are a hairy neckbeard stealing his ancestors' credts
>admitting by your own fail logic that your ancestors tortured africans
>complain about liberals namecalling you racist
>yet namecalling me as soon as you have no arguments
>dismissing my post with no arguments
>implying your post is of the highest argumentative rigour
>not undersanding I was talking about a specific slavery
>being bad at understanding his own language
>making an irrelevant point
>believing that being enslaved for years if a short time
>implying other races wouldn't have technologically advanced sooner or later
>implying other races ever asked you to colonize and ensave them
>I'm sorry for sending care to Africa
You should be.
clasic move froggie.
What do you think caused that mindset?
white devils.
t. Mohamed Islami Rachid al Franci
>implying other races wouldn't have technologically advanced sooner or later
Clearly not. Africa has objectively regressed from colonalism. Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, now they hunt rats for food and have donkeys pull cars like carts.
>implying other races ever asked you to colonize and ensave them
All races colonised and enslaved. Europeans at least put a stop to the cycle and left places better than they found them.
>implying achievements can be inherited the same way hatred is inherited
Superior genes and intelligence that lead to such achievements are inherited
>le born racist meme
>admitting you are a hairy neckbeard stealing his ancestors' credts
I just pointed out the inconsistency of sjw logic likes yours
>admitting by your own fail logic that your ancestors tortured africans
I was supposed to deny this?
Nigga I don't complain about liberals name calling me racist, I am one. So are you, we're all friggin racists. The word has just become emptied of its meaning.
I'm sorry we invented welfare
>implying other races wouldn't have technologically advanced sooner or later
>winning a race isnt an accomplishment, Usain Bolt! All the other competitors would have finished eventually!
I'm sorry we allowed non-whites into this country.
Well, a few of them first generation east Asians are alright folks. Hard working and all that.
The rest can fuck off.
Sorry for perfecting slavery (aka minimum-wage)
>still shows no argumentative skills
>keeps greetexting "no you!" as a means to project his non-argumentative dismissing skills
>showing racism right away
>implying I am arab
>implying arabs are bad people
>implying I am not white
>implying white people can't be defend other races
>making a statement without proof
>believing that African weren't just unlucky they didn't get good leaders as early as white people
>implying people whot put a stop the colonizaton weren't pre-liberal
>implying those people weren't sorry about the colonization
>implying those people wouldn't have voted for Clinton
>implying IQ is genetical
>implying it hasn't been proved by black people have higher IQ when born in Amercca
>has no shame about stealing his ancestors' credits
>admits his ancestors tortured Africans but refused to bow down and apology
>insteads asks Africans to thank him
>implying you don't think Africans are less intelligents which makes you a racist according to every definition of the word
White people build houses where I am from
>actually stupid enough to compare the advancement of technology to a race
>actually thinking advancing technology sooner was crucial
>implying you shouldn't be proud of what liberals did instead
>implying black people can't work hard
>implying neckbeards work harder than black factory workers
>implying the minimum-wage is bad
>implying its aim isn't to provide people with basic needs
>implying we should let people earn less income
I'm sorry we outshine you lot in every music genre.
>implying designing a house is hard
>implying supervising and building aren't much harder
>implying white people are good at music
>implying replying to a post means being triggered
>implying every Sup Forums poster is triggered
>Not understanding I was talking about slavery in general, not specifically the slavery we engaged in.
Read this Criticizing my English? It's a pretty simple sentence, and you didn't understand, it did you?
You state white people
ITT unaccomplished societal fodder cling to social identities constructed by claiming credit for work they didn't do and know nearly nothing about
Tell that to literally 95% of Africa. Tell that to most of the Middle East. Tell that to the majority of India and China, though those are more because they have 50 million people per square mile and have to stack shitty houses like tetris blocks.
This is now an anti-vax thread.
Post vaccine horror stories and any reason why (((they))) might want the average IQ of people to go down.
>implying white people aren't good at music
We even own their asses in rap, blues and jazz, the ones they supposedly invented.
Stick around, Frenchie, everyone here knows you're wrong, and eventually you will too.
vaccines are not exactly the pinnacle of western society, more like a work in progress
>implying nigger music is good
>implying shitskin music of any form is good
>implying white people haven't been the most famous and widespread musicians
You're welcome.
Sorry we invented the means to harness electricity and micro electronics so you can shitpost about how awful white males are on the internet which was also invented by white males. Gosh, I should be so ashamed of my heritage shouldn't I?
I'm sorry for inventing the coronary artery bypass surgery
>user makes assumptions as well as literally sucking cocks the entire day, sources say. Sad!
>"""white""" people
t. Jose Jernandez dos Mejicanos
>implying what liberals did to other slaveries is relevant to them enslaving Africa
>implying people who stopped slavery aren't preliberals who would have called you a racist
>never visited rich Middle East countries
>doesn't understand poverty is caused by poor politics
>thinks there aren't homeless people in Europe
>implying homeless people don't have a bigger heart than you do
>implying the both of you don't have shit musical taste
I personally would like to apologize for my ancestors bringing sanitation, infrastructure and knowledge to the worlds' indiginous species
Sorry for Vanilla Ice, not at all sorry for Snow
A big heart doesn't build a nice house. A big heart is also apparently responsible for more rapes than any other group of people in the world. I would rather be a decent human than have a "big heart".
wtf i love australia now
>implying liberals don't build houses for homeless people precisely because they have big hearts
>generalizing a tiny minority of rapists who aren't representative in the slightest of an entire group
fuck off sideways toothpaste, no one cares about your faggy helping people agenda, the poor and the mentally handicapped can't contribute anything to society and are thus worthless, we need to cull them so we can put our money toward real advancements.
>implying you arent triggered
lel faggerino
>implying the both of you don't have shit musical taste
Same goes to you, Ahmed. Your stupid Arabic chanting you call music isn't good on the dance floor.
> Steve Jobs
> White
>doesn't want to help people
>actually wants to murder poor and handicapped people
>not understanding peace and love are more important than technology
>not understanding that liberal farmers who don't use much the Internet are happier than you are
>implying replying to a post means being triggered
>throws an insult
>a homophobic one
>immediately assumes I am a male
>being racist
>not being able to appreciate traditional arabic music
Sorry we created a world where we could treat everyone equally instead of dog eat dog way of the wild
I'm sorry my ancestors bitched out and didn't kill all the shitskins
liberals are too lazy to work on a farm, nigga, but you know that, you are just shitposting; homeless people are not some virtuous group of people stepped on by the man, they are homeless BECAUSE they aren't willing to work for things, they are lazy pieces of shit that would rather beg for free money than make money themselves. Rural areas are majority conservative BECAUSE they are mainly farmers and other workers of that sort, and farmers are willing to work harder. A liberal would not survive a day waking up at 4:30AM and working until nightfall in a hot field picking vegetables and killing chickens, which by the way are absolute assholes and definitely deserve to die, you should not feel bad at all about eating meat but especially not eating chicken, fuck them.
did you just assume your own gender? never called you a guy. you one of dem transy panties? it's ok, friend... pussy or bussy its k w me ;)
u tuk da b8 m8
White people still build them, beaners just drag the heavy shit around. There's a huge difference between a laborer and a carpenter.
But when was shitposting invented by you guys?
>claims that rural areas are majoritively conservative
>therefore implies there is a minority of liberals
>claims liberals can't work hard
>claims Obama didn't work harder than Sup Forums unemployed neckbeards
>doesn't know faggot is a masculine noun
>turns into a sexist idiot because he assumes I am a girl
The point of it is not really to say any white person is superior to a person of another race, because obviously that's not true.
It's to remind people who think exterminating the white race through racemixing & immigration that we wouldn't have technology or science or any of the great achievements of the world if it wasn't for white people. So what achievements are we denying the future if we exterminate the white race now, because it's """"Racist"""".
>yfw projectionism
>implying this imageboard isn't a white copycat board based on an asian imageboard