In all seriousness, is this show just too deep? I sort of get half the episodes and what the metaphors and puns mean...

In all seriousness, is this show just too deep? I sort of get half the episodes and what the metaphors and puns mean, but half the other episodes just seems like random gibberish.

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It's good wordplay, thats it

You're overthinking it, OP.

Now that that's taken care of, it's time to quote random lines from episodes. Are you prepared for this moment?

It's supposed to be making fun of people who try to be "deep"

... or is it? it is

Are you dumb enough to answer rhetorical questions?

If you're trying to decipher the actual philosophies behind the show, don't bother. It's mostly gibberish, parodying new-age type religions. Xavier is full of shit but he takes himself 100% seriously and doesn't realize that most of what he says either means nothing or means something completely other than what he means, which is where a lot of the comedy comes from. It has no deeper meaning than that. It's mostly just absurdism with a lot of wordplay.

It helps no one to be reductive, OP.

I guarantee everyone who says "I had to watch it multiple times to get all the DEEP metaphors and jokes!" knows english as a second language

You got a license to sell hot dogs, chico man?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand some parts of Xavier. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Political History/Philosophy most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. If you didn't know about conspiracies about the US government creating AIDS and Crack (or the fact that the US funded Bin Laden and similar groups during the Soviet Afghan war) you wouldn't understand the "disease you made" joke in "what doth life"

This and 12 oz Mouse are shows that actually do require a set IQ to be able to enjoy. Whether or not you think there's meaning you at least have to be woke enough to step into such weird worlds and embrace them enough to laugh at them. Some of [as]'s finest work.

It's just lake humor.

>I need some of that disease you guys invented.
>The other one.
>That's the spice.

I swear, this show had some of the best dialogue.



this show is amazing, so many layers of humour in every episode
I was just rewatching episode 1 with the lads the other day when one of us spotted a truck with "FORESHADOWING" written on it speeding past in the background of a scene that is, well, foreshadowing

the dialogue is also really clever and the show has surpsingly good direction

The music was god-tier too

You know how at the end of the show it's revealed that the whole thing was Xavier doing Rorschach tests with that weird symbol?
I think that's a good way of looking at the show. It's busy enough that you can probably make something meaningful out of it if you look hard enough. That being said, I think there is a recurring theme of "people not understanding as much as they think they do" - like when Xavier thinks he understands how the guy in the wheelchair feels, or the anarchist thinks he understands how the slave feels, or any of the times Xavier misreads a situation and makes it worse by trying to help. Then again, that might just be comedy.

Been saving myself for marriage, or at least consent



And this lady... is Mother Earth.
And the Man... is Man.


We don't cotton to strange Chinaman with no sense of self who stand secretly by for indeterminate amounts of time

Clever. Here's your (you).
Now back to /lit/


Is the opposite of rick and morty


What the fuck was his problem, Sup Forums?

What was it the creators said
>its a lesson to our youth on the dangers of religion and faith
>Xavier is the kind of person who thinks they are the only enlightened being in the room and they are the only one that "gets it" and has to pass on their version of what "it" is when they themselves dont understand anything, yet he talks about it and passes his "wisdom" onto others even though his knowledge is incredibly flawed and misguided and doesnt care that he just got someones house burned down, he helped someone, and thats all that matters to him!
Its not nonsense but it is taking the piss out of those kinds of people who talk about "life" and spirituality like they understand the world but they are like 18 and have barely lived long enough to experience it and are just quoting someone else or talking absoloute shite, like a stoner who thinks their brain farts are deep and meaningful.


If you give up your gang, I'll get you a job at the jobby job center.

Can we stop talking about Armchair Philosophy for a second and recognize how bat shit crazy some of these episodes were?

Like that guy who had tornadoes as slaves picking cotton.

Or the time Xavier tore the fabric of space time to use as a sheet over his body to scare ghosts.



Hey guys
Don't spend it all in one place