"I drink alcohol"

>"I drink alcohol"
What's it like, falling for liquid Jew?

>not drunk on potato juice 100% of the time and falling for jewish economic (((((((((((((((((("""""""""""""""""""theory"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""")))))))))))))))))

Feels good, man.

Pretty chill

>makes me feel less like myself
>gives me confidence
>helps me die faster

>not falling for the granulated Jew instead

Cold Yuengling lager after a long day of work. Feels great. I don't abuse alcohol though. That's for niggers

iam russian too i hate alcohol.

>inb4 abu hamza al chechani.

>not embracing the amphetamine jew

Drinking to the point of inebriation isn't something you should strive for.
Drinking every once in a while is good for your health.
>Too much in one sitting = drunkardness
>Drinking every day moderately = fat

It's fucking awful because being an alcoholic is a damn expensive habit and I just want to be able to enjoy life without being hammered but that's fucking impossible now

Nice proxy Sweden.

got a case of that good good in my fridge right now

>Drinking every once in a while is good for your health.
Myth. Substances in wine and beer are good for health, but alcohol is not. Boil the alcohol off and it's healthier.

You're the Russian here, you tell us?

preddy fun desu

have fun being a monk. more alcohol and college pussy for me :^)

What the hell is the point of even buying alcohol then?


Wrong. Alcohol is the healty part, and without it e.g. beer is more or less liquid bread.

Correct, should have been more specific. I do cardio 3 times a week after i come back from the exercise I have a glass of wine.

I brew my own ale as a hobby, so it's pretty fun I suppose.

Not a myth. Its because it's known to help alleviate stress that it is considered good to have a drink once, or twice a week.

Have you tried Summer Wheat? It's pretty delicious.

/Temperance movement/ or die

eases the pain, it's a necessary part of my life now

I feel like I get drunk but it's hard to tell, I've worked as a bouncer and know I've never been as drunk as some of the fucks who I throw out, but not for lack of trying

wheat beer is gross but not as gay as IPAs

Dude it is so possible it just sucks at first, my life fucking rules now, in one year i lost 50lbs got a job at twice my previous salary, got an awesome girlfriend, moved out from my parents and got a new jeep, plus my skin looks awesome now.

Jesus drank wine

>It reads exactly like a greentext troll

Some people never change.

More like the liquid white man, shitskins have a few drinks and become retarded, the white man has to drink a pint to a fifth to get retarded.

i believe so, I drank a lot of the Sam Adams summer ale though it was pretty solid, I've also been drinking the Yuengling ale and black and tan recently

Yea that stuff he had was like 3%. Wines have gotten far stronger recently due to demand of higher potency.

Jesus didn't just drink wine, he turned water INTO wine. You can't get more pro-alcohol than that.

>I shower every day

What's it like falling for the hygiene jew?

Yea Sam Adams is good too. Haven't tried black and tan yet.

More like the liquid white man, higher alcohol tolerance and the shit is great, sipping on skol right now but vodka is shit. Got it for free, bourbon is god tier.

The effects of drink never change anyway. It always drags you down in the end.

Looks like anime.
Japs copied anime from whites.
Anyway, alcohol is the White man's beverage, sure, some pleb beer companies like bud are jewified, but most of them are WASPS making great beer which gets you laid.
Not like I spend my money on it though

Everyone I know that has never drank alcohol in their lives is still a virgin. Just saying

Pietistic protestants began the temperance movement and put the prohibition into law.

I make my own type of alcohol, out of prunes and sugar. It's called "palinca" in Romania, it's godlike, Ivan, we should have a glass some day.

i just like drinking
part of tradition here

Used to be on edge all the time and wanted to hurt the world man, like if I woke up as Superman I would have thrown the moon at it

Now I drink an entry level but delicious tasting wine called White Zinfandel, Gallo or Barefoot is best, and I can chill out, feel good, look back on life with a smile, and even sleep evenly and wake up energised afterwards.

Best thing it's only £5 a bottle. That's £2.50 for a good time feeling chill. Costs fucking nothing.

Cheaper than the alternative anyway

It involves human blood, doesn't it?

I may have celtic roots but at the very least I can drink without becoming an alcoholic.

> russian
> blames on alcohol

Yuengling is my go-to although, like you, I don't drink much.

Just take a look at who produces alcohol, and who owns the distribution networks in the U.S. The "point," as far as (((they))) are concerned, is that it's highly profitable.

whats the significance of that?


>Everything i don't like is Jewish

>blames on alcohol

Sup Forums wants to be Jewish so fucking badly

the nose knows.

Substances in wine are potentially healthy -- not sure where UK poster above got the idea that's also the case for beer.

In case it has to be pointed out for some folks: it used to be that certain kinds of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine) were pretty much the only way people could get hydrated reliably. Most sources of water were dirty and often full of disease-causing bacteria. Controlled fermentation had the benefit of killing the harmful stuff.

My dad was a drunk so I don't touch alcohol

the official beer of trump

kek are you a female?

Is it me or Yuengling sounds very Chinese?

I'm homeless in 1 week or 6 who knows will rob a store to get some money to start a non working life.
But have a cat and i don't know what to do whit my little bubi...

Whites and Asians share a similar culture.
Get. Over. It.

>Herbal Jew
>Wheat Beverage Jew
>Wheat Psycahdelic Jew
>Mushroom Jew
>DMT Jew

Feels good man.

Just don't let substances control your life.

My only regret is falling for the Tobacco jew. I need to go get a pack.

Last night it was my father's birthday, we went out and had a very nice meal. I enjoyed a German lager while I waited for my rare porterhouse steak to arrive. I enjoyed it with a pint of Cornish amber ale and when I went home, I enjoyed a Glenlivet from a Glencairn glass. I poured a small amount into the glass and swilled it around. Then I diluted the whiskey to a level at which my palate could discern its flavours and before drinking, I stuck my nose in that glass and took several enourmous whiffs like a madman huffing glue. It was spectacular.

>liquid Jew
That's your semen, OP.

Lol I probably drink less than anyone on this board. No drugs,cigarettes or masturbation either.

Ah of course i drink every second day a bottle wodka korn or whatever ballert

Excuse me if someone says something is American owned and I don't think of Ching Chong.

Seems boring though.
At least when I smoke weed I get better at drawing and playing music.
It's good if you want to get laid but otherwise....eh
Yeah cause you know you'd go wild

Glenlivet is pretty good. Good choice.

Alcohol is also a fat soluble.
Which means when you drink it, your veins are purged of fat that can clog them.

The only thing that should make me happy are my family, friends and God.

Studies show that two fingers of whiskey a day can actually stave off erectile dysfunction.
Trust me.

if you workout a lot you will have some immunity. Than alcohol makes you dizzy for most an hour, after what you just feel bad and tired. This way you can only have glass of wine, or beer, or cocktail once in few weeks. not even desire to have more

Thank you. It's a nice dram.
When I smoked, I don't anymore, I got better at listening to music but was shit at playing it. I certainly had a nice time though. Everyone reacts differently to both things, but I find drink is a great social lubricator and weed is something that makes me feel introspective.

very accurate analogy

I really don't, I want them dead

It's probably just a fancy "old-fashioned" way to spell youngling or something like that.


Weizen makes me think German or Belgian. Yüngling? Maybe it's from some regional dialect or something? Or an aberration.

Top tier drugs: Steroids.

Alright tier: GHB, Shrooms, Acid, weed, uncut cocaine, Ketamine.

Pleb tier: Alcohol, cocaine, meth, opiates.

>not falling for the fermented jew leaf and snus

DMT is the ultimate redpill

If you aren't a complete straight-edge teetotaler then you should be gassed, simple as that. Always remain in full control of your faculties.

Yeah schizophrenia is so red pilled.

It tastes bad, it makes you sick, it causes death and bad decisions, it makes you look like a fool, and the only reason anyone likes it is because they're told their entire lives to like it by media and peer pressure.

And, shrooms and dmt would be God tier, you fucking pleb

Lot of losers ITT. Where my chads at? HIT THAT KEG NIGGA

>liquid Jew
>not liquid Paddy

We irish lads were getting fucked up when the kykes were still sucking on their mother's teats and arguing over whether it was kosher.

I only drink on new years eve tho, and sometimes not even then.

>he doesn't even know about kava kava or kratom

It's fucking fantastic.

wish i could just smoke weed but im tryna find a job out of college so must drink. gives me confidence and is fun. try it betacucks, might give you the gall to talk to a grill

But the liver produces fat from ethanol?

Payed around 48 dollars just for a bottle of Kahlua and smirnoff. Thanks Socialism for letting me enjoy white Russian for this high of a price

I've heard about them, Always thought they were a meme though.

Reeeee don't make me aware that the image of "coolness" and "manliness" is just engineered to sell me useless crap like alcohol, cigarettes, suits and watches

Shrooms maybe, but DMT is pleb tier have fun with your schizophrenia.

>"I breathe air"
What's it like, falling for atmospheric Jew?

>Crediting Jews for the wonderful invention of alcohol
