Ava's demon

The demon is slow loading websites

Other urls found in this thread:


Might take a bit



So this is Ultra instinct Nevy



Glad you uploaded most of the update. Website's down for me

I kinda expected the update to end on this page considering the amount of cliffhangers there had been previously.

There is more? 1994 sends me back to the start reading page like every other update.

Now it is giving me a server error.

my mistake, thought there was another page, just website being slow



Michelle has seen blue planet


That's not wrathia, that's ava, is this fish retarded?

Maybe she sees Wrathia instead of Ava, just like how Ava sees Tuls instead of Maggie. Guess this happens only when they make a pact.

She is in her head according to Ava. Maybe dream Wrathia can hear her too.

Thread theme

that pose looks reaaaallly stupid

>This kills the crab


They're going to get in ANOTHER ship crash huh

I don't think the ship has even taken off yet

Besides mind play can Nevy actually do anything in this form? She doesn't even have a pact. Then again she looks to be more together than Wrathia was.

Please the only thing this ship had going for it was that Wrathia had chosen someone else when they were young and then ntred the fish when she tried to move on. If anything that Nevy cares is a good thing.

not that ship man, the actual ship

But this time. WITH NO SURVIVORS

her outfit is like literally an orgasm of symbolism onto my screen

So is this Nevy talking or something else? I thought she was originally a princess or something but now she comes across as a priestess.

I love how Nevy reincarnated or whatever with 10 outfits and a coral reef while Wrathia is just hanging around butt ass naked.

She looked kunda nun like on that conspiring panel, had the same rosary looking thing. Maybe she became a priestess before death.


Oh boy, another update where fucking nothing happens - that's three in a row.

Michelle said back in the formspring days that demon souls commonly reincarnate but only remember their past lives if they're powerful. Maybe that means even Wrathia is having trouble remembering her story. Even her second-in-command Pedri seems to only recall vague memories of his wife's hair when seeing Ava.

Old theory of mine is that the hosts themselves might interfere with memories somehow. Ava has a lot of reasons to hate the Titan followers for taking separating her from her parents, so she could of somehow copy-pasted their mascot character into Wrathia's story as the big bad who took away everything in one night. Tuls' infatuation with that flower queen may be Maggie's desire to find somebody. All sorts.

Nevy's powering up, Maggie's notcing shit, Ava's come under attack and Weathia's revealed to be a traitor. It's short but there's plenty of stuff happening.

She just comes across as a pious princess cilche.

'Priestess' was the title Michelle gave this picture. So probably that.


I think part of the issue is the format. Michelle even admitted at one point she kinda regrets the storyboard style comic. It certainly makes pacing a bit slower.

>Octo camouflage

>Pacted Gil is going to be able to mimic other people.

>Fishes are her clothes
Nevy confirmed to be Fishonetta

> Friends: 0
> Enemies:9078465472
BRAVO, Ava. You're a real champ.

>Nevy being a nun/priestess

It would somewhat explain more of Gil's obsession of being a religious fanatic as said in . Michelle herself said something along the lines of each of the demons being their hosts and vice versa. So it's more likely that not Nevy herself was at the very least, a somewhat pious and religious character. A follower of some religion and likely seeking answers and her place in the universe but got snubbed out of it by Ava/Wrathia.


Probably only in the context of her cephalopod features. She's not Clayface but she can change her skin colour, general shape and surface texture.

...what if Odin just starts burning his stash right in the middle of everyone and dulls everyone's connection to their hosts?

Hot bisexual orgy

>sharing your lovingly self-grown space weed with plantcunt and gaysmurf
I don't think so

Crazy cuttlefish lady has esper powers! Or I wonder if all of the demons have some form of PSI based stuff.

On the other hand, Wrathia did say that Nevy was one of her most powerful generals. Having water, colorshifting, and psychic powers would definitely put her up there. And the ability to completely mesmerize/induce seizure in people who look at her.

Also, good job on filenames, OP.

>Pearl necklaces are Yin and Yang


So how do you think Wrathia betrayed her people?

Hol up. I think you're and this picture is on to something.

>Nevy is infertile
>Wrathia broke up with her because either 'gay and we can't have babies' or 'even if gay through weird magic alien lesbian reproduction you're still barren' because she needed an heir
>Nevy upset about this
>Goes to convent and stuff because she feels useless
>Pedri comes in and she loves him because he doesn't see her as useless
>Pedri betrays Nevy gets with Wrathia and they have a kid
>Her envious nature is based in the fact that everyone else can have kids except for her as it could be the basis for a lot of her failed relationships

Seriously though, why not? Not his whole stash, but that stuff he smokes does dull the connection. We haven't seen what it would do to someone who's actually formed a pact, but it might stop what's beginning to happen. He might even be able to get away with blowing smoke in Gil's face.

Man these threads have gotten quiet.

>nothing sexy is happening
>Ava isn't being super cute
>update is a little too long to complain about it's length
>Hiatus wasn't announced

We are lucky to have lasted this long.

There was a multi-month hiatus, that's a given.

Coming up with a Language for the Vengess because I have nothing better to do with my time. AMA.

>>Ava isn't being super cute

This page is really confusing. I think it is to two panels with the first being the ceiling light and the second being Poison Ivy. It kind of looks like a light fell down.

Nah, you're just dumb.

There needs to be a ship crash every 100 pages or so

How do you do such a thing?

I need to develop at least 2 languages for my own work

Perfection doesn't need to be decorated.

There's nothing wrong with the format, the problem is the short, uneventful updates - it's the same thing that happens with so many webcomics where the artist goes through a rough patch and reduces their output but fails to adjust their pacing.

MC used to be averaging 15-20 panels a week and there was actually shit happening in that time frame - people escaping exploding planets, ships crashing, pacts being made, backstories being told, etc. We're 90 pages into this chapter and the only thing that's happened so far is Ava *FINALLY* coming clean about ghosts and pacts and shit, and it's still taking weeks and weeks of updates for this one scene to unfold. She's updating less (5-10 panels a week), but it's still paced like when she was posting 15-20 panels a week. The pacing didn't adjust to her new output, so it feels like it's crawling along at snail's pace. Same shit happened to Endtown when Neathery got out of hospital and dropped from five pages a week to three - the output changed but the pacing didn't adjust to reflect that.

To be fair these last few updates have had a lot of eye candy with Nevy's detailed outfits and animated panels.

I don't care about eye candy anymore, I need some actual plot and character development. Jesus we left TITAN HQ almost a year and 400 pages ago.

Well it's not your book.

With as much as I've shelled out it might as well be.


Just let it go man. Michelle is showing off her character designs. Let's just wait until they go 9/11 on some planet.

>more cute demon feet