So do we know anything about the next star wars cartoon? They know if they set it in the sequel era its going to fail...

So do we know anything about the next star wars cartoon? They know if they set it in the sequel era its going to fail, right?

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Probably something that ties in with Han I'd imagine.

But the sequel era is so much better than the stinky prequel era or the old and white OT era.

I heard a while back that it was going to bridge the gap between ROTJ and TFA, like the last aeries bridged AOTC and ANH.

enjoy your feminist divershitty propaganda

Just set it super far back. I like the idea of a unified counsel of Jedi like Clone Wars as opposed to scraps like the OT

>But the sequel era is so much better than the stinky prequel era or the old and white OT era.
I know youre shitposting, but i honestly cant fathom why anyone why likes that era or the movies based in it, so many possibilities and they made that era so barren and realtively lifeless compared to other star wars settings.

Oh boy. I wonder how sensitive they're going to be to all the bitching about Luke's character in TLJ.

I honestly hate the jedi at this point, so many interesting characters in star wars and now all the series focuses on the typcially one dimensional handsome force wielding character. Would it kill them to focus on something like a smuggler or alien?

>one dimensional
Hey now, Rey is shit but Jedi can be great. Ahsoka has depth.

I wouldn't be opposed to a series centering around a smuggler, but there would have to be a Jedi as a consistent supporting character at the very least. A lot of people, if not the majority, like Star Wars for the glow sticks

user that's like asking an Arthurian romance not to focus on a knight. The Jedi are the habitual main characters of Star Wars, that's just how it is.

If you're old enough to remember when Star Wars was more good than bad you're way too old to be crying about nuStar Wars here.

>A lot of people, if not the majority, like Star Wars for the glow sticks
Why so we let casuals with no respect for the franchise and with awful tastes who only like star wars for “da lazers” ruin it. Hell, the need to have a rebel force and more force shit is why the sequels suck as much as they did.

I remember 2010 or whenever the Ahsoka Framed arc aired though.

>you have to be a certain age to compain about something, if youre above my age limit you have no right to insult my badly made star wars films
Wew lad

All I know is that I am not going to watch it.

Looks like lazily drawn girl power stuff. Probably won't be inspiring little girls all that much but at least it will inspire some rule 34.

>Ashoka has depth

Compared to Rey?
Objectively yes.

There's stuff like that in the comics and books, not to mention two movies without any Jedi characters in them at all.

Anakin Skywalker is in Rogue One.

Jyn was basically just as bland and mary sued as a jedi, so that really didnt count to me. Im hoping solos good it wont be though

Ya got me. I should have said 'without any Jedi characters as a focus'. Vader's scenes are minor, but god did they steal the movie.

I enjoyed Rogue One. You can call Jyn bland but Krennic and Cassian made up for it, for me. I am optimistic for Solo so far, despite it's troubled development.

The bottom line is that Han and Lando are good characters so it will be hard to be a gutbustingly, bafflingly, ludicrously, embarrassingly bad as the ST with its sad excuses for characters (Kylo included. The performance might be good, but the character is as underwritten as the rest of them.)

Also Howard is a far better director than Abrams and is less egotistical/pretentious than Johnson.


It’s over, it’s all over. At this point, Disney must’ve realized they made a huge mistake with Kathleen/JJ/Rian

>The bottom line is that Han and Lando are good characters
So was Luke Skywalker, and look what they did to him.

Yeah but this is a prequel so they don't have as much leeway.
Look at Obi-Wan in the PT. GL kept him consistent.

Star Wars has been shit ever since the ewoks showed up. Pretending like Rey is the straw that broke the camel's back is silly.
Hell do you younglings remember Jabba's lisping gay cousin?
Or the Kinect Han Solo dance?
or the Holiday Special?
or "now this is podracing"?
Star Wars has been schlock for 35 years. A baby born when Star Wars turned to shit can run for president now.

>"now this is podracing"
Never got the issue.
It's no more cheesy than, say, the trash compactor scene.

>the last 3 star wars movies were awful
>somehow, someway, people still expected the next 2 star wars movies to be good
>everyone acts surprised and says that star wars is now dead

star wars fanboys are the biggest retards around

>>the last 3 star wars movies were awful
Roger Ebert liked all three prequels.
As did Richard Brody.
So that's a pleb and a patrican who both like them.

Cassian was just as bad as jyn, krennic was really good and i wish the movie was just about him and his struggle for control against tarkin, wouldve made for a much more interesting movie.

Literally all of that was at least entertaining and not extremly boring or downright insulting as the ST has been. Notice how prequel toys still sold but NOBODY is buying toys for the sequels?
>somehow, someway, people still expected the next 2 star wars movies to be good
They owed us for them to be good, everyone thought for years the sequels would reignite star wars with all the possibilities for it. But as soon as i saw disney was the ones making it i had my fears.

>If you're an adult you shouldn't throw toddler bitchfits over children's movies you didn't like


Literally end your life disney cuck

Ok, I will.

Not at all.

Well, then, the series is doomed.

>They owed us for them to be good

they don't owe you shit. being a fan of something does not entitle you to anything. liking something is not some kind of fucking accomplishment. everything star wars related that isn't the OT was made for the sole purpose of cashing in on autistic fanboys such as yourself.

If Star Wars is your favorite franchise you have really bad taste and deserved mocking to begin with.

They filed a trademark for Star Wars: Resistance, it's over.
>Rebels but in a shit era with a worse faction

Fuck you, we are the ones who fund this series, they shouldnt have the right to turn it upside down and make it yet another feminist pandering franchise. Fuck each and every one of you faggots that uses the “hurr fans dont deserve shit” excuse. Only contrarian dipshits who want to look edgy use it, or genuine shills, either way fuck off and die, especially if you are the latter.

I just hope Rey stays the fuck aw-
>8 females
Ah shit!

George was pumping far more money into TCW than was necessary for that kind of show. You assume too much.

>Literally all of that was at least entertaining and not extremly boring or downright insulting as the ST has been
>literally all of that
okay so for the record, all of that includes this:
So you're saying Rey existing is worse than this and you think that doesn't make you sound really, really sad?
And before you try crying shill, I'll remind you, I'm the guy that hates everything after Empire. INCLUDING the Disney shit.

>They filed a trademark for Star Wars: Resistance, it's over.
Oh fucking christ no, the resistance as a whole was a fucking stipud idea to begin with, and had the worst characters come from it.
It was my favorite as a kid, even though i like other things more im still attached to it and hate seeing how badly its getting raped now.

>hates everything after Empire.
So you HATE the RotJ throne room scenes?

>So you're saying Rey existing is worse than this
Absolutely, this is just a shitty video game that no one remembers, rey is a garbage character ruining the films with all her unnecessary screen time and focus, and also tainting the brand because no one wants to touch any merch associated with that rake looking chick with a ten foot long pole.

>liking a franchise means I get to be the sole decider of what happens to it

get the fuck over yourself, you are not important, you are just another a piggy bank in a sea of millions of people. this is something that hasn't been good since the 70s and has spent the past few decades just being a toy commercial.

>since the 70s
The Empire Strikes back was not finished until mid 1980.

>hasn't been good since the 70s
ESB and ROTJ came out in the 80s, though.



It doesnt mean they should totally shit on and ruin it. It also doesnt mean we dont have the right to criticize their works. Anyways, you seem way too upset that someone is insulting disney and their star wars films.
>hating the jabbas palace scenes
Are you just naturally this stupid, or were you involved in an accident at a young age?

>It doesnt mean they should totally shit on and ruin it.

it was already ruined. it was ruined before you were born. you are acting like shitty star wars movies are some kind of shocking new event instead of business as usual. this is why I am calling you a retard. i don't give a fuck about disney's shitty toy commercials.

>getting raped now
Again. Christmas special. Kinect.
I don't like Rey but focusing so much on her as the deal breaker just isn't a good look. And I get it. You feel about her how I felt about Ahsoka. But I got over it. You should too.

And i said they were at least enjoyable before, before disney turned them into the snorefest full of pandering at all. Learn how to fucking read you fucking retard.

>But I got over it. You should too.
I wont because they keep ruining it worse year after year, so fuck off

>they were at least enjoyable before

you enjoyed the prequels because you were a retarded kid. they are fucking awful movies that were made because george lucas wanted a bigger mansion.

>that were made because george lucas wanted a bigger mansion.
just WRONG
explain this

This. There's been more bad star wars movies than good once since attack of the clones.
And really, Rey isn't any more retarded than Anakin. The only real problem is that she hasn't lost a hand yet.

because bigger movie means more toys sold. are you an idiot? do you not know how a business works? spend money to make money.

>Rey isn't any more retarded than Anakin.
Rey has no character. Even if you don't like Anakin, he has a character.

I can explain it. He made the TCW cartoon for his daughters. Which is why Ahsoka exists, so they could have an insert.
Lucas would almost definitely approve of Rey seeing as how he created her prototype a decade prior.

They were still more enjoyable then this shit, the sequels for years were expected to have been better for years, and before the expanded universe mythos were still getting new media thats was good, unlike now were everything disney makes is that one book where poe farts alot. I fucking hate your kind, you are fucking scum for excusing disneys immoral crap just because “hurr it was never good”. I hope you and everyone like you smug faggots fucking die and burn in hell.

>people unironically defending the prequels

Have we finally reached peak contrarian?

No no no, i'm talking about the Clone Wars tv show.
George was spending at least double what Disney spends on Rebels right up until the end, far after the point that the show was bleeding viewers.
Explain why he wasn't more frugal if it could be done for half the money.

Wow. You ARE young.
You don't remember when people were calling him Mannequin Skywalker because of how bland and nothing he was?

if you unironically enjoyed the prequels you have awful taste and lose the right to have an opinion.

It doesnt excuse disneys movies, and even ATOC had more intersting things it gave us like the clones and genosians.
Ahsoka was actually enjoyable, also he hated TFA so no, he didnt approve of her

>Explain why he wasn't more frugal if it could be done for half the money.

He could have made it for his daughters without being wasteful, correct? If he was so interested in money.


Star Wars: The 106th

okay now just replace the word "movie" with "cartoon".

No, the contraian shitbags are the faggots in this thread excusing disneys actions
if you unironically defend disney at all you have awful taste and lose the right to have an opinion.

Is he bland and nothing or is he whiny and creepy?

Nobody is defending disney. You are making up imaginary enemies to scream at.

I agree, but rey is even more annoying and bland, coupled with the fact shes so OP and can do nothing wrong all you want to do is sock her jaw in and make her cry and feel down and powerless for once in her perfect life.

This. Anakin turned into a monster. Rey is supposed to be a good guy.

Fucking hell, that picture

>disney can make like a failure while tumblr hair teaches all the men the dangers of mansplaining and you have no right to criticize them you sexist pig
>i-im not defending disney


This is some /r9k/ stuff holy shit.


You are quoting a post that never happened. Please point to a post in this thread that says the sequel trilogy is good.

lol. You're not even subtle man. You're just mad about girls in star wars. It's funny that a vag is what it took to expose how trash the franchise is for you when the writing was on the wall for almost 40 years beforehand.

>Republic Commando: The Series

>You're just mad about girls in star wars.
I'm not that guy though. Also I like Ahsoka and I tolerate Jyn, so wrong again.

This faggot is saying we shouldnt have to right to be criticizing the sequels, if thats not defending then i dont know what is.

Huh, that's strange, that post doesn't say that the sequels are good. Are you sure you quoted the right post?

You're not criticizing anything. You're just having a huge autistic meltdown while the rest of us egg you on.

Im the one that made the post. Its not because shes a fucking girl, i hate kylo just as much. I thought jyn was way too much focused on but couldve been interesting and i dont hate her.

>calling me a faggot is the same thing as defending a billion dollar corporation

okay, fag

I liked Jyn too. Felicity Jones' acting wasn't great, but at least she was a belligerent asshole and had some character beyond 'being perfect'.

>if its not directly stated in front of me then it doesnt count because i cant understand underlying meanings or subtext
Wow, how does it feel to be a fucking sell out to side with disney just so you can be an autistic faggot and “ebin troll” someone?

>Wow, how does it feel to be a fucking sell out to side with disney just so you can be an autistic faggot and “ebin troll” someone?
Pretty fun actually.
I haven't seen any of the new movies. Or the new cartoons. The last star wars thing I saw was the CG Clone Wars and I checked out after that

Youre literally saying we cant insult something that was, for many years, made specifically for us. Go back to youre safe space if you dont want to hear insults against movies, cunt.

Who is this "us" you're referring to?

You are the problem with this world, scrawny dipshits who dont vakue anything and wont side against the people ruining the workd, all just so you can act like a douche online against people voicing their discontent at the state of things. You are a failed abortion of a human being and lower then dogshit.