>Killmonger is 3 seconds from decapitating T'Challa >Forrest Whitaker breaks a sacred and traditional ceremony to save T'Challa's life >Killmonger still stomps his ass >T'Challa comes up with some bullshit excuse about how Killmonger didn't really beat him >Killmonger has to hack his way through Wakanda's most elite warriors before fighting BP >T'Challa has a more advanced suit, homefield advantage, the element of surprise and still barely manages to pull a win out of his ass
Is T'Challa a bitch or is Killmonger just that good?
Isaac Howard
>>T'Challa comes up with some bullshit excuse about how Killmonger didn't really beat him According to the rules, he didn't. >>T'Challa has a more advanced suit, homefield advantage, the element of surprise and still barely manages to pull a win out of his ass They had equally advanced suits, and he didn't really have the element of surprise.
Aiden Harris
Is this the new shitposting/bait of Black Panther, constantly debating over this stupid challenge?
Ian Cooper
>>T'Challa has a more advanced suit Their suits were the same, only difference is T'challa had practice in his.
If anything Killmonger's necklace was bulkier, which could've allowed it to hold stronger/better tech within it, than T'challa's less conspicuous choice.
Brandon Moore
KM should have lived long enough to see BP help niggers around the world instead of dying a bitter asshole. This is worse than in dark knight rises when Talia died a smug bitch thinking her plan succeeded
Camden Walker
That is absolutely what it is.
Levi Bailey
>KM should have lived long enough to see BP help niggers around the world instead of dying a bitter asshole. He was given a choice. He choose wrongly, but it was a choice he freely made.
Isaiah Peterson
Is the magic herb in the comics? I thought Black Panther didn't have any powers, just a super suit and super kung fu that lets him put Silver Surfer in an armlock.
Gabriel Brooks
Yes. How about you read a damn book?
Noah Roberts
>T'Challa comes up with some bullshit excuse about how Killmonger didn't really beat him The current state of white people