Does anybody really ship this shit?
I think it is fucking creepy and disgusting. Also Logan works best alone
Does anybody really ship this shit?
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Self inserting manlets do. Bad boys do. Women who like said bad boys do.
Men don't really give a damn unless they have confidence issues.
Logan should never be romantically involved with anyone. Only hookups. But young Jean should be off limits no matter what. It's extremely creepy.
>Also Logan works best alone
Redheads are too rare to mate with people who aren’t light haired. They need to be protected.
since the confirmation that teen jean is the real jean the mere thought of any jean kissing logan became repugnant
tfw no renew your vows type book with logan and mariko
tfw no ramen connoisseur issue
tfw no logan tries running a sushi bar issue
it hurts Sup Forums-tachi
>I think it is fucking creepy and disgusting
Perfect for the X-Men then.
No, but I do ship Teen Jean with Old Man Logan, I have a fetish for disgusting graying men fucking teen girls like Jean.
Logan has always had an attraction to teenage girls.
It's just rare it's explored
The dirty secret no one wants to admit is that Logan is just a manlier Edward Cullen.
Most good X-writers don't like shipping Wolvie with Jean. Js it creepy and disgusting with current Jean? I don't know, but I think Logan SHOULD get some true love interest at the end of his character arc yeah, I know...
Logan is for Mariko
And has Ororo as a sex friend, that's best Logan.
I don't know if I'd call it creepy and disgusting (Ultimate X-Men) was way fucked up though) but I've never really been for it. Are we talking about Logan and Jean in general or Logan and from the past Jean.
This anons get it. Logan x Mariko is the patrician Wolverine ship.
Pretty much.
Who the hell are you calling little one, Logan?
Logan and Red .
Cyclop and emma.
This is cannon and please try to be a little less of a faggot next time op.
that is mariko, he met her in mid teens.
Anyone that ships it never got what the logan-jean stuff was about. It was about logans pain and how his life is full of loss. There's always something out of reach or he loses someone. Actually putting them together destroys that.
Where the fuck did the idea that relationships with any sort of age difference are creepy come from?
It's not what "creepy" means and I'm tired of men being framed as creepy for basically daring to have a sex drive.
For fuck's sake we're talking about a telepath here, if anyone has power over the other and can manipulate them it's Jean, not Logan just because he's older.