It's time

It's time.

Other urls found in this thread:,_3rd-50,_2nd-50,_1st-50&crater=1&casualties=1&humanitarian=1&fallout=1&ff=52&linked=1&kt=100000&lat=59.3293235&lng=18.0685808&hob_ft=0&fatalities=1273935&injuries=326911&psi_1=1871972&zm=6





South Brazilians are beyond autistic. Yes, I know your region is slightly better than the rest of the country, but learn to live with it... you may as well just paint Northern Argentina red while you're on it.

fucking cyriot retard, literally cucked by turkey

So I should kill everyone living in the same place I am? Are you retarded?
I did not kill all of Africa because it was undeveloped, but because it is full of niggers, and I do believe that Argentina is white.

White people hate everyone because they hate themselves.

t. white 100% european

Why Chile?

I think they have a pretty western-like level of life

I can tell you that their capital is pretty comfy

Dud we would have no anime is you wipe out Japan

I didnt.


Lol true I was looking at the small island next to China
Thank god we still have animu

You playing EU4?

>Argentina is white

What's wrong with Taiwan?


Take it all back




That game is so good but so mentally exhausting, most of the time I don't even know how to proceed. Everytime I play it I just leave it after like half an hour and go play Civ 5 like a pleb.

Perfect 100/10.

You literally just killed hundreds of old nazis and their kids, good job ignorant kraut.

My grabdmother is german and you would kill her? Die in a lava pit autist, i hope you never get Danzig back, i'd rather be Polish descent desu.

This. My grandfather was a member of the Ustasa

And not only that you side with Chile the anglo traitor pets, holy fuck just end yourself.

>mentally exhausting
Yeah if you're retarded. It's easy to go on multi-hour Eu4 sprees if you know what you're doing

Lmao a fucking monkey.

Why are argies so easy to trigger?

>this butthurt


I'm new to strat games so I'm just getting used to it

Hey calm down, don't nuke la Guyane.

Argentinian education?

CK2 is a good game to start.

What's in there besides more niggers for you to import?

Why the fuck do you want vassalize Middle East`s Palestine, Syria, Israel, Lebanon & Jordan?

Why do you nuked Australia & Japan, but not Phillipines?


What's your beef with Romania? If you go meme tier arguments with the gypsies don't bother.

Save England and this is a good timeline. Scots and Irish can go.

>le buenos aires independent meme

We will be, soon.,_3rd-50,_2nd-50,_1st-50&crater=1&casualties=1&humanitarian=1&fallout=1&ff=52&linked=1&kt=100000&lat=59.3293235&lng=18.0685808&hob_ft=0&fatalities=1273935&injuries=326911&psi_1=1871972&zm=6

>Greater Kingdom of Jerusalem
From that is where we fight against the muslims

>wants to make europe into vassals
still not learned that lesson?


deixa de ser retardado, pior que a negada que quer a volta da monarquia

Why the fuck is all the of the fallout going northeast?



>take it back
Good luck, cunt. We'd wipe the floor with you softcocks

t. favelado


This guy isn't french, it's just another monkey.

Até Paris é melhor que a sua favela. Continue a chorar

>implying you are not using proxy
>implying Paris isn't a favela

>implying bad thing

R a t e

Congolombia should be destroy as well. They are pretty much the worse mix between Ecuador and Venezuela.


>don't understand what you did in Brazil
>why kill Ecuador and leave the others alive
>why live Tunisia and Morroco alive
>don't understand what you did in India
>why kill only rural China
>why no vassals
>why Alaska seceded from Union

im okay with this

Excuse me?

I like you, but your PC and leftists are ruining you. You need rigid Namibian right wing rule for a while

Fuck Tasmania, fuck Auckland.

Why do you nuked the Kerguelen Islands on South Indian Ocean?

Are you white?

>don't understand what you did in Brazil
Eliminate the large swaths of ethnic minorities.
>Why kill Ecuador and leave the others alive
Almost entirely native population.
You could argue the same for Peru, yes. But they have a good culture and mostly stick to themselves.

>why leave Tunisia and Morroco alive
Tunisia and Italian history/genetics.
Morocco and Tunisia are typically very tame, and decent countries in the Islamic world.

>no vassals
America shouldn't have any. Besides, the world is practically already our vassal.

>why kill only rural China
Clear out half the population without eliminating the chinks entirely. We still need their slave labor.

Forgot to color grey.

I've always found Colombian's attractive. And they have a good portion of European genetics.

Gotta teach those smug fucks their place
yeah, are you?

South Island is fucked when the fault gives. Why would you want to destroy the only Island that wont be ravaged by the earthquakes?

South African White Minority? (Boer? Afrikaans?)

If you are killing natives, might just nuke Paraguai aswel.


>South African

>might just nuke Paraguay
I did


No, light skinned mixed, no african heritage tou.

>what is inspect element.



Bruh there's a big Greek/Cypriot community here

why are you keeping rwanda and bruine

>tfw sempai notices you
>tfw you just want to be like sempai and be a modern western metropoli
>tfw a bunch of lazy liberals who want free money and retards are ruining your country

pls nuke us

It's not only you.

Also, check'd.


is that trinidad and tobago?


>forced meme


based burger who does not want to nuke iran cause of muh nukes and israel

>inb4 reza plz
>plz dont hate ;(


>tfw even rares wants to nuke us


>Tierra del fuego and the south of chile allies
Nice education

Yes, Yes it is.

I don't want to nuke it but I also don't want them to live freely. I guess colonize them.

Nice map. Makes sense. 8/10. Why not philippines and malaysia, though?

just because you own northern ireland doesnt mean its worth keeping. also why isnt canada red. i would be willing to throw in alaska as well

Keep it small