>mfw USA has an average IQ of 98 despite 40% niggers and spics
>mfw that means American whites have an IQ around 106
>mfw smartest people on earth
>mfw objectively most attractive people on earth

Can inbred yuropoors even compete?

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Terrible bait.

You're welcome.

by Sup Forums logic this means AMERICA THE GREAT is truly the best because has many of master race with many other race to help run other parts yes

self-reported ancestry

those that simply said 'American' would be of British descent


>doesn't know that IQ, by definition, is normalized so that the average for a population is about 100

please go back to mexico

yank bro what's a good community in the us that is full white, rich and beautiful?
doesn't have to be big at all
for example a town less than 100k or 50k people

98 is a score with respect to a global sample I assume
not sure how he got 106 though, probably using national scores, which doesn't make sense because of how IQ is constructed

Look for college towns in new england and appalachia.



fuck off swarthy Kraut, real Americans are pure Anglo, germans aren't white due to being mixed with sandniggers, even Benjamin Franklin said your complexion was not white

>IQ, by definition, is normalized so that the average for a population is about 100

By definition the average of the UK is 100.

Every other population is compared to the average UK scores.

Midwest suburbs but beware of indians in certain areas

Pretty much this. It also ignores people that think they are Norwegian cause their lady name is Johnson or the plastic paddies that think they are Irish but their whole family is Presbyterian

fuck outta here

mixed with sandniggers?
since merkel came in. jamal wasn't walking through the streets of mecklenburg in 1603

Anglos are germanic, they can't be more white than pure germanics.

How have we dropped from 88% white thirty years ago to 63% today and no one talks about it?

25% drop and no one talks about it, or if they do allude to it they talk about how "diversity" is making us better.

It feels like we're being replaced.

if european and east asian nations could just choose not to include the bottom 40% of our popultions we'd score much higher too, genius

Actual Anglos are Germanics.
Native Brits aren't, and they make up the vast majority of white British genetics today, even though British people desperately try to claim Anglo and Saxon ancestry.

IQ is only high because you're the country with most jews

Was Benjamin Franklin literally retarded? He thought Swedes, who are among the most fair-skinned people on earth, were swarthy?
Also, did he not realize that the Anglos are the swarthiest people in northern Europe, usually combined with dark hair and brown eyes?

For a true American experience, I'd suggest Portland, OR. Yes it's quite a bit liberal, but it's over 75% white, and that's as white as you can get for a major city that offers very high living standards, it's really comfy as well.

Its really not controversial to say that until immigration "reform" in 1965 the USA was basically what happens if you took away all bad things from Europe (fractured loyalties, outdated borders, petty squabbling, landed aristocracy) but kept the superior European genes and got rid of the many arbitrary borders and language barriers. SHOCK TO NOBODY it became the most powerful country in the history of the world and has stayed on top despite enduring a literal invasion of trash.

Why do all your actors need to be imported from overseas then?

Irish are Catholics. Scots are Presbyterian.

> It also ignores people that think they are Norwegian cause their lady name is Johnson
How is it possible to know so little about your own country? A significant portion of the Norwegians who emigrated to the US, settled in northern states, and most of them kept their traditions alive. Most Norwegians also arrived in the late 1800s, and it's not exactly hard to keep track of who your great grandparents were.
Incidentally, the states with the largest Norwegian populations are also the ones with the highest IQs.

You ought to understand the meaning of swarthy, it doesn't mean 'brown' skinned, it actually means warm skinned, Germanics are warm-skinned, as they usually have reddish-pinkish skin tone

Eh its just niggers.

Minor miracle Illinois is that high considering what it deals with...I've heard white Chicagoans are fairly based though.

And Ohioans are at the heart of it all.

Actors jobs are to look pretty and follow orders. There are intelligent people who chose to be actors, yes, but being an actor did not require intelligence.

I'm specifically discussing the IQ of our white population you globalized nigger

No, it doesn't. He clearly lists dark-skinned countries like Spain and Italy.

Swedes who live right in our neighbourhood also thought Finns are black-haired.

>High IQ
shut the fuck up cheeseslicernigger

What many people don't understand is that the largest genetic admixture in American whites is Germans.

Due to the massive tidal waves of German immigration around the turn of the 20th century, there are more German genes in American whites than Anglo genes.

This is why WW1 and WW2 were so bizarre. Most of our population was from Germany, and yet for some strange reason we sided with England.

Big words from a fat nigger.

Yes, Florida is well-known for its German and Irish descendants.

Norwegians have the largest brains in Europe. Although not as large as the Eskimos.

For some reason Eskimos have extremely large brains, but lower IQ levels.

this tbqh. Also, fuck the UK.

It mostly has to do with your history. You're culturally tied to the Brits because you used to be a British colony. The earliest settlers were also British, and the fact that you speak English makes it even more confusing for anyone who hasn't looked into it.
I guess you should be happy about it, though. Without the German influence, you'd all look like Rowan Atkinson, Russell Brand or Current Year Man.

Yes that's why i wrote it. Because you get dumbasses that think they are irish even though they are Presbyterian

>large brain
>anything to do with intelligence

Egyptians have large brains? are they smarter than Italians or Brits? I don't think so.

Because they want to feel like special little snow flake or the church they went to used Norwegian liturgy

During the 1700 and 1800's lots of Ulster Scots immigrated to the US

For some odd reason America refers to Ulster Scots at "Scots-Irish"

You can see where the confusion arises from

Now generations later their dumbass descendent think Scots-Irish means the same thing as Irish and when someone asks them what ancestry they are, they say Irish

I thought most American ancestry was British until after the 1980 census when they added new ancestries

I wonder if it has something to do with the cold?

>all of these snownigger yankees

It's about 60% Briton, 40% Anglo & Viking

officially KRAUTED

>anglo saxons
fuck off dirty fucking honorary jews


Western or Northern Michigan. Very comfy state as long as you aren't in Detroit.

Why do russians have such meaty brains?

portland is a piece of shit.


spotted the cuck


You're playing dick measuring games with insignificant margins in iq. 106 is still fucking low, that's like saying my dick is better than yours because mine has six inches where yours has five. Meanwhile the guys with dicks that actually matter have 8-12.

>kills 30 million whites
>claims to hold europe's interests at heart

fucking krauts will never change, they are and will always be the biggest kikes

Isn't Finland a gook country

Don't be silly. We all know you're black, so that couldn't have happened.

you're on Sup Forums m8, individualism doesn't fly around here, you measure your worth by that of your race.

Actually no. A recent study concluded that we're neither European nor Asian.

That is why they not redpilled either. let the groids move in. That is where the knowlege come from.

Post actual stats, not some bullshit reasoning of yours

Provo, Utah. You even get to experience the whole LDS thing, a truly American religion. Or Coeur d'Alene in Idaho.

I lived for a couple of years in Salem, MA, and it was pretty cool. There were no Mexicans and I only ever saw two black guys who were pretty cool.

As a Brit, you'll like Massachusetts. Boston is as close to London as America gets. Beverly, MA, which is basically Salem, was George Washington's naval base during the Rev War.

>IQ of like 180
>Objectively attractive

Take that niggers.

He dont' need stats for facts. kekbait!

well too bad the opposing sides didnt go to peace after hitler requested it several times

not to mention stalin was going to go to war with hitler as he was mobilizing his army on the border so him invading russia was justified.

Franklin's comment that French and German people are swarthy is especially unusual when you know that George Washington himself was of mixed English, French, and Dutch ancestry.
Surely Benjamin Franklin, an intellectual, would be aware of this.
Was he making a strange remark about Washington?

unfortunately they (the lds) are all in now on the immigrants and really pushing the mexicans and blacks now. reason they all in for immigration and open borders. So expect it to be overrun!

We must know different Mormons.

You're country literally doesn't exist.

The majority of white Americans can simply be summed up as some mix of English, French and German descent in no particular order or amount, with sprinklings of the last 150 years of south/south east/east euro immigration.

good point. i guess i was wrong after all


No. uusisuomi.fi/tiede-ja-ymparisto/202085-kommentti-uutiseen-suomalaisten-geeniperimasta

Maybe you should read some Nietzsche before using his terminology.

Professor vs professor.

Facts vs. nonsense that wasn't even in the study.


I've read the study and although the study wasn't about Finns or their genetics, the conclusion Laakso makes is correct. The outcry seemed to be about identity politics and not about genetics. It's the same whining as always; this or that is a social/cultural construct and everyone should be allowed to be whatever they happen to identify themselves as.

Identity politics is irrelevant, all that matters if genetics. In global genetic clustering, Finns are tightly around Europeans and this is where the "races" come into play. There's not much else to say about that other than the interpretation of the study was misleading.


Did you also take into account that people living in the western and southern parts of Finland aren't generally Finns?

This has always been well known

The whites who fled to the free world had no safety net to fall back on and something like 30% of Europeans who came in through the Islands went back to their home country if they failed to make it

This self selective process made way for the most burgeoning economy the world has ever seen

Now we let in spics and they complain when their college isn't paid for

En mä kyllä yleensä ote huomioon väitteitä joilla ei ole mitään perää. Suomen historia, genetiikka tai muukaan ei tue tuollaisia näkemyksiä.

Huvikseen muuten voisit vilkaista minkälaisen reaktion Laakson lausunto sai aikaan suomalaisten genetiikan harrastajien parissa:

the term "scotch-irish" predates "ulster scots" by like 300 years

also there were tons of native taig presbyterians in ulster but still yeah all the southern protestants who say they're irish are usually named like campbell or mccoy

Paitsi että rannikoille ja niiden läheisyyteen on kautta aikojen lapannut ulkomaalaisia ja idässä ja pohjoisessa suomalaiset ovat saaneet elää pääasiassa rauhassa.

t. 60% ubermernsch

Who /130 IQ/ here?

Truthbomb! here nigga!

Lets compare the mass instead, its better.

Uutisväläys: Suomen joka kolkkaan on koko ajan lapannut ulkomaalaisia, siinä missä muissakin maissa. Itä- ja Pohjois-Suomi on geneettisesti viime aikoina ajautunutta väestöä, mikä luo niille joissain admixture-tutkimuksissa oman komponentin. Komponentit eivät ole rotuja ellei sellainen löydy muinaisjäännöksestä DNA:n avulla. Muinaisia itäsuomalaisia ei tulla löytämään jotka muistuttavat karjalaisia tai savolaisia, koska siellä asui saamelaisia ja paleoita ennen imsuja.


Looks like a map of winter temperatures. Could have to with brain insulation

140 IQ reporting in

That 98 % is most likely for white Americans.

That map is bs. Far more Swedes than Norwegians emigrated to the USA.

the blue spot in Switzerland and northern Italy (alps region) leads me to believe this, but how do you explain the blue spot in Egypt? their winters aren't particularly cold.