ITT: the best villain quotes (from anything Sup Forums related, not just comics)

ITT: the best villain quotes (from anything Sup Forums related, not just comics)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Don't listen to Gordon, Batman. I have a detonator to the bomb in an orphanage stuck up my ass."

I legitimately think that The Killing Joke comic is a very good story. The backlash against it recently has surprised me



Destiny is a weird mix of everything I love in villains
It's Dini's shitty ship's fault.

"Today I learned that morality it relative"






When I was a little kid, I laughed at this one.
Now, I'm 19, in my last year of highschool, with mediocre grades.
This could be me in 20 years.
This picture is the one thing that keeps me from dropping out.
This quote motivates me to study, so that I can get into college.

Black Ring was really good, whatever happened to Cornell?


Everything Mr.Nobody says.
Kirk Van Houten is not really a villain.



Kirk is like an actual well written Jerry from Rick and Morty. He's a pathetic loser but a lot of his faults do come from the fact the he is a genuinely bitter asshole.


You remind of myself. My own 19-year-old self. From ten years ago.

But keep on dreaming anyway.





>Max Landis - writer

>Sup Forums being contrarian about popular things surprises me


>"Now I enter these hallowed halls...a conqueror...yesss. Autobots and Decepticons, still frozen in emergency stasis, awaiting the moment, four million years hence, when they will awaken to start the Great War. Hmmm, the Great War, when the Autobots defeated the Decepticons, and thus their descendants, the Maximals, rule we Predacons. Archaic energon guzzlers! How dare they? Hmmm, unwilling though I was to follow my namesake's instructions, it has all come down to this: the ultimate risk, for the ultimate prize. A day of reckoning with those who made us slaves!"


>It's Dini
Timm, Bruce Timm. Paul Dini had nothing to do with the recent TKJ movie.


who dat




Never read much Capeshit, what's the context here ?
Did Doom Win ?

Harada from Harbinger.

TKJ is the most famous but are there any other good Joker quotes? Or hell Two-Face or Riddler Ones?




Based Lex. Eat shit Joker.





But which one is the villain?





It’s the fucking chin and Arab headwear that really makes it so damn funny. Surprising that DC hasn’t edited it, that Iran stuff would be really triggering to modern Batfags.



>"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" playing in the distance

>"Gordon, even if I were to fuck The Joker, i'd only be putting the detonator further up his ass."





"I put sixteen laxatives in his food. Once that detonator is out you must finish it Batman. I don't care if he wiped or not. You must do it."

How is 52 so good when every event leading to and from it was such shit?


Somebody post "I DID things."




What If story. Specifically what if Doom had kept the Beyonder's power after Secret War. It's a pretty damn short story; a bit too appealing for Doomfags, but enjoyable nonetheless. I encourage you to look it up and read it in a few minutes.

>"I beg your pardon Commissioner?"

>"You'll be begging all right clown boy."

"Tell me about the loneliness of good, He-Man. Is it equal to the loneliness of evil?"


Fuck. I think I just got why he's so pleased as he walks off.
Thought he was just being odd but it's the fact she doesn't know that feel that means she's still safe.

The backlash isnt coming from Sup Forums retard. And “hurr durr Sup Forums is contrarian!!” Is a shitty meme spawned from insecure faggots that cant comperhend that Sup Forums is not a hivemind and is infact a host to a whole spectrum of opinions, and sometimes there are threads praising/bashing things you like/dislike.

Learn to use your fucking brain newfag

>Lord of Ect

Non-english speaker. What does it mean?

Who dat

it stands for electroconvulsive therapy

>spooky helicopter noises

You'll get that racecar bed one day, user. Keep the dream alive.

Who dis?


Every major Hellboy vilain has some solid lines. Sledgehammer '44 Black Flame has an excelent monologue, I dont have the scans of it on hand though

Based Doom gets better. Can I get some sauce on this, in exchange for more Doom?

Inserting hollywood faggotry really did improve the movie. Fucking Mark Millar really thought this was intelligent, and didn't consider his ultra-realistic shit on comic book nerds didn't make any fucking sense. Some random accountant and his 10-year-old girl hacking up the mob without too much trouble is ridiculous next to shit like a billionaire who dresses up like a bat, and he can't see it because he's jerking off to the thought of pissed off neckbeards. He needs to start letting Matthew Vaughn rewrite his fucking comics too.

>only now do I realize I saved the fucking thumbnail
nvm killing myself

Should have done that from the beginning, Doomfag.





What a troll.

>"Because you need me, Springfield. Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king. That's why I did this, to save you from yourselves."


Fuck off serial rapist.

hype backlash always happens, and nowadays people always want to start shit about women or poc getting hurt in comics. as bad as fear mongering about videogames

Based Frank.


>"Your last breath wasted on the wrong word."

My favorite villain quote is you just lost The Game

>I don't like to feel good. I like to feel evil!