What made America so successful?



Hybrid vigor, and a shit ton of easily machined resources

German immigrants


A lot of shit.
>One people, one flag, one goal
>Strong leaders who didn't give a fuck about anything except America
>Military that wasn't caught up in bureaucracy

white culture

european immigrants that actually wanted to work for something better than their home countries

>ooga booga where da white tails at

lots of people who pretended to give fucks

actually gave zero fucks about anything

Repeat after me:




>White people

You can't get better than those three ingredients.

During WW2, our ability to organize a production force that was the most efficient ever seen. We won the war because we could just make more bombs,'more subs, more aircraft. The middle class, skilled laborers and that is why we emerged from the war as one of two superpowers and are the only one left. It's not freedom or patriotism or even the right to free speech.

It's because of the people who we have ignored and shunned since Bill Clinton was president, the working class. The people who went out and elected Donald Trump. They're why we are great.

Protestant work ethic and the terribly unfortunate death of all natives.

>People focused on bettering their lives and building a family
>Leaders who loved their country
>Less minorities

Industrious Europeans and an abundance of natural resources.

USA was Germanic immigrants only until the 1960s. we weren't "hybrids" when we were most successful.

Over three and a half million square miles, covering several biomes and stretching to touch two major oceans, brimmed of rich resources, also being geographically seperated from Europes bullshit allowed us to grow on our own. Come 1914 we had impressive naval technology and a solid infrastructure. We were able to step into WW1, helped Britian/France win, all while destroying their land and preserving ours. Same in WW2.


white and generelly descendants of the roman are builders. we wake in the morning wanting to build things bigger than ourself. we feel sad as man when we fail.

Thats what make civilisation great. the fact that we share a cul;ture of builders.

Lots of resources, military aggression, and the most talented traitors.

And plenty of cheap chinese labor and free slave labor

OK.. the truth is we have a magic substance here that makes us great.

Maple Syrup!


I need to start saving this series of deerposting. It's actually pretty great.

It's too bad they're pissing and shitting all over that beautiful looking stream though.


>What made America so successful?
We invented the middle class.
- labor unions
- a sense of entitlement

If Sup Forums ran America, most white people would be shit-poor and working 18-hour days trying to compete with actual slaves for wages while the "best" 0.01% of people pocketed all the wealth.

Yeah, I'm sure all the purchased Spanish territories were just full of Germanic descent

240 years of stable government (well, at least 151)
151 years since a war has been fought on our soil
free markets
abundant resources
individual liberties
the American Dream (even if it is more myth than reality)

This webm is confusing me. I don't have much personal experience but I've always heard bucks are very territorial and can't stand being around each other, and will almost instantly fight each other any time they are near each other. Yet here they all are just happily walking along together?

FPBP. Also a massive amount of natural resources.

The connection we have to God through the Nibiru Sky in the center of the continent.

America was irrelevant until the wave of German immigrants came here and turned it into a powerhouse

Argue all you want but it's 100% true

It's the same reason why just 70 years later after Germany was completely fucking destroyed that they've rebuilt to become our economic competitor

Germans truly are the masterrace



Being created by British colonists, then getting a good infusion of German immigrants after the 1848 revolutions. Italians, Irish, niggers, and all the rest were a fucking suicidal mistake, though.



90% White from inception until 1970.



There were literally almost no people in Spanish Louisiana you fucking idiot.


45 center piece reporting!


Our robust diversity.

>What made America so successful?

By ruining their competitors. WW1: Creating huge debt for France and Britain, they become US slaves, and destroying Russia and expanding into china.

WW2: support Nazis to destroy the British empire and support brits to further put them into debt. Would be same with France but they lost to fast kek. Then destroyed Japan too. They couldn't finish the rest because the USSR got nukes but in the end, they too came out on top because communism sucks.

And then keep other countries down (again through debt) so that the best and brightest want to move to the US, creating a braindrain in all other countries, keeping them down. This migration also weakens their own society in the long run (destroying national identity) making their own population easier to govern/control.

ok you win this round


Its a gigantic landmass filled with resources with oceans on both sides (between the two largest trading hubs in the world) making it easily dependable and is connected to a arid south meaning that its southern neighbours can never be a military threat.

British consensus and parliamentary culture, the memory of Bill of Rights, vibrant christianity, classical republican tradition and of course a fantastic localization with lots of resources and good soil. With the death of christianity though it's going all to waste

US is in debt now RIP

America was built around the birth of industry.
It grew and built it's infrastructure to fit it's needs.
It had it's own supply of the natural resources for such growth.
It had a free market for buisness to prosper.
It had the oceans on each side to give it protection from foreign enemies.
And it had the constitution to guide it's rule.

A generally disagreeable disposition.

freedom, liberty, occultism and murder killing

yeah I agree with you that America benefited from not having the baggage of the past, like Europe, and could embrace modernity much easier. But I think we have played that out....can we adapt to the 21st century tho now that we do have some pretty significant baggage?




That all depends on the time of year and the Rut (mating season).

Pre-rut they really don't give a shit about each other. I've had two big mature bucks on my game camera eating right next to each other in a food plot without any issues.

During the rut (late September to late December, depends on the weather) they are very competitive when it comes to does. The'll generally stake out a square a small territory to mate with does by fighting. Those can be spectacular to watch in person. Its been unseasonably warm on the East coast so it is just starting to kick off.

After the rut they shed antlers and go back to not giving a shit about each other until the rut rolls around again.


white people

>its the deer poster again

Your threads are alright it's just I've never understood the obsession with deers. Also post more deers.

Natural resources Kraut with decent industry.

The only thing that limited Germany from competing, was natural resources... OF AN ENTIRE CONTINENT.

>tfw Catholic family but we have been here since the beginning and I have ancestors who fought in the Revolution and Civil War

I'm protestant now

Harmony! North America is like a pyramidal autistic shaped Europe with niggerdemons crawling on it. THe Austrians in the center need help.

The continent was nearly untouched by humans so that helped

Well he asked what made it great, I'm taking that question as past tense.
I think to make America great again is a different question.
I think state of the art automated manufacturing sounds promising. That and new trade policies.
There's tens of thousands of industrial properties near ports and railroads languishing that could be put to good use.
We wouldn't be back where before with a massive industrial work force.
But we could stop sending all of money to China, increase tax revenues, and put thousands back to work.

white people


I see, thank you. I have lived in the city all my life so I don't know these things but have some family living in a rural area that says they are like this but there's always does hanging around so that explains.

Deer kind of sound like humans in this regard.


European immigrants and alot of resources.