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this is secretly my guilty pleasure to watch, its so retarded it's great

Fucking stop it, you are giving the ratings even if youre watching it like how one reads america. Just pirate it so nick doesnt get your precious viewership.

thought this was an "Incredibly gay duo" remake or something

Is it just me or is there some subtle lewdness going on? That lady sportscaster seemed way too excited by the protrusion on that drone.

Has anyone seen the live action version of the show? Is it any better?

it's a post iCarly nickom. It isn't.

>implying nickcom or any kids sitcom was good to begin with
Just like alot of things, disney started this cancerous shit and it needs to stop

Live action is watchable but not really enjoyable

fuck off with that cringe meme

I don't watch this show besides when the kids have Nick on, but both the animated one and live-action one have a good amount of adult jokes

>using the word "cringe" unironically
I think we need a new word, like wince.

It's a fascinating car wreck, with creative decisions that are simultaneously inspired and insipid. The viewing experience is, I imagine, like watching someone in a barrel going over Niagara Falls. It isn't legitimately entertaining, but one feels the need to witness that audacity first-hand.


Funny thing is the motion comic has better Animation.

why didn't Big Time Rush have their own animated series?
they have already one episode that featured animation "Big Time Cartoon"!

>Big Time Rush has a animated episode.
wait, is that true?

Why are the parents always the best characters in these Nickelodeon kidcoms?

>the joke is kick in the balls

Yes. Butch Hartman was even in the episode.

Damn, how'd they fuck up the cartoon so badly

So why does this exist?
Is the live action show becoming a money pit?
Is the lead teenager getting too old for the role so they're trying to phase him out with a cartoon to replace his voice with a younger kid?
Is this show that popular that they needed a cartoon to suck more money out of advertisers?

Same. I wonder if the porn is any decent.

I find it fun. Didn't even know there was a cartoon.

Never seen the live action either but I kind of had a feeling considering the gadget guy's name is a few letters off from schwanz.

Drake and Josh was pure kino

>all these people liking nickcoms and even this shit
God is dead, and you fucks killed him

You are the first person I've seen say something bad about D&J.

Then again, I don't go on Sup Forums.

Look, it's simple, really. Every "serious" superhero tv show from DC, for instance, has all that stupid teen relationshit drama bullshit going on, or you can just expect someone to die for drama etc, since Smallville. Marvel movies don't even deal with superhero secret identities and stuff like that.

This show just has comedy and some classic superhero shenanigans, so I enjoy it. The Thundermans is also good for the family's dad.

Drake & Josh was Kenan and Kel for white people and it was better.

Not him, but that little sister from D&J is a huge point against it. HATE that stereotype.

Did Butch actually animate this?

Ratings don't matter dude. Television's not that big a deal anymore

>that one episode where Henry is mistaken for a foot god because Schnider's foot fetish is very shameless and he never tries to hide it

I enjoy it but you kinda have to seriously turn off your brain. I usually have it running as background noise when I draw. Occasionally it's funny.

sorry, I meant jasper. But, my point still stands

>disliking drake and josh

No it wasn't.

If ratings don't matter then why don't networks become more creative? After all, ratings don't matter.

>has all that stupid teen relationshit drama bullshit going on,
Thats literally why i hate young justice, teen drama and relationshit are fucking awful and ive hated them all my life and always will.

you know I use to say during any conversation about nick/disney sitcoms that they would probably be better animated so that way they can truly embrace the comedy and now it looks like I triggered a monkeys paw

>hurr tv is dead
Fuck off
He made one funny thing over a decade ago,and i think most of the humor came from other writers desu.

>Saying this while posting waifufaggotery.
Waifufags are way more cancerous than shitcoms shills, they do nothing but boost shit shows just because tits.

I don't think Butch has done any actual animation in years.

Shitcoms are terrible and never funny, at leadt waifu shows are usually funny and have sexy characters, get fucked

haha wat?


>Netflix debt exploded last year
>they lse Disney soon
>g.g.guys TV is dead
Some people will have a really weird awakening.

>B-but tits and asses
Pathetic excuse for a shill. I bet you are the kind of faggot that watches shows for the art style and not for the writing.

How am i a fucking shill, im saying they have value over this terrible shitcom trash. Fucking kill yourself you awful sewage of a person.