Sup Forums could you explain me why SUfags hate Rose to be Pink Diamond?


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doesnt make sense

Because it would absolutely irreparably ruin the story

It has survived worse to be honest.

It is already damaged beyond repair.

It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, the point is that there are many theories that doesn't make sense about SU and still this seems to be the most hated by the fandom.

But why it doesn't makes sense to you?


>It has survived worse to be honest
no it hasn't

because there's literally no way to explain it without it being retarded nonsense and undermining the very foundation the story is written on

Because it's an old theory leftover from when nobody knew anything about Rose Quartz or Pink Diamond, but people still adamantly cling to it even after we've found out enough to realize it doesn't make sense.

The revolution and pink diamond assassination are not what we have been told.

I can't wait until we know more about Pink Diamond, so we can put this stupid shit to rest.