Do you like it?
Do you like it?
It had a great start, dropped to decent and picked it up a bit in the end. It gets a bit of typical contrarian backlash here based on how acclaimed it is, but overall it's a really good pulpy read if you enjoy edgy shit.
Don't watch the TV series.
Yeah. It's crude, but it's a very sincere love letter to America as well. And probably Ennis' most subversive unpicking of what makes a macho hero. It's one of these books where if you read it as a teen you'll focus on certain things, get certain things out of it - and if you read it as an adult the things you'll take from it will be different. The relationship played out between Tulip, Jesse, Cassidy is extreme and melodramatic, but you probably know people who resemble them insofar as their own lives go.
I would roughly agree with in that the start is really strong, the end is really strong, but the books in the middle are a bit weaker.
Yes, I did actually
Yeah, I thought it was great.
Honestly though I'm not a fan of the ending, I was pretty hyped for a final confrontation with god. Where Jessie tells god to go fuck himself.
I can see how it made Seth Rogen jerk his fat little weiner to it and want to shit out a terrible show based on it.
Not enough gun
yes, especially the first couple of volumes.
then it sometimes gets really good when they get sidetracked (like when Jessie becomes a sheriff for a brief period), but the main storyline isn't all that compelling from about the halfway point.
This is gunna get me a lot of REEEEing, butI fucking cannot stand the conceit that is the saint of Killers.
>starting the post with "I'm probably gonna get downvoted for this"
It hardly ever happens to be compelling because it's practically non-existent for most part of the book aside from the very beginning, end and some Starr bits
Still don't change the fact that SoK is a choad-smokin' panties-wearin' tryhard Mary Sue.
>It had a great start, dropped to decent and picked it up a bit in the end.
>I would roughly agree with in that the start is really strong, the end is really strong, but the books in the middle are a bit weaker.
Salvation+New Orleans+'Cassidy's an asshole arc' are relatively weaker to the rest. All the Vietnam stuff's great though no matter where in the series it was.
Has Fabry ever been on a bad comic?
No senpai, Salvation might be the best part of the whole thing.
I don't think you know what any of those words means.
The pest parts are the human characters (including Cassidy -- for being a vampire he's still very human) and their fucken foibles.
Maybe "Greatest Hits"? He also did the interior art for it.
I wouldn't call it bad, but it doesn't really do anything more than show "What if superheroes were like the Beatles in the 1960s?" It's not terrible, but it is a forgettable miniseries
Pretty good pretty good
i remember he worked on an adaptation of one of Gaiman novels, i think it was called neverwhere.
I thought he was a really bad match for the material.
Tbf it was a bad story
Son, that's my line.
The Saint of Killer is not a Mary Sue. The most powerful character in the series maybe but he is nothing but flaws strung together into a creature of pure hate.
Hahaha wot?
This thread has ne re-readin Preacher. Goddammit.
Only just read it for the first time and it was great. Comfy in that you really felt like you knew em.
A mary sue isn't defined just by powerlevels, look up the actual definition.
>look up the actual definition.
You sound fat and new.
Explain to me how SoK is a mary sue outside of his powerlevel then
No. And I don't 100% blame the work or the author for it. But the crude and crass elements that it includes were obstacles that I could not overcome. There's some good moments there . . . then you've got someone sucking dick or getting shit on and it just doesn't work for me.
Tthere's no agreed-upon definition of "Mary Sue"
r u dum?
Because retards don't know how to use it since they just apply it to characters that they don't like. The only trait Saint of Killers shares with your typical mary sue is his strength in relation to the other characters but even that is explained adequately enough compared to that of a mary sue.