Politics aside, all this drama has actually gotten me kinda interested in the comic, but not enough to buy it...

Politics aside, all this drama has actually gotten me kinda interested in the comic, but not enough to buy it. Anyone know where i can read it?

Are you joking?

first time hearing about whatever this is someone drop the reddit pill me

You see, the character's smoking and there's a bong visible. That shows you that it's a mature work meant for adults.

Considering no one else has brought this up and it looks like Sup Forums bait incarnate, I'm going to assume this is a shill thread.

Tell me about fem snoopy, why is she a pervert.

Pretty much.

Im actually not like...
i like really shitty adult comics like lamezone and asscastle.
I dont know, thats why i wanted to read the comic. i assume she's a big gal for us.

Bump? please anons...

I would fuck that dog.
is that enough

I too would fuck the dog but i wanna know the deepest lore behind snoopy becoming a sexy girl