What is up with DC's habit of taking Marvel's trash? First they take Bendis for their comics, and then they take Whedon for their movies. And nobody likes either of them. What the fuck are they thinking?
What is up with DC's habit of taking Marvel's trash? First they take Bendis for their comics...
DC comics isn't actually good, it just isn't a dumpster like Marvel is. The DCEU is a dumpster fire with zero vision. The best they could get with the first project was Zack 'sucker punch' Snyder.
Which is weird because immediately prior to Snyder DC had Christopher Nolan. Who is amazing. So how the fuck did this happen?
I love DC, but they have a massive inferiority complex when it comes to Marvel. desu, in the past, when they brain-drain Marvel staff it works out well (John Byrne, Jack Kirby, Roger Stern, Marv Wolfman, George Perez, Priest). Bendis is gonna Bendis, but I'm hoping they kidnap Fred Van Lente and Al Ewing next, love to see what they'd do in the DCU.
>Fred Van Lente
Why? He sucks.
because DC is desperate to get even a fraction of Marvel's massive success
>and then they take Whedon for their movies.
Whedon's gone now but in any case, you're missing the business man viewpoint here. Whedon directed Avengers 1 and 2. Both were billion dollar earning films. Bendis likewise was sales ambrosia for the first 5 years at Marvel. His books sold on his name alone.
>We won't do the same thing as Marvel
>Everyone quips in Justice League, even Batman
Nolan kind of broke them because after TDK all they could think about was making more Nolan-like cape movies. And the only one who wanted to make Nolan-like cape movies was Snyder, who sucks at it.
>Didio having a say with the movies
>DC comics themselves having a say with the movies