Communism is the future

Communism is the future.
Prove me wrong.
>Protip: you can't.

It didn't work in the past and it won't work in the future.

Communism is the future.

*Time passes*

That wasn't communism, TRUE communism is the future!

*time passes*

That wasn't communism, TRUE communism is the future!


Well yeah exactly.
Not a single country in a history was communist.
Only socialist. And socialism is bad cause government has all the power.
Communist society is stateless, moneyless and classless.

shouldn't you be forcing a pig to fuck your niece right about now?

I have neither. So I can't do that.

Revolutionary Catalonia is a time and place all leftists agree on as close to what they want.

>communist society is impossible

>Communist society is stateless, moneyless and classless.
>an utopia is utopic
Thanks, Volodymyr, really useful

Not now.
But in the future it will be possible.

if you are going to say post scarcity you are wrong as well as there wouldnt be a need to distribute resources then anyway.

fuck fascism. workers will seize the means of memes.




Do you actually live in Ukraine? I wish you'd step outside and talk about how great communism is so everyone in the town could end your fucking life.


I don't care about Ukraine.
I'm actually for restoring USSR.


>I like to pretend things too.

If you honestly believe that, maybe you should kill yourself.

It's a pity the Holodomor didn't get your parents.

A lot of people in my city either want back to USSR or just don't care.

>protip: saged and hidden

Communism only works in small doses like in households or among friends and even then it's tenuous at best. There's nothing "good on paper" about someone making as much money for doing less worj

Well that image has no Dutch on it so I feel like it isn't for me unite with the workers of the world.
I wish for propaganda to be more suited towards my needs

USSR is dead, bro. You should be restoring the Russian Empire.

My grandparents were jews and didn't live in the area affected my holodomor.

>What would Star Trek looks like without replicators ?

A fucking space anarchy !

you're right, it has never truly been tried and really needs to be tried.

Of course. Should have know, really

Not an argument.

Look up kibbutzim.

Well it sure as shit wasn't the past. Communism will never truly work.
>but muh no real socialism tried
Read "Gulag Archipelago". Socialist ideologies are from their first principles engines of unimaginable suffering.

The very first Communists were early Slavic tribes who owned so little they had to share everything. They were renowned warriors, whose battle tactics consisted of getting as drunk as mortally possible, then drink twice as much more and charge at the enemy wielding a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other. Even in these early times they were called the Red Army for their red faces (esp. noses). A Communist Warrior was terrible to behold in battle, bashing, slicing, and breathing alcoholic fumes at his enemies. Mortally wounded, he would merely fall asleep at the field of battle, only to wake up the next morning with regenerated limbs, healed wounds and a severe headache.
Picture is of Carl Marx.

How does it feel that the bolshevik revolution was financed by the bankers?

There is a saying; 'one foot on the revolution and the other on the bank.'

Where is the GULAG of Rojava or Seychelles?


What do you think of Nestor Makhno

Ukrainebro is partially correct.

Although it is not guaranteed that real communism will be the future, theoreticall, real communism should be the future.

Think about it.

If people can cooperate and form rules amongst themselves, then the state is obsolete.

Money is wasted resources turned into physically useless objects that are only used to motivate us to do things that we should be motivating ourselves to do.

Here's some analogies as to why it wI'll not work:

Think of a kindergarten classroom. If the children are all behaving well and can cooperate amongst themselves, then they should earn their privileges and be allowed to be a bit more independant. However, if they misbehave and do bad things, then stricter authority will be put in place on them.

In our society there are so many denegenerates that this cannot work, because there is a lack of trust and lack of competence between many of the citizens.

The "being lazy but being given the same pricileges" argument would be applied here aswell. The problem with this is that nothing will want to change, adapt or evolve if there is no reason to do so. That's why the competition aspect of capitalism forces people to work hard.

What WE SHOULD be doing is forcing ourselves out of our comfort zone even if there is nothing pushing us.

The reason why communism won't work is because, as a species, we are not qualified for it.

>Think about it.
really makes you think

thanks leaf

When are you going to take back the Falklands?

Fuck off and die in that shit hole you call home.

>if people can cooperate and form rules amongst themselves the state is obsolete

But that isn't what communism is. Communism still has a state and a givernment. What you are referring to is anarchy. Or, to be more specific, Anarco-capitalism

Believing the Socialist state will step aside and allow labour to freeing organise.

>The state steps aside

You really believe this Hohol?

communism the LIE the Socialists tell plebs to et them to agree to Socialism.

Dumb Fuck

> From Wikipedia: communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state.[5][6]


>Take back

They would have had to of owned the Falklands at some point in time to take them back. Spain has a better claim to them than Argentina.

>Prove me wrong.
Sure. Communism doesn't exist. It is a contradiction in terms that cannot and will not ever exist.

Communism is described as a classless, stateless society where the means of production are jointly owned by the workers. It should not take any thinking person long to discern why this is nonsense--let us start with the basics.

First, a classless stateless society is an oxymoron. All societies stratify naturally into social classes based on capability, attractiveness, maturity, etc. All societies, even the most primitive, had hierarchies of authority and consumption. You may have thought that I was referring to classless and stateless being oxymorons--and that is true as well--but in this case I mean that a classless society is an oxymoron. None has ever existed because society is defined by hierarchy.

Secondly, a stateless society in which the means of production are jointly owned by workers will never exist. Without an authority to prevent them from doing so individuals will always conduct free enterprise. A man will in his spare time produce an oven, and sell his own bread. He may hire someone else to work the oven for him for a set wage, and sell the bread to collect the profit. Without a state, this cannot be prevented. If it is not prevented, then you have a society with private ownership of the MoP, meaning that you are now living in a de-facto Capitalist society.

In essence it is not possible to create this classless worker's paradise without a State, but it is not possible to create a classless society with a State, because the State is a class. So really, every part of the idea of Communism was retarded, which is what we should expect from Karl Marx, a man of surpassingly small intellect and trivial capability--an evil man, as well, who abused all of those around him and leeched off of those who held him dear--who wasted most of his life advocating an ideology that boiled down to politicized envy.

Israel is not a shithole.



why is Russia posting about communism? didn't they give up that stuff a while back?

The very first Communists were early Slavic tribes who owned so little they had to share everything. They were renowned warriors, whose battle tactics consisted of getting as drunk as mortally possible, then drink twice as much more and charge at the enemy wielding a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other. Even in these early times they were called the Red Army for their red faces (esp. noses). A Communist Warrior was terrible to behold in battle, bashing, slicing, and breathing alcoholic fumes at his enemies. Mortally wounded, he would merely fall asleep at the field of battle, only to wake up the next morning with regenerated limbs, healed wounds and a severe headache.
Picture is of Carl Marx.

Of course it's the future; it's the bad idea that will never die.

People will keep trying it over and over again because they want to believe.

when you stop helping the international jew

>classes form naturally because people are different
That's 95% bullshit.

le epic meme XDD

>Mu Malvinas sovereignty

Russian Empire 2.0


>Look up Jewish commune
>See goyim Communism works, the greater good!!
Go fuck yourself cuffie

The void is the future.