How long before he gets retconned into a Gulf war 1 vet?

How long before he gets retconned into a Gulf war 1 vet?

The more recent film implied he was in Desert Storm, didn't it?

You're late, man. Already happened in Rucka's run, although it was more of a nondescript desert war.

He's been retconned to an Afghan/Iraqi War vet since at least Rucka.

How long until he gets retconned from being a WWII veteran?

You don't read comics do you?

I find it amusing its been hundreds of years later and they havent had to retcon Watson's backstory because people are STILL invading Afghanistan.

It has been done a long time ago, he's been a "war on terror" veteran for at least ten years.


this. i read somewhere also that he tags along with Hawkeye as bomb defusal specialists

How long is it until it gets retconned to that he has PTSD so bad and had been "at war" for so long he can't remember what the first war was and that some of his adventures are just PTSD induced false memories?

Anyone else not fond of Bernthal's likeness being used in the current run? I get that it's a marketing strategy, but I'm not crazy about the man's portrayal of Frank or the current run either.

Hear-Hear. Frank went from an Italian to a Jew in appearance.

>No Punisher comic where he's depicted as having done this so long he can't remember his backstory or what war he fought in.

I think Frank being a Vietnam vet is an integral part of his character.

Why do we always need to retcon characters? Honestly, it'd be more fun seeing the Punisher as a grandpa still doing the same thing after all those years.

Is the current run worth reading?

That's basically Ennis' MAX run, and he's going to be doing another MAX mini with Frank set in the present day.

You can't escape Marvel's sliding timescale in the mainstream universe, though. Trying to get around it usually ends up worse.

It's not bad, despite the gimmick, and a definite improvement over Cloonan's run. But like , I'm also not too fond of Bernthal's likeness being used for Frank. I don't have a problem with Bernthal's portrayal overall, but it's not how I see comic Frank.

It’s great that there is basically a never ending amount of shitty wars to draw from to reuse for Franks origin story

We get it Moffat. Nothing in history changes.

What appealing about this idea?