So what will his first line in Infinity War be? And who will be the first avenger he talks to or interacts with?

So what will his first line in Infinity War be? And who will be the first avenger he talks to or interacts with?

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>So what will his first line in Infinity War be?
Probably a chuckle
>And who will be the first avenger he talks to or interacts with?
Thor but he'll be dead silent the entire time, the chuckle will likely come after Loki begs him to spare him and the others in exchange for the Cube.
Cue title screen.

Sounds about right.

>That belongs to me

>So what will his first line in Infinity War be?
'I'm here to fuck your wife, cause the apocalypse, and make snide comments. And I'm all out of quips'
>And who will be the first avenger he talks to or interacts with?

In all seriousness, it's probably going to be

>Enters the room after Vision is about to fuck Scarlet Witch.

“I’m here to get my rocks off.”

"Hello. You're probably wondering who I am, and how I got into this mess. It's a long story..."

hes gonna look at all the heroes all sad and mournful, then he stares down at a fully completed infinity gauntlet. His eyes well up. Then he tosses it over his shoulder in comedic fashion. Thanos makes a b-line towards the heroes, as they part equally down the middle. Thanos clotheslines Thor in the process and looks back and says, "Nothing personnel kid"

>Just stands there, watching

"Hi everyone."

Please let it be this. And Deadpool keeps butting in pausing the screen.


And then he farts and plays the keyboard in a live concert featuring special guests Alvin and the Chipmunks

>Hand over the Infinity-

"Well I'm made it, despite your direction."


>Says that to the Hulk.

>You wanna know how I got these scars?

"pizza toots pizza toots... fill my tummy up"

>I've Got a Buddy Who's an Expert


>Leave Thanos to!

>wacky sidewhistle and canned laughter
>Seinfeld theme as it fades to Jerry Seinfeld and Michael Richards trying to be in the 90’s again
>Costanza comes in, telling about how he had the weirdest dream ever
>”it felt like it lasted for over a decade!”

I fully expect Thanos to laugh, perhaps even annoyed, at the Asgardians given that they claim to be "gods"

It will be death herself and the first line will be
You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals

>Loki crosses the room
>Cautiously stepping over the ruined corpeses of his fallen fellow Asgardians
>Tesseract in hand, he approaches the silent Thanos
>Holds it out to Thanos, who accepts the Tesseract
>Fixes Loki with a look
>Throws it carelessly over his shoulder and walks back to his rock hut
>Audience lols
>Moviebob calls this movie a triumph

>"Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe... But this, does put a smile on my face."

>Thanos lands his ship, calmly walks forward, easily slapping aside the Avengers who try to confront him, grabs Vision by the neck, rips the stone out of his forehead, throws his body to the side, walks back to his ship, and leaves without saying a word
I would love this.

His speech about Destiny will be his introduction to an Avenger, and he'll first bump into Iron Man, some Guardians, and Spider-Man (?) on that orange-sky planet.

>Throws Thor into space without a word.
>Teleports Hulk to Earth with a punch so hard it Banners him.
>Murders Loki after being given the tesseract.
>Looks to the Asgardians
>"I'm the Juggernaut, bitch."

Evarqate the cd.
And gauge ore defend sirs.
Ant get discman a shoe.

"I go pee pee by myself."

That would be a good way to conclude the fight at Wakanda. Cap's team holding out against the onslaught of Thanos's army, only to realize it was all just to keep them occupied until The Mad Titan was ready to claim Vision's stone

He won't kill Loki. Loki will take Mephisto's role from the comic story; he'll try to manipulate Thanos while "advising" him to give him the Gauntlet, fail, and then probably die.

you mean "die"

>Did you mean die, die, Loki?
>No, I meant dee, dee, Loki. It's German for 'the.'

>Open wide Asgardians, because I'm gonna grape you in the mouth


Maybe, doing that with Loki a third time at that point is really pushing it.

Having him try to get the Gauntlet but dying would give him that "hero" death they've been building towards.

>Loki dies
>Thor: Oh, another trick. Quickly while my brother buys us time.
>Pan back after the Avengers run on. Loki's body stays still. Dust falls on him. Cut to the next scene.


If Thanos doesn't have at least one scene where he effortlessly pulps the avengers I'll be disappointed.

Since Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Captain Marvel are confirmed to take place before Infinity War I'm going in expecting the movie to end with half or more of the team dead and the infamous finger snap being the final scene.

Then Avengers 4 has time travel to bring back dead team members before the end of Avengers 4 has things being brought back to normal expect for one or two Avengers who had their souls destroyed or something.

This works better when read in manga order.

He cut his face on Hela's pusy

>Thanos sits on his throne.
>Cut to Strange is telling them there is hope. With the Eye of Agamoto he can reverse time. There is hop
>He disappears as a snap is heard
>Cut to Thanos with his fingers post-snap

Damn. That line fits the scene perfectly. Lol


What the fuck is Din Din?

Hey so not that i expect anyone to know or even care to know but how the fuck does 'thicker skin densitiy' make Gamora strong enough to use a spaceships gattling gun as a portable weapon?

"What up bitch?


>"So that's it huh...we're in some kind of Infinity War?"

>Tonight... you.

"Sitting down is all well and good...but sometimes you need to stretch your legs..."

>Hitler did nothing wrong.

"I was old before your world was born, boy. I have bathed in the hearts of stars, and wandered in the mansions of the afterworld. My soul is a clenched fist, and Death has kissed it."

Loki will say The Other tricked him during the Battle of New York, giving the scepter to the humans.

"Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

>Make sure you see Deadpool 2 in two weeks. I'm in that one, too.

Opens with him telling Eitri to make the gauntlet and telling the audience a bit about himself.

Infinity War Perma Deaths: Gamora, Vision, Scarlet Witch (its obvious they will both die) Pepper, Drax, Thor

Avengers 4 Perma Deaths: Iron Man, Captain America

>So what will his first line in Infinity War be?

"Look closer, Lenny."

>And who will be the first avenger he talks to or interacts with?


Ooooh, you're the purplest man in the world now. And you're covered in infinity stones.


> The Eye of Agammotto exists as a result of Agamotto searching for his mother.

> The EoA is just a controller for the Time Stone in the MCU and Agamotto was probably just a sorcerer and had no mother. It has no meaning behind it.

but they don't claim to be gods
Well Odin didn't at least

They blatantly dropped all the pretense of "magic is just science" and "we aren't God's" bullshit with Ragnarok. That movie had an entire subplot /character arc dedicated to Thor embracing his divine powers.

Y'all are gonna be real disappointed when the Infinity Gauntlet is nerfed fucking hard.

Sure it'll be powerful and make him nigh unbeatable, but don't expect any high concept power of God reality altering stuff.

I'm Rick Harrison, and this, is my Pawn Shop.

The whole "I just snapped half the universe dead" was always a bit silly, honestly.
It's a result of every cosmic storyline trying to out-COSMIC! the last one, and the MCU doesn't suffer from this need.

We don't have a Hulk who can stomp planets in half, a Thor who can snuff out Suns, or a Doctor Strange who can re-write reality, thus there's no need for Thanos to be Q from Star Trek.

Something along this line

"hello everyone"

>Scarlet Witch

no, fuck you

This. Some of the stuff in the comics is retarded over the top shit just done to top the previous OTT comics story.

Oh god it's real.

I have NEVER been so happy I didn't watch these movies...

>Supreme Gentlemen
Now there's a meme I haven't heard in a long time.
A long time.

Don't make me get out of this chair.

>Thanos only enters earth in the last 5 minute
>Heroes are beaten and slain
>no hope left
>portal opens
>Thanos steps out of it
>There are many actors in this grand drama, and I, Thanos, appear to be the only participant with a full grasp on the situation.
>trailer happens
>Thanos beats the heroes
>gets the stones
>"Prepare yourselves. For now, I summon...the end."
>cut to black
>post credit scene
>Mjolnir is reforged by the dwarf that made Stormbreaker


>For now, I summon...the end.

I really hope that they use that line.

What said. Odin specifically calls Hela the Goddess of Death and Thor the God of Thunder.

After the first two movies bombed they decided to move away from everything they represented, and after Dr Strange and GoTG successfully introduced the concept of magic, celestials and alternate dimensions Marvel is no longer afraid that they may piss off fundies.

He will work as Thanos adviser for the entire movie, then once Thanos gets the last stone at the end of the movie he will asspull something that will buy everyone some time (Teleporting everyone to some far away planet or something), then he will be killed for his "betrayal".

>Then Avengers 4 has time travel
This is pretty much confirmed from set photos, btw. Some characters will go back in time to the Battle of New York for some undisclosed reason. Ant Man apparently being one of them.

If they leak about her soul being sacrificed to activate the Soul Stone, then yes
Very likely, but not necessarily
>Scarlet Witch
lol no. She's too popular and one of the youngest actors. She'll live
Uh, ok? Not like anybody will care
>Iron man
No, he will "retire" and have a cameo in every other movie, taking the role of Nick Fury.
>Captain America



>Thanos Quest adaptation constantly interrupted by Rocket Raccoon
>"WWWHHHYYY are you TELLING us this?!?!"
>"BLAH BLAH BLAH! A buncha sparkly rocks, huh? BIG WHOOP!"
Audiences love it.