What are the best Sup Forums material that feature rape?

What are the best Sup Forums material that feature rape?

Half of the characters on Steven Universe are rapists

How, pearl tricking garnet to fuse isnt rape. Its just like that scene in revenge of the nerds, it isnt rape because the girl consented, regardless of false pretenses

Star Butterfly in Mewberty.


>almost every Moore story

Do you think that a 14 year old can consent?
Is that considered consenting in SU's earth/city/state?


The comic and animation industry is filled with SJW types so it's not a common sight.

Pearl's manipulation involved lying to Garnet and making her believe that the Earth would be in danger if they didn't fuse, which is essentially threatening her without her knowing. She only manipulated Garnet into believing this because she knew she wouldn't have her consent otherwise, so she never really got her consent. That's rape by deception.