despite all the fame and success of Harry the Potter how come he never got a cartoon? it could have been a great easy cash grab for Warner Brothers.
Despite all the fame and success of Harry the Potter how come he never got a cartoon...
Charles Phillips
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Camden Thomas
We'll probably get one after the Magic Beasts films finish and Rowling starts needing more cash.
Dominic Sanchez
she's a fucking billionaire who's been getting royalties and micromanaging her franchise for a decade, why would she need more money
Caleb Walker
>why would anybody need more money
Is this a real question?
Aaron Edwards
didn't the magic beasts movie came years ago? are you telling me there's more? why in the fuck?
Brandon Robinson
*why would anyone need more money when they're a billionaire
reading comprehension
Eli Hall
>he thinks rich people are ever satisfied
Austin Young
Yes, user. Billionaires among all people are well known for not wanting to get richer.
Andrew Phillips
There are 5 planned.
Aiden Nelson