>Shuri is nothing like her comic counterpart >T’Challa isn’t a genius >Zuri is just some old faggot who dies >Nakia isn’t a Dora Milaje >Oyoke is somewhat accurate >Killmonger is White Wolf >White Wolf is Bucky >Ross is some generic CIA agent
Why would a fan like this garbage movie?
Robert Rogers
Because it's MCU, and you don't want to look lile a racist now do you?
Tyler Watson
>>Shuri is nothing like her comic counterpart Which is a good thing. Her comic version is an unlikable cunt. >>T’Challa isn’t a genius Also good. Black Panther already is called a Gary Stu in the comics, so relegating his intelligence to his sister prevents him from being on top of everything. >>Zuri is just some old faggot who dies Better than what Hudlin did to him. Yeah, it sucks, but he does have his place in the plot that was already crowded. >>Nakia isn’t a Dora Milaje Let's be honest, nobody would be able to tell two bald females apart in the film. >>Oyoke is somewhat accurate Ok >>Killmonger is White Wolf Kind of works for the film. >>White Wolf is Bucky I agree, that's annoying, but who knows what they will do for the sequel. >>Ross is some generic CIA agent Martin Freeman requested this cause he didn't want to play the stupid incompetent white agent.
Ayden Adams
you have to like it or else you're racist.
Jaxson Cook
... I just got check mated. Fuck looks like I got to go buy Tickets now
Ian Morris
...Black Panther has fans?
Daniel Powell
>>Zuri is just some old faggot UNNACEPTABLE
Luke Jackson
Nobody reads Black Panther comics so who cares
Jacob Diaz
Nigga T'challa isn't a Gary Stu. People that say that don't even read BP comics where he takes L's for days
The movie made him a dumbass that needs shit explained to him about his own damn suit that he made in the comics