Which of your states is "the best"?
Yes Hello I Am New to America
Nebraska if you want safety, Boredom, and republicans
The term 'depends on what you're looking for' has never been more applicable
Pennsylvania as long as you stay out of the cities
My state of Maryland sucks...
but wierd thing is... I'm a statistician.
Unbroken pure all red counties 3 elections running
Wyoming is supposedly the best. If you're a spic you have to go back tho
Simple answer
>flooded craters
its a caldera you retard
Have fun with all of your spics and Californians
Iowa is god-awful. Don't go there ever.
>it's a "texan is a conceited retard" episode
At least you finally got the privilege from your benevolent overlords to openly carry your own private property on your hip like a year ago.
I like my state's geography and history (populace less so), but "posh" is not the word I'd use to describe it. Connecticut is more "posh."
See how no one shit on anyone elses state until Texas got mentioned?
You only catch flak when you are over the target
Weed, no state income tax, nice cold weather. Doesn't get much better than that
Keep living in denial spic.
Louisiana is pretty far above water, unless you are considering our mostly marshland coast... Which is historically underwater.
I only responded because of your gay picture, friend.
Depends where you are. Near the water its pretty posh. All of the cape and what not. Even New Bedford which is a scummy town has nice areas and a cool historical section. Connecticut is very hill-billy
Colorado is a great place to live, but I'm afraid it might be going to shit soon with all the Californians trying to move in
Where there is diabetes, there is good food.
Maine if you like alcoholism, all the heroin you can eat, shitty winters and crippling depression
Why is AZ wonder woman?
This is my town...just gonna leave this here.
Stay assblasted commies
Fried Chicken
Literally anywhere but California
I guess I'm biased. I'm comparing Hampden (which looks a lot like the towns Lovecraft "made-up") to Hartford (where all my wealthy relatives live).
checked and keked
There ARE a lot of apple orchards here though.
>Mad Scientists
Depends on what you're looking for.
Cheapest property values, laxest gun regulations, and strong (yet reasonable) religious conviction? Texas.
Friendliest people, best landscape, lots of rain and overcast, and best city life? Washington.
Best welfare for Illegals? Illinois.
Did you miss the part where I pointed out that you just got permission from your overlords to openly carry your private property on your hip not even a year ago?
Don't get me wrong, I love your state. Would love to visit sometime. I just think Texans need to take a step back and realize they aren't some amazing poster child for freedoms and rootie tootie point and shooties.
Please no. Don't ever come to Wyoming. It's so boring here you guys. Trust me. Stay away.
Every state has goods and bads. A lot of MA has coast and the population is near boston which is decent for a city. Im in a cozy lake town, water front is pretty posh.
New York
I am from the kingdom of Scandaschlürsenblürschen, a small country on an island near Denmark/German schleswig.
Texas is synonymous with freedom.
B-but isn't that where the Rake lives? Oy vey!
Washington state. Specifically Eastern Washington.
Noice pic, my friend. I need to make one for SD some time....
Also: I like LaRue. I jerk off to this picture every once in a while.
Because America. Fuck yeah.
I hate this fucking country.
Top fucking jej
I live in the woods and like it that way, personally. There's a lot I like about Massachusetts. For one, we have the highest average IQ in the country, even being only 75% white. You know West Virginia is the third whitest state but ranked 37th in average IQ? Sad!
I love how le supreme gentleman intellectuals think this kind of stuff is relevant in any way. Sports coaches make a lot of money because they make the university a lot of money.
In Illinois you get a little bit of every thing that you hate.......which surprisingly makes you like it here
wonder woman??
Fuck Indiana. Godawful here for the most part. Id move westward/north if I could where there are less people and more land not yet raped.
Florida reporting in
>capcha is "Mexico Central"
You also have Crook County, the reason I left the state.
My town is like half suburban but has some woodsy parts. Its a lot of nothing surrounded by a lot of cities which is pretty nice. I dont go to Connecticut often but i dig Mystic Aquarium.
If you don't know about Lynda Carter, I feel bad for you and your diminished adolescence. You probably don't know about Honor Blackman either. That's a woman, by the way. A gorgeous woman who got into karate before it was more widely understood as silly. You probably think noisy anorexic drug addict Miley Cyrus is feminine. We need to stop or reduce masturbating because of the crisis of masculinity but you sir, you need to stop it because you have no idea what you are doing.
Say you're unfamiliar with Diana Rigg and I will locate your house and tear your favorite pillow to feathers.
come home, midwest man
>Flooded craters
I smirked
true thats why i live in dupage m8 no crook county tax
Dude there is so much subversive like shit in mass, you can't honestly believe it's the highest IQ in this state, MIT doesn't count.
37 reporting in
stay out of Oregon
Michigan is really nice. All season, etc. But if you can't drive a car like its an extension of your body, the state will eat you alive. Roads are on average 80mph.
I'm all for consistent and decisive driving, but so many people here tailgate 24/7 for no fucking reason. It's retarded.