So basically he's a democrat that just hates PC/SJW culture

So basically he's a democrat that just hates PC/SJW culture.

How many of you are like this Sup Forums? I know many of you weren't republicans 5-6 years ago.

into the trash

and I thought he was ok

Lol. Anti gun was my only problem w this

>generally anti-gun

he's a smart, well-read guy, he probably means crazy things like fully automatic RPG's

I supported bernie in the primaries and voted for Trump.

I've never been republican. And Donald isn't a republican to me which is part of the reason I voted for him.

Literally nothing wrong with autolaunchers being legal.


I'm so glad this faggot didn't buy Sup Forums


>I am a Republican
>except for all this shit that shows I'm not
What did he mean by this

He's from Jew York and is protected by money. He's not a figure head to be looked up to be he's alright

This except the Bernie shit

I only disagree with anti-gun.
I also believe in abortion as a necessary evil, but I wouldn't call myself pro-choice because it often implies late term abortions and shit that is 100% wrong.

>anti gun
Stupid faggot, armed gays don't get bashed.

Basically David Cameron then. Pure cancer. Hollow politics.

We can fix him.


this is why we need the electoral college. so multicultural, crime ridden, democratically held shitholes like New York and Philadelphia don't decide the fate of honest rural gun toting Americans.

Martin Shkreli is the ubertroll, everything he does pisses off people.

Look how many in this thread are bothered that he says he's Anti-Gun.

I'm in awe of how this man games the system. Fucking beast.

civilian air force WHEN

proof all the left has anymore is identity politics, now they're being cucked by republicans who don't care

>tfw you will never be impregnated by Shkreli
Why even live?

An economically literate Democrat who hates pc culture.

Otherwise known as a Kennedy Democrat. They would have won with Webb, I tell you

>I know many of you weren't republicans 5-6 years ago.

Because 5-6 years ago we were 5-6 years younger than we are now. It's pretty simple.

pretty much
except i'm pro-gun and white nationalist
other than that i'm pretty much a lefty

Who the fucks about this faggot.
Why is he posted here, he doesn't even have (female) breasts.


Smart ? Isn't he a fucking high-school drop-out that barely graduated some bullshit equivalent diploma aftewards ? Just another opportunistic and lucky moron who managed to con his way into big money

Shkreli is a textbook RINO, to claim he's conservative the moment he said he was anti-gun is a joke

While I do very much dislike faggots and trannies, I have no major qualms with gay marriage as long as it doesn't force churches that don't agree with homosexuality to marry them and as long as every accepts the reality that a tranny is not of the same biological gender they pretend they are and they shouldn't be allowed to use the facilities the sex they think they are.

Equal rights for women are fine and good as long we accept certain realities, like the fact that women are physically weaker than men and are unsuited for certain positions.

And I've been a Republican since 2009 but I've had conservative views practically all my life

None I hope. Degenerates belong in the oven.

I think you will find most people on Sup Forums and r/the_donald are like that. There's a lot of crossover now. Mostly liberal but some may be libertarian. Almost none of them are actually conservative, but that doesn't stop them from claiming to be conservative republicans.

Pro-gun, otherwise the same.

Not just for the ability to defend ourselves, but from a standpoint of pure logistics. How in the FUCK are we actually supposed to completely remove firearms from our environment? Not gonna happen; you're more likely to see all of our elites voluntarily move their off-shore assets back into the U.S. because they suddenly felt it's 'the right thing to do'. Jamal's going to get his hands on a revolver whether they're 'illegal' or not, the whole endeavor would be a disastrous waste of tax dollars.

This is a fascist board, not a conservative board.

Conservatives are retarded and have been committing demographic suicide for the past 40 years at least.

I'm like a 70/30 Dem Repub split, if we're talking about the old Republican party

>support transit oriented development
>support drug legalization and abortion
>support palestine over israel
o t o h
>hate free trade
>hate racial politics
>hate exaggerated global warming hysteria
>hate mudslimes

r/the_donald is pure cringe. Libertarians are just fascists who are still kidding themselves.


Stop making threads about yourself you absolute faggot


Never trust a New Yorker.

why do city slickers have such a problem with guns? yeah we get it, you don't need them because you're more afraid of the wild west than a thirsty nigger.

Basically Sup Forums got played like a damn fiddle

I warned you cucks from day one with this pharmbitch. DO NOT SUPPORT.

but you pizzagate warriors didnt listen.

fucking losers, just like her.

ProTip of the day: If you dont ladder lace your boots, you are a cuck.

>Republican implies you are a bible thumping gun nut.

So sick of this meme.

Statistics overwhelmingly show owning a gun makes you more likely to get shot.

yeah, in a suicide

so just keep in mind that if you don't want to die don't shoot yourself in the head, quite straight forward


fucking dropped

>Treating political parties as sports teams
And this is why democracy is going down the shitter
>But muh mum told me that we were a democrat family

I would consider myself a moderate. Slightly democrat. Fuck identity politics and the victim game the left is playing. I like pot and helping the poor/those in need so long as you have the revenue to do so

And now they are going "being an uninvolved bystander makes you an enabler of oppression racistsexistimsmmsm!!!!"

I'm glad trump won. I hope all these stories of trump supporters pulling shit on them is true. I want them dead and out of my party.

>what are niggers
Why should they fuck it up for everyone else?

Would you be in favor of banning cars if niggers inflated the fatality rates to outlandish levels?

I'm mildly social conservative, pro-gun, anti-"equal rights" cancer, very nationalist / anti-immigrant.

Other than that I have mostly liberal positions and I especially don't buy the "muh free market" meme.

People who care about gays or abortions are usually hypocrites or just believe in some slave morality. Republican foreign policy is disgustingly bad for the economy, and they have way too much interest in keeping the war economy and prison economy flowing. That's the exact reason why I like trump so much, fuck neo-cons for fucking up this country, and if you are a neo-con you don't belong on Sup Forums.

Been pro-gun all my life

The least pro-gun I got was when I started some college and I was like, 'You know, background checks are reasonable'

I have way more fucking sense now.

The rest I can deal with, but this is just into-the-trash tier.


POL is a Nat Soc board. Hail Victory.


Fuck you kike


>dems r real racist





maybe in 2011 when everyone was still in their lolbertarian phase. We fascist now.

so he's a Gary Libertarian?

I hope he gets cucked by his gf and she gets half his money.

I hope a feral nigger takes the other half.

(((Martin Shkreli)))

Haha nice try kike, but you're not "one of us"

>tfw can't own a pool because staistics show I'll increase my probability of drowning

I don't like this faggot if he's anti gun. cool guy pass REVOKED.

literally wtf i hate shkreli now

pol/new was lolberturdian 6 years ago

you fags used to have daily Glenn Beck watch threads too

I hope it happens live on periscope.

What does it mean to be a democrat?
What does it mean to be a republican?

few americans can give me a fullfilling answer without going full muh guns muh abortion muh pro gays etc

I'm so glad that kike is irrelevant now.

>I know many of you weren't republicans 5-6 years ago.
I was a republican, but subverted by jews. Never have I ever opposed conservative ideals. Only been tricked into thinking the left represented a greater good.


Everything else are issues where one can have a different opinion. The 2nd Amendment is a no-comprise issue. As is the 1st Amendment.

am i the only one who wants to restrict gun rights because the white demographic is dying out? a majority non -white nation allowed guns is not something I am looking forward to.

What s wrong with being anti gun ? Jesus christ Sup Forums you complain that democunts don t respect anyone else having a different opinion , but then you trash someone if he is anti gun .



>generally anti-gun

Fuck Martin Shkreli


kys pastanigger

Guns are what america is built in

>there are people on Sup Forums who are "pro lbtgqai+"

consider suicide

I mean he is anti gun, he never said he wants to destroy second amendment . And i m pro guns anyway , just pointing out that there is nothing wrong with what he said .

anti-degeneracy, anti-cultural Marxist/social justice, pro-white life, pro-gun, white nationalist.

If this doesn't describe you, you're doing it wrong.

Most people are.


rural and suburban americans are more pro-gun then urban ones. not all Sup Forums users are in the suburbs or rural america so you will find the odd anti-gun Sup Forums user agrees with everything else usually floated here but guns because urban whites tend to only experience guns when getting robbed by jamal or pedro.

Heil Hitler, brother!

Shkreli I just a fucking attention whore with no convictions and no morals, you can take any of his claims with a grain of salt

Besides Isn't he supposed to be in prison by now anyway?



I was a Democrat until this election.

I just couldn't support this evil, murdering bitch. Anything was better than her.

Anti-gun is the only problem I have with this really.

I'll still follow him.

>stupid jew york anti gun retard has opinions and typing style similar to a redditor

You are fucking retarded

too bad it's a deal breaker.

Me, for the most part. Except the anti-gun.

I still consider myself a democrat but the party left me.

That's about where I am, but very pro-gun here.

There's only so much leftist faggotry one can take however, so here I am.

Ah those were the days...

>So basically he's a democrat that just hates PC/SJW culture.

He's a wigger.

Of course he is a leftist.

So what exactly is "Republican" about him?

>he probably means crazy things like fully automatic RPG's

Whats wrong with that? All weaponry should be legal and kept out of the hands of non-whites.

I still consider myself an independent but I tend to lean more right than left. Way more right. I'm okay with fags marrying and legalizing the weed.

Sup Forums BTFO

Not wanting his millions to be taxed.

He's having a total meltdown.