Honey, why is the carpet all wet here?

>honey, why is the carpet all wet here?
I don't get it?

Other urls found in this thread:


The dog pissed on it.

Remind me what the episode was about originally.

Dexter and Dee Dee get into a label war, claiming every object in the house and Dexter's lab to mess with each other. Dee Dee claims the toilet just as Dexter needs to take a piss, cut to Mom and Dad returning home seeing labels all over the place and wondering why their carpet is soaked.

Why not use a tree?!

This is the same 'genius' that thought he was dying when he needed to fart.


>tfw you think you need to fart and something else comes out

What, like a goldfish or loose change or something?

Shit, Harold. He means shit.