Sup Forums BTFO!

>"They are purging people on the basis of their views"

>Twitter appears to have suspended several accounts of controversial figures associated with the alt-right, a rising movement made up mainly of anti-Semites and proponents of white nationalism.

>The social media company on Tuesday removed the accounts of prominent alt-right leader Richard Spencer, his think tank and online magazine, as well as other movement members like Paul Town, Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn and John Rivers, according to USA Today.

>Earlier that day, the social media platform introduced measures that allow users to mute certain words in their notifications in an effort to curb abuse and hate speech.

>Spencer called the mass suspensions “corporate Stalinism” in a video. “I am alive physically but, digitally speaking, there has been execution squads across the alt right,” he said. “There is a great purge going on, and they are purging people on the basis of their views.”

>Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday. The social media giant has previously said it does not comment on individual accounts, citing privacy and security reasons.

Should have voted Hillary! Sad!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Right Genocide

>using twitter
They deserved it


>implying they won't just make more accounts to piss off liberals and SJWs even more

And this is a two way street, if the "alt-right" starts reporting SJWs and liberals for hate speech against whites, they'll end up getting banned too, and we all know they can't live without Twitter

>alt right

God! Now i'm really interested what those censored people have to say and i will try as hard as i can to find and listen them
(((They))) are too late, there is no turning back


1) Download Python client

2) Create Python file with info in this link.

3) Choose Twitter account to disable and run script: python twitterusername

4) Taste the sweet tears.

The script tries to log in to the chosen Twitter account endlessly, triggering the login fail safe and disabling the account for as long as you run the script. It goes through Tor so you should be completely anonymous, but it cannot be run from your phone.

>running some python code you download from the internet on your machine
LOL is this 2003?

Alt Right is cancer anyway


>implying anti-white tweets would ever get someone banned

They barely even ban ISIS because they don't want to hurt the feelings of one of the protected classes. Calling for white genocide is nothing compared to that. They're warped in the extreme. Milo got canned because he didn't like the new Ghostbusters, whilst Anjem Choudary stayed up until after he got convicted of encouraging people to join ISIS, and even then, they were pretty slow on the uptake, only banning him after a variety of figures, such as counter-extremism activist Maajid Nawaz publically challenged them over their sloppiness.

Whoop dee fucking doo. This is why Gab exists. For all the people (((Twitter))) is banning over wrongthink. Right now it's mostly right-wingers, but SJWs never stop there. Soon it'll be the moderates, and the "bad allies" and such.

>because they don't want to hurt the feelings of one of the protected classes
Also because one of their major shareholders is a Saudi prince.

Opened my first Twitter account a few days ago. Started adding people i thought I'd enjoy. Gavin Mcinnes, Sam Hyde, donald Trump. The usual suspects.

My account was suspended while I started to follow people. I never tweeted, I never replied. Bupkis.

Twitter is fucking garbage.

sort of depends on the resource distribution, alt-right is quicker to create a new account; on the other hand, constant deletions make it more difficult to follow each other and they might even get rid of some users that don't go the extra effort

microturkey's account has been suspended, it's real goys

It's literally 94 lines of source code. It takes 5 minutes to check whether it's doing anything bad. In fact, I just checked, and didn't find anything.

(I'm not 100% sure how it's using TOR, but that's because I can't properly into python. I assume it has something to do with the proxy code, though it seems a bit weird.)

I said it an earlier CTR thread and I'll say it again, the only the defense the left has is to silence all opposition and to destroy freedom of speech in order to win

>right wing death squads were real
>but we were the ones being killed


9050 is the local socks5 port of tor-client

This one way street mentality is the fucking worst.

You support Alt-Right? Well your a anti-semite because it wasn't the Jewish medias choice of president.

Get your shit together America and take care of these cockroaches, it is starting to effect my internet.

what's funny is that this can be used against the left too


Who uses real accounts.

And the shitposting is always unique to the will of kek, what do they think they can do?

> Let's make it more of an echo-chamber, that'll fix things!

I never realized the Trump stump was this powerful.

So when do we get the new twitter alternative? There's gotta be an easy way to get one going. just make it nearly identical and allow for 50 more characters or some shit?

Read the code then retard nobody's asking you take it on faith.

Fucking retarded as leaf.

Melissa (((chan)))

I know. He was unsure how it was connecting to tor.

Thank, I assumed it was something like that.

so smooth and painless

I don't know shit about tor but 127 is the loopback.

there's some frog thing out there already


it's localhost on port 9050 which tor service is listening on.

TOR creates a local proxy on your computer, the script loops back and connects to it

It's ssh tunneling so the port on loopback is forwarded.

Got it, creates a service of it's own to forward. I guess makes sense considering the little I know technically of tor.

You say that like the first part actually correlates to the second part.

It's for the better. All the useful accounts are low key conservative or fake uber liberals.

>Twitter losing value rapidly over the past season due to overly censoring all they disagree with

>Decide to double down even more post-election

Press F to pay your respects to Twitter, it's going down in flames.

The tunnel connects to the remote server port which forwards it to the port on the loopback interface.

Fuck Sup Forums threads on pol are cringey.

Looks like the left couldn't handle the banter of a bunch of Sup Forumsacks with Pepe avatars.

abandon ship
twitter is sinking

i just audited the code its safe

>Expecting everyone to be a fucking code monkey

Look at this plebe, he can't into X knowledge-base!

Not banning ISIS accounts allows for intelligence agencies to keep tabs on them more easily. White knights who try to get them banned can fuck off.

its not using tor, proxy is local ip address, so you have to use tor on your machine as a vpn bridge.

Except without knowledge of tor that's irrelevant. Neither SSH nor tunnel explain the loopback. Seems larpy to even pretend otherwise.

>t, if the "alt-right" starts reporting SJWs and liberals for hate speech against whites, they'll end up getting banned too

AHAHAHAHAHHAHA. That's not how it works, the owner of twitter is a literal BLM shill who is also friend with the MSM personalities. They threatened to leave twitter if he didn't purged the alt-right accounts who trolled them (and some that didn't, like Spencer). Next in the chopping block are Ramzpaul, Jared Taylor, Kevin Macdonald and thousands of non-alt-right Trump supporters. This first purge was to test the backlash.

The more they try to silence, the louder it becomes.

>Neither SSH nor tunnel explain the loopback

The important part is that you tried.

>acting like white nationalism is bad
>not even framing it as "white supremacy" when trying to make it sound bad

Those pussies at Time can eat a bullet

Someone do this to Talcum X

>hate speech against whites

literally impossible

never forget

Same to you my man, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

as twitter stock value dropped anymore since they started to do this?

day of the rake can't come soon enough

nvm it looks like they had a very, tiny, small bump

its very chaotic overall.

Oh no, how will Twitter ever recover from your genius tactic?

Surely it would be humanly impossible for them to implement a verification system that ties your account to your phone number or to ask for an ID. They couldn't possibly do something like that, that would lie beyond the realm of what the human brain can comprehend.

Does anyone know the alt-accounts that people are making?

Also people should just pretend to be niggers and towel heads to avoid twitter ban.
Use a name like "Sheniquia laTifa" with a sheboon avatar.

Oh no they banned the account I don't have for the site I don't use. I guess I'm a HillShill now.

>Day of the rake
Is this a new meme?


I wouldn't say that Sup Forums was BTFO, I would say that twitter BTFO of themselves.

Communication is about controversy. That's what makes it exciting, that's what makes you log in again and again to see if anyone replied to your comment.

In doing this, Twitter has started down the road which ends with everyone agreeing with each other and everyone saying the same things.

HufPo tried the same thing. Remember how that has turned out? The millions in losses, the collapse of their user count and clicks?

If twitter wants to destroy their profit model, that's their business. If they want to push out half of their users, that's their choice too.

But when they go broke, don't blame us.

>i checked the code
>nothing wrong there
>but how does it do a thing its doing?
>i dont know

Disney was literally going to buy twitter but backed out because of all the racism and alt-right people.

5 minutes nigga it took me 10 seconds

Ha ha ha
I can see it now
>Wow, some #racist tried to hack into my twitter account and locked it. This is the war we are facing.

>>>Spencer called the mass suspensions “corporate Stalinism” in a video.
Boom, roasted.

The funny thing is, the left has gone so insane, statements like these just sound obvious to anyone left in the middle. Or at least I really hope so.

We don't need alt-right accounts. Let's make our own alt-left accounts and double down on the anti-white hate momentum and see where that takes us.


>Spencer called the mass suspensions “corporate Stalinism” in a video. “I am alive physically but, digitally speaking, there has been execution squads across the alt right,” he said. “There is a great purge going on, and they are purging people on the basis of their views.”

Oh you poor little oppressed millennial.

Is there anything more pathetic than the Alt-Right ?

IDs are racist

t. butthurt marxist voter

Or maybe...

Maybe people are tired of logging on twitter and reading the same comment from the same anonymous white guy in Oklahoma saying that niggers are inferior for the ten gorillionth time, and maybe they would like to have more interesting conversations about more interesting things and that would actually make twitter more interesting by raising the bar for the quality of their content and raise their revenue.

Either possibility could be true.

> You say that like the first part actually correlates to the second part.

I just get triggered when someone takes any excuse to make a jab.

For the uninitiated it's ssh tunnel syntax, so yeah the first part has everything to do with the second part.


I seem to recall that they never really wanted it.

And the reason no one has bought them out is not because of the content, but because they have collapsing user numbers, no profit, is run by a CEO who is driving them into the ground, and is one step away from death.

>Plants vs Zombies

>Interesting conversation
>On twitter
Do you even know how twitter works?

the only thing they achieve by doing this is give us more exposure thus drawing more people to our cause

All extremists and activists of any kind are put on watch lists by the fbi, nsa, CIA, dhs and maybe state/local police. Now Twitter is doing it.

Stick as a unit. We can't afford to disintegrate now. We need all the allies we can get. Also chek'd

Obama is still the president.

News flash, while this is a despicable action by Twitter, they are within their legal rights. Instead of crying about it, expose their fake 'tolerance' and express dissent through other social media outlets.

>interesting things
>interesting conversations
jesus christ, you liberals literally have nothing to add to a conversation that is buzz words

How can you not see!?! You're no different than some right wing nut bitching while living in a right-wing gone mad country.

Look at faggot genius over here, can't have a deep twitter convo cause he keeps getting sidetracked by people laughing at niggers

All you faggots crying about being banned from a platform that despises our kind: let's hit them where it hurts. An exodus to another platform like GAB. Or, for entrepreneurial fags, this can be an opportunity to birth a replacement for twitter & all these cucked social media.

The alt-right is real we just don't support Trump like the media says retards. I hope you guys have caner

>For the uninitiated it's ssh tunnel syntax, so yeah the first part has everything to do with the second part.
But it's not though.

This code literally says connect to me here at this service then go to twitter. Stop larping.

Keep trying, you little shit.

>the left wing establishment is declaring war on the alt right
waifus and memes to the lifeboats first, gentlemen.

>white nationalism is bad

Jesus Maria y Jose.How in the ever loving fuck is this accepted


The reason Twitter can't be replaced is because it's not profitable. They're hemorrhaging money but just keep going. It's a mystery how, and any speculation to the answer would likely involve theorizing about government and corporate conspiracy. How can you create a platform that can compete?

Too bad for them Trump already won. I wonder if he'll lash out at Twitter once he's in the white house.

Flood with dummy / fake accounts

Make accounts with non-white / non-hetero / non-Christian themes

Repeat same rhetoric

Cry racism when banned

There. Same logic as as when anyone else ever tried to reign in the internet. Take their systems and turn them in upon themselves.


Hide your heads in the sand even more, I'm sure it will work this time.

this is why leafs are a laughing stock