Who's your favorite crisis level villain?
Elder God tier:
Great tier:
>Darkseid, Empty Hand
Okay tier:
>Secret Wars Doom
Meh tier:
>Anti-Monitor, Beyonder
Shit tier:
>Infinity Gaunlet Thanos
>And all you have to do is TAKE IT FROM ME
>mocks Superman throughout their fight that with his new cosmic senses, he can feel his wife slowly dying as the battle drags on
Mandrakk was so gloriously petty for a cosmic villain. I loved it
Mandrakk was shit.
What about 52 Mr. mind?
>Infinity Guantlet Thanos worst
Would Mandrakk and Empty Hand be allies or enemies?
Darkseid was shit and boring. empty headed is just fucking lazy.
Elder God Tier
>Tim Hunter
After multiple crisises you start to realize that they're all complete garbage, shitty gimmicky big bads that amount to nothing in the end.
Is SCW a crisis?