more like fat man
More like fat man
Dominic Johnson
Jose Miller
more like big man
Levi Cooper
Is making bad movies really that stressful when you're getting paid anyway?
Justin Scott
The JL cowl is so fucking ugly, they had it perfect with the BVS one.
Angel Smith
not really, actors are just whiny bitches
Adam Stewart
When you and your son love the hero and get to watch it go up in smoke.
Owen Allen
>You're not thicc. Men are thicc.
Landon Price
Just reboot the DCU at this point. It's unsalvageable and I'm a hardcora DC fan.
Jaxon Diaz
CBale was best batman
He even took out the big guy for you.
Why didnt they continue with the dark knight rises?
Jack Diaz
>and I'm a hardcora DC fan.
Trolls like to include the fact that they're hardcora fans. As if that lends any legitimacy to their shitposts.