Team of 5

>team of 5
>everyone expect you gets a love interest
>even when a new girl joins temporary beastboy naps her

some people would say it's suffering being cyborg

they're not wrong

>therefore cyborg can't do shit but beat the meat

But the fucking nigga cyborg got Jinx.

He was still easily the best character in the show so far

It's "except".

>got jinx
short lived because of politics

also pic related

you're forgetting ttg

Wally a shit for only redeeming the girl.
>"There's something different about you..."
Yeah, she has a vagina. They should've made Kid Wykyd a girl too, just so he didn't look like such a shit.

This is why I prefer TTG, cuz Cyborg/Jinx is pushed as a main ship with recent Cy/Diana teasing on the side. Cyana., Raven has feelings for BB but he keeps trying to juggle her and Terra and ultimately pissing them both off, Starfire has no feelings for Robin who has strong feelings for her but is lusted after by Blackfire, and Kid Flash only show ups to be shat on.

ttg is not canon and has no continuity

can't they reintroduce the girlfriend he had in the Wolfram comics? and never ever reintroduce Terry Long

Cyborg was fucking everybody on that show.


TT Cyborg was the best.

Also, Khory is a pretty swell guy and despite how much i dislike Cyborg in most media i'm glad he has a solid line of work coming in as him.

yes it does


Flexing fun with robin
Bromance with beastboy
Alien oddities with Starfire
Forbidden rituals with Raven

i'll allow it.

Let's hit those showers!

Why would he need a love interest? He doesn't even have a dick.

Love and sex aren't the same thing, user.

implying he can't make his perfect waifu on a computer and simulate himself there via a USB port.

No, user, it is a wacky cartoon for the lolz and cameos.

>Yeah, she has a vagina.

This. I hated that redemption cause vagina. They fucked the Hive dynamic.

Does Viktor even have a dick?

He can install one.

They want us black men to suffer

Everyone knows you're born cooler if you're black

Please. All you need to do is be black and the movies you appear in become cultural revolutions.

what if you're a cyborg

Bide your time until the Part-Robot (PB) movement starts.

But he got Jinx

didn't he have a thing with Bumblebee?

Have you watched more than a couple episodes? If not, then fuck off. If so, you'd know they do have a few continuity strings going along.

I feel like this is wrong...
>Fucked Jynx after Prom
>Made out with a hot celebrity on live tv while chasing fat fuck
>Has spent alone time with Bumblebee
Oh, wait, you said LI. Yeah, no, guy got no love... but he sure did get a lot of ass,