Why is liberal male so effeminate?

why is liberal male so effeminate?

why is korean male so effeminate?

yea they are pretty effeminate

This guy is such a faggot bitch. Sherlock is shit.

All males are completely effeminate now

Every single one is gay.
They prefer assholes to women but every once in a while they miss and slip into a snatch so the korean race has continued on.


They don't want to grow up and see that people are shit and need to be contained by force and women are whores who crave thick veiny sweaty cock.

i am laffin cause they jumped the gun to make this movie before assanges finest moment

Low testosterone.
Low testosterone is needed to build muscle mass so a lack of testosterone leads to a more feminin body type.
Testosterone also controls male features like sharp cheek bones, large jaws, and a deep voice.
Low testosterone also causes men to be gentler.


There's no need to be a brute in modern society.
We left the jungle quite some time ago, ape.

So we should start behaving like women... you can be masculine and like a man without being a gorilla

The only faggots that think like that are those still in college or stuck working a basic bitch minimum wage job

If you actually enter a competitive career (aka any real job), if you're a pussy, you will never get anywhere.

The left wing worldview is basically about blaming society for human failure and unequal achievement

To get pussy. Honestly. Their moms told them all their lives that women live sensitive guys. My mom did it, but I realized by the time I was 18 that that is a lie.

Woman yearn to be told what to do. The feminist uprising is just a show.

Wow, you poor fuckers will be roadkill if shit ever goes bad. I live a nice comfortable life. Still keep myself conditioned if shit ever goes haywire. I hope you're really good at hide and seek cuck, especially the hide part, or you're fucked.

You mean, "why do all effeminate males become liberals?"
Because they need their mommy and daddy to look after them

Step 1: Turn all non-Jew males gay
Step 2: Turn all remaining males into racetraitors (white on black race mixing thats push O SO HARD in current media) example: Michonne and Rick are not in a relation in the walking dead comic but kike-man is helping the Jewish agenda on his VERY POPULAR TV show.
Step 3: There is now only the Jews and a strange mix race similar to southparks "goobacks"

And being the only ones with a legitimate cultural identity we will be in awe of the Jews and finally treat them as the "higher beings" they so desperately want us to treat them like.

My brother is gay, but this is because our father never even bothered to spend time with us and teach him to be a man.

It's not some Jew conspiracy. I've never met one gay/lesbo that came from a stable family. Men need to understand how important their roles are as fathers, and not just leave their kids with the mothers all the time.

Because they started running everyone through a socialist education system that was designed, seemingly intentionally, to punish boys for being masculine. This has been true for a while now, it seems to me that it really revved up in the mid to late 70's and has reached an all time high. I'm not really sure why this has happened, there doesn't seem to be a benefit for anyone by doing such a thing, but it's happening regardless.

Low T