This question is stupid and should be removed from the test

This question is stupid and should be removed from the test.

I agree. Star and flag for others to see

Why is it stupid? Just disagree with it.

I'm non religious and moral. I guess I'm either lying or I don't exist. Religion will hopefully die out within the next 100 years.

what test

that is not a question.


If you believe in morality and are an atheist then you are fucking delusional

Because religious questions shouldn't be in political tests.
>implying conscience doesn't exist
elaborate please

Either morality is purely defined in the context of religion and is entirely arbitrary, or morality exists outside of religion as idea/concept that most humans are predetermined to be inclined towards.

that test is stupid anyway
none of them are clear and most aren't even questions

*tips fedora*

How can people be moral if they are only doing it because someone told them to?
Theists have no morals, only dogmas

So, the funny thing is, in your example of either/or you'll end up with a tautology.

So, in essence, you'll wind up saying nothing if you choose a side.

>If you believe in morality and are an atheist then you are fucking delusional
I will never understand this train of thought. Do you not think that people can be good and wholesome, regardless of their religious beliefs?

Not before your nihilism drives you to suicide.

Meanwhile, in religionland, morality is dispensed 9 milimeters at a time.

I think it's only tautological if you define them on religion. If you believe that there's just a disposition for humans to think a certain way regarding morals, then the basis is that upon consensus. It's not tautological, but it's not saying anything significant, either, just something that most humans mostly agree upon.

>If you believe in morality and are an atheist then you are fucking delusional

*puts fedora on head*

hah.. EVERYONE who believes in morality is fucking delusional

*teleports in front of you and stabs you in the fucking stomach*

nothing but a mere mammal...

*twists the knife and laughs at your pain*

a talking monkey with delusions..

*sheathes knife and disappears in the shadow*

Euthyphro dilemma proves this destroying subjective based systems of morality which is the only option for atheism. Which is funny since atheists try to use it against Christians.

"If there is no God, then everything is permitted"

What is morality?
How is morality real if it has no objective basis in reality? And if not, why should anyone care about your particular ideas about morality?

Atheists please explain.

It's arbitrary but you can still derive a concept of morality from "what's best for the collective". Your collective can be your family, your town, your country, or the entire planet, the concept works on all of those.

Morality does not require a reward system, just logical thinking is enough.

what. that's not what that means, faggot

My nihilism? I don't think life is meaningless. As an atheist obviously I don't believe in any form of afterlife and I don't believe in any God, but why does that make life meaningless? We're all here by accident and the sun will engulf us and none of what we did on earth will ever matter, but I believe in the meantime helping others and doing good in the world. I make my own meaning out of all this nonsense. If the only reason you behave good and act normal is because you don't want to go to hell, then you are truly the one without morals, not me.

>but why does that make life meaningless?

Show us the morality particle.

Checked and correct.

I don't believe in God, and I don't believe in an afterlife. If I wanted to I could act like a sociopathic dick my entire life with zero consequences. But I choose not to. I choose to help and love others, with literally nothing expected in return, not a heaven, not nothing. You do not need a god to have morals.

This jesus christ you guys are stupid. Christians do good things because they're trying to please a god. Atheists do good things because they genuinely believe in being a good person and having high moral standards.

this, most religiousfags are absolute hypocrites who only are good because of the threat of eternal damnation.

Materialists lack volition by their own dogma.

How can you have morality without volition? How can you claim you choose right when you deny the very idea of choice?

>morality needs to be absolute and divine otherwise it's not real
Top kek

Like most atheists you don't understand the concept of religion very well.

A soul, what Christians believe is going to live forever, is made pure and happy by being in harmony with our Creator. Perhaps you've heard the statement "God is good". Wel what does that mean eaxactly? Does it mean God has chosen specific things he thinks are good? Or that everything is good that goes through God? The God of Christianity does not want a bunch of people following a ton of different rules, he wants a specific type of person. If you have given your heart to him, and accepted the fact he created the universe and thus all the good and bad that can come out of it, as we have the free will to be good or bad, (since without it there could be no happines), you will be this person naturally. There will be no other way. It will be the only way to happiness. You won't think of rules because you'll always be following "them".

You say you want to be good and help people. Why? Christians do that because God wills it in them. It's just natural to grab the door for the women carrying grocery's out, to help the lady cross the street, to take out the trash and walk the dogs before your mom askes. I do these things and don't really think about it. Most people do. I don't do it so I can get into heaven. I it because God wills it in me ever since I have given my heart to him. I am really his vessel. He works through me now, he holds my hand.

I think atheists like you are pretty noble, the Keats kind of atheist. You mean well but are misguided and ignorant to Christianity. You should study christianity more and expand your spiritual imagination. As a Christian I've made it my duty to study other religions, especially atheism. Which, funny as it may seem to you,and especially entertaining to me, is atheists have to argue their points more than Christians do. You either believe or you don't, the choice is yours, and the beautiful thing is the choice will always be there until you die.

Why help others? If God isn't real, the concepts of "good" and "bad" aren't real either because they have no basis in reality.

I don't need your God or your good and bad concepts to make me behave a certain way. I'm going to be good to others because I do not want to cause harm. Because I want others to be happy and free. If God is proved to be not real, would you drop all of your morals and just be evil? Or would you still keep them? Would you keep practicing the good morals that you thought would get you into heaven even though now you know heaven is not real? Because if your answer is no, then I would consider you to be evil.

>If God isn't real, the concepts of "good" and "bad" aren't real either because they have no basis in reality.
created by man instead of a god

Do the things unto others that you want or wouldn't mind done to yourself

Put yourself in his shoes and see if you like it

Two simple questions rational person can ask himself to be moral without religion.