He was the first major GOP candidate to jump on the Trump Train. He kamikazed himself to destroy Rubio. But now he's been thrown under the bus by Trump's son in law Jared (((Kushner))).
Poor Chris. Is his career ruined?
He was the first major GOP candidate to jump on the Trump Train. He kamikazed himself to destroy Rubio. But now he's been thrown under the bus by Trump's son in law Jared (((Kushner))).
Poor Chris. Is his career ruined?
his career was ruined the moment he came under investigation for closing a major transport corridor for petty revenge bullshit.
also lol he's a fat dude
Well con men do not like con men so he had to be ejected.
Crispy Crème is a shitfaggot fat mobster faggot so yes his career is ruined and yes that's a good thing. Any proof the jew was involved in it?
He fried Kushner's dad and put him in prison.
Kushner is close to Trump and many say he's running the show right now.
Christie will never hold an office under Trump.
the don has spoken
based fat ass is done yes. (((they))) got him
His career was over nationally when he claimed to love the 2A when campaigning but did nothing to improve life for gun owners his entire time here in NJ where we have some of the tightest gun laws.
NJ resident here. He's hated among NJ Republicans and Democrats, trump risked this election by allowing this fat piece of shit to campaign for him
Could he beat Kasich in an eating contest?
What did his dad do?
>Kushner is close to Trump and many say he's running the show right now.
A Jew is running the show? BUT HE WAS GOING TO DRAIN THE SWAMP! WTF!
Globalist elite puppet who played both sides as a political stable boy, he can not be trusted.
Typical, neo-con shill.
I knew he was fucked when he made that terrible speech at the convention when he was supposed to run in 2012. It was all about him instead of romney. And then londen bridge fell down and we found out all republicans are cuck faggots and he was a BIG part of that--running the gov assn, and being completely corrupt. Fuck off Chris.
Praise Kek
Jared Kushner's dad is Charles Kushner. He was a rich jewish guy with lots of real-estate, liked to spend a lot of money on politicians too. And that got him in trouble, along with witness tampering and other charges.
Chris Christie was the prosecutor, and he dragged Kushner through the mud and back again.
yes unfortunately, but so far kushner has been /ourjew/
don't forget he started sucking Obongo's dick after Hurricane Sandy hit
I love how this makes it seem like jews are running Trump...it's his fucking son-in-law for god's sakes. Do you let your son in law run your shit? No. Trump Jews the Jews, not the other way around. Chris just happens to have been a completely corrupt self-serving piece of shit...it's actually not that complex.
He betrayed Trump. It's as simple as that. After Christie kamikaze'd Rubio at the debate on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. I believe Trump felt somewhat obligated to him. Trump ushered him over to his team and gave him real responsibility. He proved his worth to Trump, and instead of being kicked as a downed loser, Trump extended his hand and raised him up. That's just Trump's nature. It's who he is.
And Christie betrayed that. Knowing full well his gracious boss was running an anti-corruption campaign, he nevertheless opened the gates of Trumpworld to the very vipers Andrew Jackson warned about. Christie endangered the empire, betrayed his emperor, and betrayed his country.
He should be exiled.
>He was the first major GOP candidate to jump on the Trump Train
Nope, that was Huckabee.
yeah..I heard about the fucking lobbiests hahah. What a fuck. *Fired.
>major candidate
Nice try Paco.
He's sort of redpilled muh little hucksder. :DD
is he a mafioso?
It was a good thing he was thrown under the bus. He appointed a bunch of lobbyists and they all got dumped when he was forced out. Good riddance to the scum! Well down Jared.
Not every jew is bad retard. If Jared got rid of the lobbyists Christie appointed he is a genuine patriot.
Kushner made a good decision. Although Krispie is pretty based and sacrificed himself to take down Rubot, his name is synonymous with sleazy, Tammany Hall tactics and corrupt political gangsterism. He'd be a liability to the credibility of Trump's administration and would give shitlibs endless ammo to shit on Trump.
t. Jerseyfag
Yes...keep telling yourself that.