Trump to rich people at 21 Club: "We'll get your taxes down—don't worry about it"^tfw

G-g-guys... don't worry, it will trickle down to us.

Wow a policy that has been on his platform for months


>G-g-guys... don't worry, it will trickle down to us.
I think we'll be getting that drained swamp water.

So? It's literally in his tax platform

libcucks mad that trump is rich and eating at a rich restaurant. stupid people that should be killed off.

As someone wealthy, I was getting worried. Didn't know how "liberal" Trump was going to be.
This is a relief

Other things have to happen in conjunction, but lowering taxes on the rich allows them to invest money in the free market, which creates business and jobs.

You don't want to overtax the rich dumbasses, it's theft.

He literally ran on this, wholly shit it's even on his website. What, he was caught staying true to his word? Oh my fucking god an honest politician, what will the left pull out next?

Damn you Trump.

The idea is to get everyone's taxes down. Get your head out of your ass.

This is not what you supposed to do agent Trump.

The idea was to get to everybody's taxes down, no? Am I missing something here or am I simply supposed to hate more successful people than myself?

Oh whoever recorded that's gunna get a face load of Don's Patented Presidential Suplex™

I R.I.P.D. him early. God rest his soul.

>Trump promises to lower everyone's taxes while running
>Trump tells some people at a club that he's going to lower their taxes after he wins
wtf I'm mentally hill now

It'd be one thing if he were sitting around a table with sleazy corporatists schemingly talking about this, but this is him literally just making a little remark to make people laugh.

It's literally half a sentence about something he's been talking about for over a year, some people giggle and he goes on his way. But the damn lame-stream main-stream media spins every goddamn thing against him. He can't even refuse presidential salary without being called out unconstitutional.

Who is going to pay for all that infrastructure / """"depleted"""" military and the wall then?

>hurr Mexicans will pay for the wall
Yeah, through a tax imposed on people in America, good job dickhead, I've read his retarded policy.

Only rich people taxes go down you stupid fucks.


No he isn´t. He is a rich fat fuck who plays golf with other rich fat fucks while you revel in poverty


Trump has said this repeatedly during the campaign, at rallies, and during the debates.



MAGA? More like "Lets make Rich Fat Fucks Great again"

lol wtf

That's it I'm with media now

>muh trickle down meme.
If you want wealth work for it.

haahah look at the literal KEK who runs this twitter acct.

i bet youre just mad you dont have golf in finlandia
have fun at the sweating lodge, fish man

>makes joke to random crowd of drunks

21 club isn't high end lol.

Their prime steaks are 60 bucks. This is in downtown NYC.

Reminder that the rich don't actually pay any tax already. Trump has boasted multiple times that he barely pays any tax- thanks to the loopholes in current tax legislation.
If he wipes the board and starts fresh with clear, loophole-free tax, even if it's tax 'cut', they'll still end up paying tax because he took away the loopholes

I almost missed you guys

Honestly bro how much do you make? Because only poor people say that.

In my social circle household income is like 200-500K and none of us are going to "create more jobs" with that money. We're just going to go on more vacations, buy more houses, and get nicer cars.

French people lack creativity, ingenuity, or willpower to produce. That is why you aren't creating jobs you useless fagette

if you actually read the whole quote he said he'll lower EVERYONE's taxes, and poor people will pay none at all

The rich people need to be taxed at 90%. NO ONE needs that much money NO ONE.

Do you think cars, houses and vacations grow on trees or some shit? You're helping businesses retard

We're talking about corporate tax. It's not the income tax that CEO's personally pay, but the money that the company saves, and if the company saves money, the only place they reinvest the money is its own company, helping current employees and potentially hiring more

>economics iz hard
>better to learn some memes and spout them instead

As a relatively wealthy person, if my taxes were cut, I would spend more money on things that will make me more money - either reinvest in my business so it generates more or start another business, maybe put it into stocks which is like buying a piece of a business, you get the idea. If I and many other people start doing this, something called the "velocity of money" starts to build. Think of a river of money, building in speed and amount, as extra money starts to flow between transactions between businesses and individuals.

Taxes are the skim off the top of this river. You can tax the shit out of people, but this will reduce the stream to a trickle, and your gross tax receipts will be little, even though your tax rates are really high.

Instead, the idea is to lower taxes so even though people are paying lower taxes, the skim is at its maximum gross amount.

The term "trickle down" has been demonized so much that I fear using it, but let's just say that increasing the amount and value of businesses has a very real impact on employment.


And all it will cost is every social safety net.

Wtf are you talking about, he literally had his tax plan on his site for months.

How does it not trickle down if entrepreneurs are making much more job opportunities.

Trickle down can also refer to quality of life stuff not related to your own income.

Wow, they get to keep the money they worked for? That's really racist. They should pay for all 5 of Sharqueesha's children.

>inb4 people forget about his tariffs on foreign goods and exit taxes on companies leaving the country

He's right tho.

Making 500k counts as the 1%, but that's not money to blow your nose with.

Lowering their taxes will put money back into the economy through investing and pos.

It also opens the door for states to easily add selective taxes to fund projects without causing lobbyists to shit themselves

social security is unsustainable anyways

He's talking about what has been on his platform for months but this time there's a hidden camera.
WTF I hate Trump now.

So what? One of his campaign promises was that everyone's taxes would be cut.

Did people think that didn't include rich people?

The fuck are you fucking about you walking talking rutabaga


how will he ever recover?

The private sector does everything better than the government with the exception of national defense, which we already spend more on than every other country.

Government infrastructure is so shit that it was actually a talking point for Bernie Sanders.

Wow a man who campaigned on a clearly stated, explicit promise to adopt a tax cut for the rich talked to the rich about how he was giving them a tax cut.

The raeson this video is actually being played is that a billionaire talking to rich people at the 21 club about how he's going to give them all tax cuts is bad optics.

One of Trump's first actions is to amend Dodd-Frank so that banks with 10%+ capital can be exempt. None of the big banks have that much capital, they are 2-8% at best.

This means small community banks and credit unions can now compete with Goldman Sachs/Citibank ect.

This means small community banks and credit unions can compete with the megacorps banks. This means you, Le 'trickle down' guy can now go and get a business/startup loan from a bank in your community instead of being laughed out the door.

The stupid. It's everywhere. This fucking guy just ran. On an anti establishment platform. Everybody ignored his wealth. Inherited. Fiat. Made it an advantage. His rapist mexican babby hands. Made advantage. Muh werl ten feet higher ten feet fencier. This guy is a sock muppet

Liberals are very dishonest. When anyone proposes a tax cut, liberals yell that it is a tax cut for the rich, even if it cuts taxes for lower and middle income groups.

I told you!
I told you all about his Trumped Up Trickle Down Economics™ but you still voted for him!
Too late for me to save you now...

Zuggee bizniss dick five dorrah

Trump's had his tax plan on his website for months. It's no secret he wants to slash taxes and revenue to unsustainable levels, like Reagan did.

So you're putting that money back into the economy?

wow really made me think

>Campaigns to lower taxes

I miss something?

The frank is full of shit. Rich people didn't get rich by spending on extravagant material possessions with rapid depreciation rates. You don't even need large up front capital, you need an idea, and a market.

meant to quote the frog

>trump to 60 million americans across the country:
>We'll get your taxes down--don't worry about it.

>Trump is keeping his promises
So what's the issue faggot?

Yes President Trump wants to stimulate the US economy by encouraging the rich to invest by lowering their taxes, but also by imposing tariffs on those who wish to move their operations anywhere outside their borders. The protectionist policies are key here. It doesn't matter how high or low the taxes are if money keeps bleeding out of the country.

Yeah here we go. I have zero interest in listening to this fucking slimy garbage. The sky is a brownish green. He ran to pay no taxes. To initiate the end times. Third temple. Huge zionist. Lobbyist bitchass for pedos and for greater israel

Surely you jest. The only thing I miss is a flamethrower to grill all these cockroaches.


Dodd-Frank was written by large bankers through lobbying and in its current form fucks over small local banks. It's not enough to amend it, it should be repealed entirely.

>If you cut taxes the rich will reinvest it
When will this Reagan meme die?

Rich people only spend a fraction of this "reinvestment" on things that positively affect the middle class. Everything else is either assets that don't matter in the market for years at a time or in money markets that widen the welath equality gap

We had a marginal tax rate in the 60%+ range for 50 years and we were an economic power house, what makes you think that continuing down this path of wealth inequality is good for the nation?

This is news from late 2015, right?

you are my favorite poster itt. keep up the good work, leaf

Confirmed for having never owned or managed a business, much less started one. It's called capitalism for a reason.

He said he was going to do that across the board so not sure what you are getting at

Ah, the "rich don't pay taxes" meme.

It's more accurate to say that the rich don't pay any more taxes than they have to.

I could take all the money that my business generates and stick it into the bank, but then it will be taxed as income - and the more I stick into the bank, the higher tax bracket I get put into and the more money gets taxed away.

So this encourages me to take my money and spend it on things that I can "write off." Think like this: the business made 100k last year but I spent 90k on office paper, so in reality I made 10k because that 90k gets "written off."

Now obviously that's a bit silly - the thing that is usually done is that the 90k in this situation would be spent on things like machinery so I can make more money with more machines.

The nice thing is that if I do go and buy a machine, it's going to need people to run it (employees) so that's good for me and for someone who needs a job.

Only a retard takes his profits and then sticks it into the mattress. It all gets invested back into things that make money.

Now when you get up to the billionaire level, IDK how that really works other than buying and selling larger companies, etc.

But it's hard to say that we would be better off without Jeff Bezos throwing his money around, I think. I know for a lot of people they look at a guy like that and think that his billions could send a lot of kids to school. The problem with that thinking is that if you take his money and spend it like that, then he can no longer do the things he does, and the things he does is run businesses that keep thousands of people employed, and his company's stocks fatten many people's 401(k)'s.

rrriiiiiiiiiiight. ive heard this song and dance before.

ill let you in on a secret. "Trickle down" is just the sensation you feel when the rich piss down on you from their high rise apartment balcony.

assuming they don't poof off to another country or outsource.

on that note, do we have anything to discourage that? Genuinely asking

Why do you shoot yourselves in the head for a television psychic who talks about rapists while his hands are deep inside an immigrant family he's cheating with. Guy's got H1Bs. You know what this is? You were scared the world would say you liked a democratic dictatorship so you did a party "switch" and elected a dictator and got laughed at even more

>My parents' middle names were Christ!
>wins but loses popular vote because "Christians"

cutting taxes so horrible #ImWithHerNow

Lol if you think companies plow all their profits back into the company you really haven't worked in any major corporation.

Corporations want to do one thing - keep their profits growing so the stock price grows. All executive bonuses are based on growth. That's why Gillette comes out with a new razor every 2 years even though the Mach3 was already good enough.

And who benefits from high stock prices and dividends? Rich people who own stock. How much stock do you own?

The only way you'll benefit from this is if my rich friends hire you as their maid or their lawn guy.

>tarp is so horrible
>here come the tax cuts

>does so by getting rid of welfare leeches, sending the prison population to Africa, and ending affirmative action
fuck yeah! We 80's now

I'm not sure how rich I am, I pay about 40k a year in federal taxes, so less taxes will be nice.

Why am I supposed to be mad that rch people dont like taxes?

I dont like taxes!

>wholly shit
what a waste of digits, you goddamn public school educated fucktard

OP has a brilliant mind

This is the perfect parody of a reddit post.

>oh thank you master
>thank you for trickling down on us
Drumpfkins are so cucked.

This. The "hoarding money" meme needs to die.

It's also funny when people reference the fact that we used to have a 90% marginal income tax rate for the highest bracket and ignore that the effective tax rate was only 45% and even then very few people actually paid that.

How the fuck is this news?

>(in mild joking tone) Trump: We'll get your taxes down, don't worry.

>Media: Trump PROMISES tax break!!!!

So they are literally running with that. Something said at a resustuarant. Because, you know, that's where policy is made.

So they will run with that but ignored a heap ton of illegal and shady shit Clinton has done.

Fuck CNN.

WTF does it matter if it trickles down to us or not? Were you expecting free shit? You still have work anons, and higher taxes for the rich just means you will work for less wages.
Economics really doesn't contain as many mysteries as people would believe.

>it will trickle down
I don't care about trickling down you fucking thief. Stop stealing form people.

I'm rich though.
I'm the one pissing on niggers.

>We're just going to go on more vacations, buy more houses, and get nicer cars.
Thus creating more jobs and business...ya dingus.

B-because, goy.....
Six million Jews died in the holocaust

Here's your reply.


You Leftists are so fucking pathetic. Your ideology literally revolves around jealousy, and you don't even pretend otherwise.

Still better than voting for a raggedy old cunt who would run a reign of murder.

>OP watches mainstream propaganda
>Reporter on TV indicates he should be outraged by Trump's message to the Rich
>Idiot OP doesn't know that Trump partly ran on that
>OP goes to Sup Forums to give it to those nasty Trump supporters
>OP gets BTFO

Trickle down economics are a leftists invention. Tell me one reputable economist that has advocated it, ill paypal you 1000 euros


I watch old videos of average people absolutely losing their shit on zionism. That was the norm believe it or not. Now we just take pictures of french fries and try and delay the inevitable. World feels strange and shitty especially for us youngins. I don't trust him and there's nothing anybody can do about that