Alan Moore has called this one of the best 100 comics ever made

Alan Moore has called this one of the best 100 comics ever made.

It's "The One", by Rick Veitch (mostly known for drawing Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run), and it is currently being reprinted 1-issue-at-a-time by IDW.

Originally printed in 1985 by Marvel Comics under their better than Vertigo imprint "Epic Comics", The One is sometimes referred to as a "Watchmen before Watchmen" story (but in COMPLETELY different ways than, say, "Squadron Supreme" or something like that).

It's probably best described though as "just really motherfucking weird". This is about as artsy-fartsy as Marvel has ever gotten, up there with other ballsy semi-experimental comics like Stray Toasters from around the same time period. It also features 10/10 covers throughout the entire series, each by Rick Veitch himself (as far as I can tell) working in a pop art style rarely seen in the comics medium (or at least rarely with this level of natural ease).

Anyway, I figure that Sup Forums might want to read an extremely unconventional superhero comic that was one of the first superhero comics that "tried to do more with the medium".

And hey if Alan Moore says it's one of the best comics ever made then it's probably worth checking out, right? OF COURSE IT IS! SO LET'S READ!


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I'm reading a bunch of other things but sure I'll get around to it.








I'll give this a shot.




Thanks, OP




















What the hell haha

Fantastic cover.

That is a trippy premise for a comic.

This is fucking WILD!

I have all of the comics' original run, so happy to see this book getting a second-life through reprints


what is even fucking going on

well now I did not see that coming

this is somehow the best or at least the funniest page in the issue

I don't even know what to say. This just keeps getting weirder.

Try out "Army@Love" next

Or don't, because its Vertishit

That's shit though.

I'll come back later, bump for now

>Could be your big chance, know what I mean?

holy shit what a fucking scumbag

>Alan Moore has called this one of the best 100 comics ever made.
Is there a complete list?

>This is about as artsy-fartsy as Marvel has ever gotten, up there with other ballsy semi-experimental comics like Stray Toasters from around the same time period
Like that trippy ass book Ann Nocenti did?

1 shot?

I can't find the original website anymore where he gives some explanations but
The Adventures Of Luther Arkwright (Bryan Talbot)
Alec: The King Canute Crowd (Eddie Campbell)
Arcade: The Comics Revue (Rick Griffin/Art Spiegelman)
At Home With Rick Geary (Rick Geary)
The Big Book Of Everything (Hunt Emerson)
Bolland Strips (Brian Bolland)
The Book Of Jim (Jim Woodring)
Bread & Wine: An Erotic Tale Of New York (Samuel R Delany/Mia Wolff)
The British Humour Comics Of Ken Reid (1919-1987)
Cerebus (Dave Sim/Gerhard)
Complete Crumb Comics (Robert Crumb)
Foodboy (Carol Swain)
Good-bye Chunky Rice (Craig Thompson)
Greyshirt: Indigo Sunset (Rick Veitch)
Haunter Of The Dark (John Coulthart)
Heart Of Empire (Bryan Talbot)
Hellboy: Wake The Dead (Mike Mignola)
Lady Chatterley's Lover (adapted by Hunt Emerson)
Love & Rockets (Los Bros Hernandez)
Mad (Harvey Kurtzman)
Marshal Law (Pat Mills/Kevin O'Neill)
Maus: A Survivor's Tale (Art Spiegelman)
The One (Rick Veitch)
The Originals (Dave Gibbons)
Palestine (Joe Sacco)
Planetary (Warren Ellis/John Cassaday)
Posy (Posy Simmonds)
The Spiral Cage (Al Davison)
The Spirit (Will Eisner)
Stick & Stones (Peter Kuper)
Strangehaven (Gary Spencer Millidge)
The Suttons (Phil Elliott)
The Tale Of One Bad Rat (Bryan Talbot)
True Brit (edited by George Khoury)
True Faith (Garth Ennis/Warren Pleece)
Understanding Comics (Scott McCloud)
Violent Cases (Neil Gaiman/Dave McKean)
Zero Girl (Sam Kieth)

>Dat Action Comics reaction face at the bottom left

This comic book is all right.

Have a bump.

Uh, if this is a reprint, are there anywhere downloads of the full thing?


I love this comic, saw it for first time in a storytime in 2012 and its been a favorite ever since

this is probably the worst comic i've ever read. it's fucking hideous. EVERYTHING in it, the characters and art and plot and setting ALL OF IT, is an ugly, unsubtle caricature, with no greater purpose behind it to rise to the level of satire. THIS is exactly what an edgy 12 year old trying to look smart ACTUALLY produces. this is used toilet paper.

oh, and I have to mention it;
fuck yourself with a red-hot poker you fucking jackass who wrote this. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. DELIBERATELY BAD IS STILL BAD. YOU ARE A BAD WRITER.

You realize that back in 1985 you couldn't really swear in comics?

THEN DON'T. this isn't hard to understand. if you can't write without profanity in every third sentence, you can't write. if you choose to write anyway, and then censor all your forbidden profanity with nonsensical soundalikes, you should have your hands cut off and force-fed to you.

this isn't just me getting triggered by one pet peeve, this comic is truly hideous all around.

I never thought bad taste and autism could look so good together


It's unfortunate that comics readers have essentially gone from being big fans of science fiction and fantasy and adventure novels back in the early years of the "direct market" to where now most comics reader are functional illiterates like this dude who think that anything other than Grant Morrison wankery and purple prose is "bad writing". This comic is dealing with one of the most complex looks at late 20th century postmodern thought that has ever been portrayed in the medium and this guy just goes "WHERE'S MUH MEMES?" Over here: here even goes so far as to say that in-character writing is someone "bad writing".

>you should have your hands cut off and force-fed to you

just take a step back and drop the katana son

I was surprised at how good this was.

>Uh, if this is a reprint, are there anywhere downloads of the full thing?
I found a couple torrent magnet links that included The One 1-6, but doesn't look like anyone who has the torrent on their computer already is making it available right now.

I think I might have it somewhere. You OK with shitty old scans?

The first page is already excellent, thanks for the storytime

Yes please. Thanks, user.

I have no idea what's going on, but I'm intrigued.

You still here dude? I just saw your response, so I only got around to uploading it now.

The One 01-06.rar

I do not give a shit if it's approved by the author or whoever the digital colors look fucking horrible on traditional inks and the digital colorists always try and give a "realistic" skin tone and lighting which fucks up the aesthetic of the book. I'm sorry OP but you storytimed the wrong version.

This is so wierd, I have a few of these issues somewhere. I remember they basically predicted 9/11?

thanks for the storytime OP, will read later

Why do these posts sound so fake?

it looks fine

Got it, thank you user-kun.

God bless you, user.


I think it's BECAUSE of the 'comic fandom'. Before, in the 80s, comic fans were trying to put comics in the public eye as serious literature that can go on par with artistic books or movies. But over the course of 90s, speculator crash, and other stuff - comic fandom became this insular thing where most people in the fandom read comics and only comics - MAYBE they watch cartoons/anime if they're lucky. So they have no idea what makes good writing.

I believe this is one of the reasons why Alan Moore is so bitter and distancing himself from most of comic world right now, because Moore strongly believes that a work that isn't about a meaningful message - is useless. To him, something like Blackest Night or Final Crisis or Metal or any OTHER "epic crossover event' would be the epitome of cancer.

I think also the original fandom is not reading comics anymore. Those dudes are all in their 40s and 50s. They grew up when reading was still common. Now NOBODY reads.

This is illegal. For shame.

The Soviet Primer looks like an overweigh Reagan.


>selling to both sides

well this is starting off pretty realistically. the nazi war machine owed its existence to U.S. corporations and the enemies of the U.S. are usually armed by the U.S. before becoming its enemy

>there are people that even we have to answer to

oh yeah. this is realistic as fuck.

>he's mad!

ROFLMAO dude with a mustache's right hand has only four fingers

>speech bubbles come from her boobs

this is hilarious