This research is what I have so far. Something really weird has been going on this whole year in Antarctica and I think I found reason why.
Part 1
>During construction work in Mecca some artifact was discovered. The lightning strikes and crane falling on and killing and injuring hundreds of people was retaliation for keeping the Ark of Gabriel. >They where unaware of the treaty that was signed between arctic ETI called Guardians and US telling anyone that finds ancient weapons or technology is to return it to them or face grave consequences. >The Saudis then contacted the US to ask them for help as they thought they might have experience with such things. The US was happy to oblige but they where the wrong people to contact since they are fighting a losing war against the ETI's in the Arctic and where desperate for any new technology. >When US envoy discovered what it was it was moved to Ford Worth Texas where the base was attacked ETI by Guardians again killing 500 people this time.
>Eventually the US folded and asked Pope for help as it's religious artifact and they also have knowledge and contact with Guardians and was on better terms then them. Thats why he was in Washington and later Cuba where the orthodox Church leader was elected to escort the Ark of Gabriel with help from Russian Navy since any US warship would be attacked and Russia was still neutral nation in Guardians eyes. >The recent trips where because of decaying diplomatic relations with the ETI. The new 35 year Antarctica human ban is the peace treaty they signed and also completely cuts off territory of the arctic ocean to any human. > The tension is immense and retaliation was made against Argentina,Vatican and New Zealand for helping US. Italian,Argentina and Christchurch was same weapon. All these quakes measured 6.0 to 7.8 followed by UFO sightings making it clear. >The last visit was by John Kerry that went to make contact with Guardians after election results breaking protocol as they are only to be contacted on global matters souring US and Guardian relations greatly. His intention was causing a UFO war to throw election or to try and find diplomatic solution for War between US and Guardians one can only speculate.
>inb4 shills derail the thread with flat earther bullshit like they do every fucking time we're onto something
Anthony Jackson
Can I get a tl;dr?
Ryder Gray
been here 10 years first i heard of this sorta crap with guardians and shit
Anthony Perez
Ancient aliens, Scientology, Africans being kangz n sheeit. It all makes sense now...
Wyatt Rogers
Veri nyce.
Lincoln Walker
Who the fuck are the Guardians?
Grayson Anderson
Kazakhstan, wtf these white poofy q-tip fedora wearing secret asians soing
- Sincerely, Your fellow delegate from Canada
Kevin Evans
we were posting about Antarctica here a few days ago with legitimate evidence
shills immediately flooded the thread saying they'd been to Antarctica and there was nothing there
then flat-earther shills came in and tried to derail us
now OP posts this schizo rambling on the same topic to try and discredit our suspicions so that people will associate our interest in Antarctica with some /x/-tier xenu schizo shit.
Charles Robinson
They're looking for the Nazi base underwater. Isn't Antarctica supposed to be Atlantis covered in snow? I'm sure someone knows what I'm trying to refer to.
Robert Russell
Good thread. I've been wondering about why John Kerry went to Antarctica. The press conference was sketchy af. Who are the guardians? What are the other possible reasons for him to go?
Alexander Morris
Look up Flatline by B.o.b. if you wanna crack up.
Isaac Johnson
They actually think there's an artificial pyramid on Antarctica. What they don't realise is it's an archipelago and any exposed mountain top was the peak of a mountain millions of years ago. Any plausible reptilian civilisation is buried deep under ice.
Nothing said about aliens or flat earthers or whatever.
Politicians are probably visiting it to make deals about it. It's a little hard to have a stake of a continent when you've never visited it, although if all the ice melts you know only Australia will actively use the majority of it. Literally expect Australia to own Antarctica and just deal with it.
Angel Jackson
So you guys found evidence that there are bases or something in antarctica?
Nathan Thompson
Robert Wood
Why the hell are you Aussies hellbent on world domination?
Zachary Gomez
Caleb Moore
I don't believe in that shit
More likely it indicates that human civilization is far older than we had previously thought - or that public education has led us to believe
Some also believe that the government could be building a place to meet and exchange agendas without suspicions from media and such
Camden Nguyen
VIPs go to Antarctica all the time.
They don't have to have a reason. It's a chance to go to Antarctica
Thomas Cooper
see here faggot pictures of Antarctica were in the Podesta leaks
all these different political leaders are traveling to Antarctica, for what reason? sight seeing?
we also posted cartography and photos of what appear to be pyramid structures - where they came from, who fucking knows
what's more interesting is the Nazis were investigating Antarctica some 70 years ago
Andrew Martinez
Human civilisation CANNOT be older than 70,000, as that's the time the most modern looking human left Africa, and by that time any pre industrial civilisation would have no need for Antarctica. Any human less advanced than that simply wouldn't develop past hunter gatherer stage and any civilisation post industrial would leave extremely obvious traces.
What's most likely is that there were sporadic, illiterate (besides priests) civilisation that proped up around rivers and coasts. Because they were coastal or near river mouths, these prehistoric human civilisations are also under water.
Reptilian civilisation from hundreds of millions of years ago would have no trace of it today.
Chase Robinson
Got any more theories OP?
I mean what's going on man??
Christian Young
You'll see. When the world is burning, remember us born in the heat.
Thomas Ross
something else to add for the OP. In 1967 Australian PM Harold Holt disappeared while swimming in the ocean. There was quite a bit of conspiracy surrounding his disappearance. Years ago I remember one of these being it had to do with America, JFK's death and Antarctica. I just did some digging and all I could find is the conspiracy being pushed that he was a secret communist and was picked up by a chinese submarine. lol This man was very pro America and him being a commie sympathiser does not pass my smell test.
Adrian Allen
Listen man. I read your posts and watched first 2 videos. Video 1 is someone feeding you bullshit using a parable book from 2,000 years ago. Don't take it literally. God isn't "throwing lightning" from his hands at people or cranes. Video 2 is a moth flying into a camera's view. If you do not see them as such, you need to ask an adult around you for help. I'm not saying this to offend you, just trying to help you understand that you may have a worldview that is slightly out of touch with what is actually going on. There are no guardian ETI in Antartica. Really, ask for help.
Matthew Gomez
This is a diagram of one of the bases
They are looking for neutrinos, among other things I'm sure. Why are they investing so much money into this?
Prove it's impossible that humans existed before 200,000 and 100,000 thousand years ago. That is when modern homo sapien sapiens evolved according to "official" records.
They could have been in Antarctica and migrated upward as climate changed
Christian King
do you have screencaps or an archive link for the old bread?
Gavin Morris
hey retard, read the fucking thread
Robert Foster
can confirm all this was true. I have not experienced anything like it on Sup Forums
Christopher James
you're the faggot you faggot take your meds you faggot
Alexander White
the body of hitler is cryogenically frozen in antartica. the other shit posted in this thread is just stupid bullshit
Hunter Davis
There were a few of them, this was the first one. The flat earthers came in the second one. I don't have the link to it, it might be in this archives thread
Camden Diaz
i have a semi-related Antarctica story >friends dad has rich friend >rich friend goes to Antarctica >for a vacation >kills himself later that year I think he wanted to go see some of the mountains and stuff. Like an adventure vacation.
Nolan Hill
Sorry. Started to respond and looked away a minute so I think your post slipped in while respond box was open. Do you have link to old thread from a few days ago? Would like to read.
Grayson Harris
When a neutrino is caught the array sends out an email to all of the giant telescopes in the world saying "point you're telescope at x coordinates, you are about to see a super nova"
Source: I set up the data hardware to send the emails
Brayden Garcia
that South African user even called one of the bases in Antarctica
>I've been to Antarctica and there was nothing there
sure bet the got a chance to check out that whole entire continent
Nicholas Hughes
>(((arctic ETI))) ikr, wasn't that the premises of a video game aswell? rp thread
Dominic Taylor
Like the Globalist elite who would exploit their own mother to further their agenda would give a shit about polluting/ruining Antarctica if the was something of interest there.
Luke Powell
bump, for interest.
Jace Johnson
I immediately thought of this when I read your post.
Interesting read. Imagine that happening today, the coverage would be immense.
Josiah Young
thread theme:
Alexander Turner
>the US folded and asked Pope for help no one takes that faggot pope seriously, they may as well have called in Elton John for help
Isaac Barnes
Neanderthal are still human bro.
The human that evolved in Africa and spread wasn't that dissimilar elsewhere. Convergent evolution is still a thing, you know? And regardless, who knows how much genetic drift there really is after our first common ancestor.
I don't have to prove squat, even homo erectus has been found outside of Africa.
>Antarctica Uhh..
I know for certain Antarctica was at the south pole 200,000 years ago or even maybe 2 million years ago and for at least all that time it was a frozen shithole that no one would want to build on.
Now maybe back in the Mesozoic era where it could have been temperate islands between Australia and south America or Africa, kind of like a short cut... But that was hundreds of millions of years before even primates evolved.
So: Reptilians:, ayylmaons or simply not real.
Noah Murphy
>marching towards certain death
maybe the penguin knows something we don't
Thomas Peterson
>you will never lick the feet of a female nephilim
>I know for certain Antarctica was at the south pole 200,000 years ago Lol no you don't. Get outta here.
Jonathan Carter
someone should fill out a FOIA request for anything related to Antarctica or the Nazis investigation of Antarctica
Samuel Evans
>as that's the time the most modern looking human left Africa
assuming they're telling you the truth about that
when they come clean about all the giant skeletons the smithsonian is hoarding, then I'll believe them
Anthony Miller
Henry Evans
appeal to ignorance is so convinent, isn't it?
sure, they're visiting antarctica because they have a secret base under the tundra, where you would, as many others have, die a horrible death as your ligaments rot off of your body, starting with your dick, and toes.
but sure, they're going to work on their secret base, not because it's unspoiled wilderness, and breathtaking at that, and they are just able to afford the trip.
Isaac Barnes
>Retired Navy pilot >Saw entrance to UFO base under the ice
Can anyone verify this guys legitimacy? I know nothing about military
Benjamin Thomas
kek apparently verifies it
Thomas Turner
>The Necrons are waking up
John Mitchell
>777 Powerful numbers indeed, kek confirms
Sebastian Myers
It is a machine that determines if there is a nuclear detonation and its location by detecting the particles emitted. "Neutrino detection" is a bullshit story meant to obfuscate its true purpose from the general public.
ice hole. also, holy fuck antarctica is beautiful.
Joseph Price
William Allen
You should know all about the connections to Astana and Antarctica conspiracies, after all, the NWO HQ is in your country
Mason Phillips
Grayson Gomez
nigga this shit edited
Julian Ortiz
>Mecca attacks
Notice the burn wounds on stampede victims appartley they got shocked by massive plasma emission from Ark and caused stampede there was 3 seperate attacks on Mecca all on relgious holidays.
Pretty sure we had a small satellite to detect detonations on the dark side of moon. Also pretty sure gamma rays can be detected and triangulated from other instruments much smaller in scale and cheaper than that giant thing.
Christian Foster
there were many skeletons found by prospectors in american mines, all with similar attributes like 6 fingers and double rows of teeth, then they turn them over to the smithsonian and they're never seen of again many such stories, written in many journals - GIANTS
Noah Adams
Julian Gomez
Flying animals are not uncommon in a tornado producing thunderstorm. There have been instances of an area some miles away getting a storm of raining fish and frogs etc etc. Those videos are questionable though.
James Morales
Piss off Borat, Antarctica is Anglo clay.
Benjamin Collins
holy shit kek
David Morgan
>you know only Australia will actively use the majority of it. Literally expect Australia to own Antarctica and just deal with it. Kek. You know very well what would happen
>Australia uses majority of it since we own a shit ton of land >China wants to buy up the land >our government sells it for only $200 billion
>Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions
Seems like the US government had reasonable suspicion about Antarctica all the way back in the 40s
Oliver Hall
Pls stop, of course the Smithsonian would catalogue any architectural evidence. Besides being a nice conspiracy theory, as in, why there's no evidence is all part of the evidence for this theory, there is still no reason.
Many such stories, written in many journals - ALL BULLSHIT
Neat, a map composed from just information and other maps that turned out to even have Brazil. It doesn't really support either Antarctican civilisation or giants (fuck you Australia).
We would Lord over it for 100 years at least contemplating what to do with all this potentially oil filled land that has no sane reason to have environmental laws since there's no lively above ground environment supporting life.
Think we might try to become rich? Or sell to the Chinese? I for one support the Chinese, if and only if someone's daughter is included as part of the deal.
Otherwise it's Antarctica for the Australians.
Owen Ward
Because of early test ban treaty in the 60's or 70's. We were afraid USSR would just test on dark side of moon to escape Earth based detection. So we made a small satellite and sent it up to watch.
Eli Sullivan
A lot of his photos look fake desu senpai as much as I wish it was true
I'll have to look into it
Unfortunately most information is censored out by google and youtube. There is also a ton of misinformation that is purposely dumped on google and youtube relating to these theories or ideas.
Where do most people go for this shit? Tor or something?
Benjamin Hughes
you have no idea how little i trust "experts"
Angel Diaz
On 6th July 1960 the U. S. Air Force responded to Prof. Charles H. Hapgood of Keene College, specifically to his request for an evaluation of the ancient Piri Reis Map:
6, July, 1960 Subject: Admiral Piri Reis Map TO: Prof. Charles H. Hapgood Keene College Keene, New Hampshire
Dear Professor Hapgood,
Your request of evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis map of 1513 by this organization has been reviewed. The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land, Antarctic, and the Palmer Peninsular, is reasonable. We find that this is the most logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map. The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513.