LOL! Another high-larious comic from xkcd!

LOL! Another high-larious comic from xkcd!
>[They do not move.]

>They do not move
Maybe because not everybody is a super-sperg like you who's obsessed with art direction in comics, even in ones that are just meant to be quick funnies for normies to post on Facebook?

That was the title text, user.


but what if I never insult anyone and just whenever I say something people ignore it

i don't think this is supposed to be funny?

He's right, which is why I use MY free speech to ignore everything xkcd says.


>basic human rights make you an asshole
I feel so bad for not getting crucified when I said liberals are dumb, oh gosh...

>>basic human rights make you an asshole
It's not this, it's basic human rights CAN make you an asshole.

>they do not move
Because adding visual interest would detract from the punchline? Repetition of visuals is a common trick in comedy comics, it's used to
de-emphasize certain things, while putting emphasis on others. That's why e.g. if you have three identical panels and then a different final one, it gets funny. (This is also, unintentionally, why Loss is so funny - because last panel is so different from others it becomes a surprise).

What the FUCK? They call them the FUNNY PAGES, dummy! CLEARLY they can only be funny and nothing else.

But you just acknowledged he's right, which isn't ignoring it...

I assume Randall supports the repeal of net neutrality? It's just privately-owned companies telling their competitors to get lost.

"[They do not move.]" is the title text of the comic.

Companies aren't people, you fucking idiot.

Also what the fuck are you even implying? That people shouldn't be ALLOWED to tell you to fuck off by law? Because that's the saddest thing I've ever heard.


Holy shit dude where have you been? The election was almost a year and a half ago.

What's funnier to me is that he's the second user to fall for it, and the other user already got told the same thing. It's only a 15 post thread...

but why read the whole thread when you can just rage post the OP?

>Companies aren't people, you fucking idiot.
Companies are controlled by people. The people get to choose with whom they do business and with whom they do not.

>That people shouldn't be ALLOWED to tell you to fuck off by law?
Of course not! People definitely should be allowed to tell people to fuck off. And if the Comcast CEO wants to tell the people at Netflix to fuck off and throttle them, they're free to do so.

That election was the only victory they've had in their lives.
It's like the guys who hang onto their highschool sports glorydays while working a shity 9-5 office dredge.

He's right, though. I'm Russian and watching Americans compare Internet censorship to life in Soviet Union all the time makes me legitimately mad. No, you fucking idiots, getting banned from Twitter is NOT similar to being sent to Gulag.

Every fukin liberal wants to think that we haven't had these arguments about free speech before