Why, I do believe it's time for Farscape!

Why, I do believe it's time for Farscape!


But enough about me, how was your day?




Farscape was Firefly done right


Farscape was Lexx done with a better budget.

Oh, and I know I missed yesterday, but I was busy seeing The Shape of Water with some pals of mine. The hype is real, and it exists for a reason. However, be warned: the 15 rating exists for a reason, and it's not just because boobies.
I still haven't seen Firefly... I know, I know.
Fucking hell, that brings back memories... not that I ever saw that show. Was it any good?



Didn't Lexx had nude scenes?

I thought it was Blakes 7 with a better budget?

























Frelling bump







The Shape of Water was cool but the mafish sex scenes were fucking weird
Reminds me of pulp sci fi stories



I appreciated both sex scenes in the movie because they actually revealed the characters of Strickland and Elisa respectively,
plus they were shot really well, especially Elisa's. Artistic nudity is a great thing when it's done well.

Seriously though, how the fuck does a movie with two sex scenes and a few boob shots get a 15?
I thought film censors automatically slapped an 18 on anything with sex in it. Also, those fingers...











No Firefly is American Blake's 7

yes, and Lexx wasn't GOOD, but it was fucking bizarre and worth watching just for that. pic not related








































