One of your nation's most renowned athletes runs for office

Does she or he stand a real chance to win the presidency or prime ministry?

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She has an ugly snatch, no one would vote for her.

Roger Federer could become the First King of Switzerland any time.

her asshole is even worse, it's the most unappetizing leg spread in recent times

>She has an ugly snatch
you have to be over 13 to be here, lad

Steve Smith can't win a fucking test match let alone a fucking election

>athletes are good for anything more than their bodies

You have to stop being delusional m8

Yeah, Americans are stupid enough to elect Shaq

don't post it

Wayne Gretzky would be a step up from that fag we have there now.

Prime minister of cold cuts maybe

what, this?

Richie McCaw could easily win the PM job by landslide if he wanted it. Heck our PM would probably resign to give it to him. NZ loves rugby.

Le cut inside man is gonna cut that budget.

this little master would easily win

Up here Pacquiao already became a senator, so it wouldn't be too much of a step to imagine that he could move to higher office.

In Australia where I am from it is unlikely, because we only elect massive cunts and the only bloke who fits that bill is Michael Clarke. But he is unelectable.

What a disgusting looking roastie.

lel, I miss prime Robben, he was really good and an overall joy to watch.

Shouldn't you be commenting on handegg and leave commenting on more intelligent people.

I could see America electing Michael Jordan. He doesn't know shit about politics or never says anything about it. He'd just get elected based on his personality and fame. From what I know, he's of good character and doesn't have a dark past either. He could win easily.


shouldn't you be learning how to type a proper sentence in English faggot?

Lol - his Dad literally got murdered for his gambling debts and he is universally regarded as a massive prick.


you need to do more research on MJ if you think his past is clean

Meh - I deserved that - stupid po up makes it tough to edit. You win this one burgerfriend.

And it would possibly be better than what we have today.

He could probably run on the platform of crowning himself king and still win easily. He's pretty damn likeable

He already made Real Great Again.
He would fucking win desu.