The European Union

What went wrong?

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It became more than simply trading.

Becoming a political entity and become more than a institution for cheap trade deals

>letting Jews have power

Would you say the Euro was a good idea in concept?



When it became a political union rather than a market one

Everything after 1992.

When you learn that the whole thing started from a nazi ideology called "new europe", you just know it wasn't meant to ever be democratic in any way.

This. Too much powergrabbing, too soon.

No, unification must come from conquest, not from surrendering your powers to the jews.

Globalist cuckfags took it over, triggering a violent right wing authoritarian response in many of its member countries; particurlarly in Britain and eastern Europe. The EU is doomed.

White women are too picky these days. White population decreasing dramatically in all European countries. Politicians wanted to raise GDP . Politicians import swine to get that GDP up.$$$$$

Good idea but it's full of corruption

They wanted too much.
Eurofags would be alright with some closer cooperation on many issues and building some neat space exploration stuff.
But freedom of movement given to countries as far apart economically as Netherlands and Bulgaria just didn't work out.
Same for the Euro. Political project without any economic wisdom.

People don't want to become absorbed into a larger state with different people they can't relate to. It's one of the best established insights of the modern times.

>too much power vested into a bunch of kike bureaucrats
>becoming a political entity WITH a cancerous leftist-marxist SJW ideology that promotes self-destructiveness and the advancement of undeserving subhumans (yes, that includes my fellow """countrymen""" that go to Sweden and the UK for gibs)
>full of incompetent twats that don't know how to do simple economics and trade deals (also cucks)
>still believes itself to be the most legitimate and progressive institution and has managed to brainwash millions to believe its bullshit

tl;dr a quagmire of inadequacy coupled with leftist ideological trash and granted way too much power

They took what started out as a trade uninon and then little by little tried to turn it into a new federal nation state.
They are trying to annex all the European countries and turn them into the United States of Europe without firing a single shot, thus achieving what the Nazi's were aiming for without any physical resistance.

-German meddling in foreign affairs
-Inviting Muslim terrorists in
-Granting kikes power

no. sure, sounds convenient
>no exchange rates
>know what shit is worth wherever i am

but you can't as a country hand the power of the purse off to some other (((entity))) like that. The (((federal reserve))) is bad enough holy shit!

Do EU politicians like Juncker/Schulz have no shame? Do they not feel even the slightest bit embarrassed by the shit show the EU is?

Did Shillary have any shame?

Too many shit-tier nations got in. Too much bureaucracy, endless debts.


No. Having multiple vastly different governments share a currency was a horrible idea. At best it could've been a secondary currency printed and traded by only one government. Like as a tourist you could pay with both the local currency or the euro, which the government then takes and trades with say Germany.


Maastricht happened

the politicians in charge are cucks, if the EU was lead by based politicians it wouldve been awesome

>that picture

We´re in good hands


>implying that's a bad thing

Just Germany is the problem.


>actually means less government

You guys should thank Merkel for saving the west.
Brexit and Trump never happen without her and her's mudslime pet.

their push for an American like union with centralized power , but that was always the goal of the EU. and they're trying to accomplish that by destroying culture n nationalism and turning each country into a multicultural cesspit so we no longer have blood ties to the land. it's a pity because i'm sure most would accept some form of union and military cooperation but the (((founders))) never had the peoples best interests at heart.

Federalism was the main idea in the 50's-60's before the EU was even formed. So many people here that haven't read their own history.

Excuse me?


I don't think it was fundamentally flawed, to be honest. Nobody really cares about the Commission being unelected so long as the Commission isn't pulling stupid policies.

So then we need to wonder WHY the Commission pulled stupid policies like "Become Der Ewinge Jude and sell Greece to the banks" or "Plz come in, entire population of Ethiopia :^) "

And the fundamental blame for both of these things rests on the Greeks and the Ethiopians. If Greeks weren't financially incontinent kebab rapebabies who refused to pay even minimal tax to their own government, it wouldn't have needed Deutche Bank money. If Ethiopia were a stable prosperous country instead of full of negroid warlords, its population wouldn't try and swim to Italy.

So I'm going to conclude actually that what went wrong with the EU is that it was Too Good For This Gay Earth. They thought they were setting up a Scandanavia-type help-each-other-out welfare ethnostate for the white man, only to discover that the Greeks are dissolute crypto-T*rks and everyone else is utterly shameless in their pursuit of gibs.

Too centralised, too ambitiois, too nebulous for the common man and not representative enough.

Was doing reasonably well before her.

It's just our latest attempt to get France by going through Belgium

A lot of eastern countries joined

and they still had a headache and a bad taste in the mouth from "federal" and "union of x countries" stuff under the soviets, and then they got a shared currency, handouts and a mandate from some idiots in brussels

Actual political scientist in spe here!

France happened! You see, back in the day there were countries that were economicly equal, however, there is always one that just scores a little lower. This was France, France couldn't handle being the worst performing member of the EU so they pushed to let weaker economies join (Greece never met the requierements for joining but France pushed to let them join anyways). Now with a lot of weaker economical partners France could point at them and say: "see, we aren't the worst economy in the EU"

Also, the shift from being more of a forum based organisation about trade into a more dictatorial political institute that acts as a governement has ruined the EU.

Europe is some sort of "promised land", it's a continent in which large scale centralisation appears to be unable to survive longer than a few decades.

Yes if the participating countries would have been:
France (questionable)

Letting in the Eastern Bloc, common currency, bailouts, immigration, krauts going on such a power trip that they invited the entire fucking 3rd world to Europe without consulting anyone.

Also don't call it EU, just call it Germany

Statism and unelected bureocracy in what should have been a commercial,scientific and military alliance

Conceptually yes, The application fucking sucked.
We need a do-over.

I actually think the european union was a good Idea. The problem is the currency. But in general the EU improved welfare, trade and military strength.
Margaret Tatcher warned for the ECB (ie. the problem of the EU in my opinion) but alas, no one listened.


>Europe is some sort of "promised land", it's a continent in which large scale centralisation appears to be unable to survive longer than a few decades.
And that's why I like our continent so much.

It's not. It's still Europe's Best hope for relevacy.
It just needs to be reworked from The ground up.

And they would have succeeded if it wasn't for those meddlesome muslims

Soros, commie propaganda from cold war, 68' "intelectuals", Germany

You guys need a common language.

Seriously, it fucking sucks asking for directions in Paris if your french isn't up to speed.


It's great as long as times are good and economies are growing. The single market, and the many reforms have been instrumental in protecting european businesses and encouraging growth and trade.

As soon as there's more bad news, people bail, nobody wants to take responsibility, except Germany. Germany is the only country that actually wants to keep the union together, the rest are freeloaders that are only along for the ride as long as they can get free shit.

Actually, Bavaria. But sure, IV Reich all the way.
You just have to select an Emperor so we can do away with the bureaucrats.
Friendly Reminder we HAD an european Union for most of Europe's Hystory and it was Christedom, and it's secular arm The HRE.
I'm perfectly ok with this.

Who dat

>Europe's Best hope for relevacy.

Yeah idk, seems fine to me

2007 happened. You let us get in. Now we gonna take you all down.

Yuri warned you, but you didnt listen


It's basically communism 101, just on a much larger scale (=more dangerous and degenerate).

Single currency, trying to kill competition, meddling in the members' internal affairs, it's undemocratic as fuck, basically what said.


It's not a real federation.

You can't have the same coin without a the same tax and fiscal policies.

It should be a much shorter club.

Germany abused their position and fucked europe again

>nobody wants to take responsibility, except Germany
Lel, Germany is the one freeloading. When loans given by German banks to Greece started to fault, Germany used political power to force the rest of the monetary union to buy those loans. We bailed out Germany, they took no responsibility.

Not everything but the original idea.

Well done it could be nice.

Financially: A currency union without a corresponding fiscal union was always going to be a disaster eventually. It can never work, someone will always let the system down with feckless fiscal policy.

Socially: Having non-federalised states have their laws and culture interfered with by an unaccountable foreign bureaucracy was always going to be a bitter pill for a large segment of a population to swallow. I can't speak for European cultures who seem to be more okay with it, but the Anglo-sphere at least has pretty strong feelings on the subject.

(((((They))))) wanted a centralized super state instead of simple trade block.

EU was made to serve germoney purposes and that's why they want to keep it

Nah, germans have taken plenty of responsibility. They're still writing down greece denbts


>It just needs to be reworked from The ground up.
Better tear it completely down at this point. It can't be reformed any more.
We need a Europe of several smaller spheres making up the whole of Europe. No way we can politically put the Mediterranean and Scandinavia into the same structure.

We would at least need 3 emperors nowadays. One for Catholicism, Protestants and one for all the Orthodox people.

>germans have taken plenty of responsibility
How? Show me an example. In the Greek case they did the opposite. They gave super risky loans, when loans turned out bad, other euro members bailed them. Showing solidarity was actually showing solidarity to German banks. The same banks were also deep in mortgage backed securities during the 2008 crisis, that time they were bailed out by US on the bailout of AIG.
Deutsche bank seems to be still in trouble, how is it possible that the 'strongest economy of europe' keeps having these problems?

And then there is the whole migrant crisis. Where is the responsibility? EU is now bribing Turkey to stop people from coming in, all coming from the purse of EU.

It's a common theme. Germany fucks things up, rest of they EU is forced to pay.

This is just like Marxist revisionism. "The specific branch of my political ideology that would have worked if only it had been given a chance."

Guess what: the original EU was given a chance, and the Germans and the French royally fucked it up, just like they do with everything else.

The EU always has been, and will always be, shit.

this bullshit again...
just because you idiots all forgot how fucked up the 90ies and george soros currency manipulations were doesn't mean it never happened.

the euro did a good job protecting the economies of the EU against bullshit like that... on the other hand the italians, french and spainards forced the germans to accept unfair exchange rates which superficially inflated their capital stock but in the long term rendered large parts of their economy unable to compete with the undervalued german counterpart...

greece is a fuck up on another level though. they cheated their way into the EU and now blame everyone but themselves for the situation they are in now...

they still don't tax most of their oligarchs because they happen to own some boats... they still havn't managed to build a propper tax code and to actually enforce it.... but they want us to throw our tax money at them.

the only problem the EU has is that germans get blamed for all the bullshit the others pull...

greece, italy and all those shitty eastern europeans on the balkans don't manage to protect our common EU border but somehow it's our fault that the continent gets flooded with refugees... go figure.

i can excuse it if a stupid american can't figure out the germany does neither border turkey nor the mediterainian but i never would have expected to see that many retarded europeans.


haha... yes retrards like that really add the creme to turd.
europe is one of the most diverse continents on this fucking planet and because of that we bashed each others heads in for centuries only to realize that this will lead nowhere. we just recently started to work together and on our differences.. and it took us centuries to get this process going.
this asshole thinks you can unload a shitload of africans and muslims on europe and expect that societies that fucked up each other over petty bs will just deal with that without any issue whatsover...

in the end the only thing people like him will achieve is slowing down or even ending european integration...

This is wrong on so many levels. Greece literally cheated their way into the union by faking their financial stability that just wasn not there. Most of the bail outs are backed with german tax payers money, since we took the biggest share.

The thing is i never really now what diversity they are talking about. If it would be a "inner european" diversity, developed naturally I am fine with that. But flooding us with africans and arabs is a fucking crime.

He's right you know.

This is where the world is heading. Away from isolated nation states and tribes. And towards a diversed, mixed up humanity. You may not like it, but you're fighting a losing fight if you think it can be stopped.

These struggles are nothing but a historical footnote in the making.

You may not like it. But it's going to happen, whether you fight against it or not. The sooner you realize this the better off you will be.

VERY Rich people destroying the middle class to get even richer

Yeah but people told me that along with saying Trump wouldn't win with that (well similar) being the reason.

They were wrong.

Trump isn't really stopping it either. He's being absorbed and pacified by the system in place. He may have a small impact, but not something that truly changes the direction of things

my sides

I would like a federal union but in a fascist way and not this neoliberal shit

If we talk about the current one, first let every country have the control of their borders and inmigration then we talk about the rest. An european union is 100% neccesary if you want to be ''relevant'' and able to compete internationally with other emerging markets and nations like brazil, india, china...

Sven sorry to say but please fuck off

just like world war one right? getting blamed for something you guys didn't start.

so when are you annexing your neighbors again?

> first let every country have the control of their borders and inmigration then we talk about the rest.

funny you say that... but that's exactly the way it's set up right now (when it comes to non-EU citizens). germany and the other cucks can't force anyone to take in refugees...

asylum is regulated via UN treaties and national laws..

You should pay _all_ of it, not just most of it.

>Bla bla wasn't our fault they cheated
Shitty excuse. It's not free money, there is always risk involved. If you are willing to take the upside of the risk, it means you should also be prepared to take the downside of it.

It's like if I loaned money to 20 different people, one of them turned out to be a scammer. Then I'd say not my fault I got scammed, you have to pay for it. Meanwhile I continue getting payments from those 19 other guys. I take the upside, give the downside for everyone else to worry about.

So basically it was the Jews.

what are you talking about... the EU already is bigger than the reich ever was..


Shouldn't have meddled in politics
>greece, italy and all those shitty eastern europeans on the balkans don't manage to protect our common EU border but somehow it's our fault that the continent gets flooded with refugees... go figure.
It woudld be far eaier if the cucks from the EU didn't cry and threaten with sanctions everytime the border is actually protected.
Get your head out of your ass.


the jew and anglo started internering