Is this seriously the biggest cover up in human history, or what?
*spoiler alert it is*
The Japanese nuclear plant in Fukushima has been leaking for awhile now and that's not shocking. But recently there has been evidence exposing the amount of radioactive isotopes that are being released will certainly be enough to contaminate and effectively kill the northern hemisphere.
What do? Are there shelters/bunkers available in the USA that are accepting random people?
Where are the billionaires and trillionaires going? What are they doing about this? Who is involved because I have heard plenty of claims of foul play involving gag orders on the entire Country of Japan. There are claims that this was an agenda 21 move and that makes sense consideri ng those involved.
I'm just sick of not seeing this being discussed.
>If we don't talk about this and do something, they win by default.
"Then the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow their mighty blasts.
The first angel blew his trumpet, and hail and fire mixed with blood were thrown down on the earth. One-third of the earth was set on fire, one-third of the trees were burned, and all the green grass was burned.
Then the second angel blew his trumpet, and a great mountain of fire was thrown into the sea. One-third of the water in the sea became blood, one-third of all things living in the sea died, and one-third of all the ships on the sea were destroyed.
Then the third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a torch. It fell on one-third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star was Bitterness. It made one-third of the water bitter, and many people died from drinking the bitter water.
Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and one-third of the sun was struck, and one-third of the moon, and one-third of the stars, and they became dark. And one-third of the day was dark, and also one-third of the night.
Then I looked, and I heard a single eagle crying loudly as it flew through the air, “Terror, terror, terror to all who belong to this world because of what will happen when the last three angels blow their trumpets.”"
Revelation 8:6-13
William Lopez
Even 300 rems is fucking nothing
Parker Long
I wonder how many 9mm fags out there will be wishing they had a .45 when they decide to shoot themselves... Probably all of them.
Tyler Mitchell
Shill number one. Man that was quick... Here to correct the record already? That infograph isn't new or all inclusive.
There is a fucking ton of information available but trust me, there is no way we will ever know exactly how much radiation is now airborne and that's a fucking fact.
Parker Parker
>I have no idea how radiation works and I have certainly never looked into it Good to know
Owen Peterson
Uranium burns at 5000 degrees Celcious creating nanoparticles 500X smaller than half the width of a human hair.
Those nanoparticle size radioactive isotopes are released into the air during a meltdown(burning uranium). There were three meltdowns confirmed so far, likely to be much worse than reported.
Keep stroking those egos, just like your teacher taught you. You couldn't possibly be in the dark about the severity of this dire situation. Right?
Jose Adams
>there are isotopes in the air OMFGGGG Boo Fucking Hoo Given the kind of environment some people work in in America this is nothing
Jason Phillips
Address the wind currents carrying radioactive isotopes above the northern hemisphere without sounding like a govornment containment shill.
Brayden Taylor
Do you have any kind of idea what kind of isotopes are already in the air in most of the northern hemisphere you fuck
Dylan Bell
Read more. I'm not suprised you know nothibg of this scale or magnitude because there has not been anything in recent history like it.
Nathan Brown
>read more I've read quite a bit on the subject as I am a nuclear engineer
Julian Garcia
I think you are derailing from the OP. Arn't you? Yes, yes you are. Kill yourself.
Sebastian Nelson
Falling for the "muh stopping power" meme in 2016.
t. SWAT Operator
Luis Phillips
Post proof.
Kevin Baker
People who were ever worried about Fukushima don't know the basics of radiation.
Its effects were so insignificant that taking a plane ride out of there would see you get a larger sievert dose than if you had just stayed in your disaster-zone house.
Elijah Thompson
It's not any worse than above ground weapon testing.
Luke Harris
Lots of TEPCO people ITT. I KNOW 0 of these faggots would go and live near the plants.
Adam Parker
00 buck would be proper but I personally would prefer to have a larger surface area considering the context of me poking fun at a pistol cartridge.
Jack Collins
>kill northern hemisphere >northern hemisphere is okay ??????
Nathaniel Ortiz
Nathaniel Taylor
i can bet 100 us dollars that nothing will happen to the northern hemisphere in the next 10 years. you should learn something about radiation instead of spewing shitposts like its a contest.
Easton Miller
Exactly It is a known fact that burning uranium (it actually melts and forms corium) is far more dangerous than exploding it
William Bennett
no user, you made this thread
where are your proofs? :^)
Jonathan Gonzalez
20 to 40 years before the genetic damage shows on a massive scale...
I live in California within 30miles of the coastline... I fucking KNOW what I'm seeing. Seals beachibg themselves and 100% of seal pups dieing their first year since the Fukushima cover up began.
Parker Reed
>muh genetic damage Nice to see you've never looked further into radioactive poisoning than sci-fi
Nicholas Collins
>flying right over Hawaii Bullet dodged, thanks for protecting us Nippon sempai.
Eli Young
It's true from the fact that the dilution that occurred as the plume moved over the Pacific Ocean.
Eli Campbell
What is Chernobyl? A sci-fi thriller...?
Ever look up "radiation side effects" before? Tons of info all over the world. It's well documented.
Gabriel Baker
>Japanese nuclear plant in Fukushima
Juan Lopez
Grayson Phillips
>what is Chernobyl A nature preserve All genetic failures happens because the pregnant mother were directly hit by radiation
Zachary Edwards
maybe this is why west coast citizens are so fucked in the head
Andrew Morris
It hasn't stopped. It only gets worse from here. Those isotopes are radioactive for 200 - 300+ years. The accumulated damage done will only show up slowly. There are immediate signs though. All over the web. You just have to look for it.
Jaxson Scott
>What is Chernobyl? Literally eden mate. It's the most beautiful place due to no humans being there to fuck it up.
Hudson Miller
It's fine, notheing to worry about delete this thread now delete it
Gabriel Torres
Isaiah King
>its this fucking thread again
I was seeing this EXACT same thread 2 years ago
Give it a rest yeah?
Jaxson Flores
I suggest anyone with the ability to leave the northern hemisphere do so immediately. My research, like many others suggests this is a cumulative slow kill and will not be contained before the NH is toast.
Ethan Nelson
I wish I could come over and put a brick of corium in your face so you could feel how isotopes actually feel
Joshua Myers
youre crazy a crazy person you need to delete this so an embarass thing must delete
Leo Evans
Everybody who lives in the red zone would be dead after 6 weeks and people in the yellow zone would be really sick and might die.
Angel Scott
Good thing it's been more than a year
Henry Wright
I think this should be on every fucking news channel running constantly until those who have enough resources are forced to reveal the truth and work together to stop the worst disaster this world has ever known.
Dylan Turner
>75 rems
Pretty sure a smokers in a decent sized city would produce much more radiation than that in 48hours time.
Kayden Carter
I think you should read a book
Jaxson Howard
>400 rems
Jonathan Rogers
That was just from the initial plumes.
Radiation does genetic damage mostly. You would have to be severely irridated to die immediately from the exposure.
Man there are a whole lot of coo coo birds in this thread. Scared shitless is my guess. Nothing like feeling completely helpless in a disastrous situation, aye?
Benjamin Cox
this thread is basically:
>american education
Colton Taylor
>recently there has been evidence Show me, nigger.
Brody Torres
I see now Give me your ham radio frequency so I can tune in to your wisdom
Ian Reyes
leftist west coast wiped out, feels good man
Zachary James
Mother nature wanted a plan B in case Trump didn't work out. Next thing is a meteor in the pacific taking out the east coast and Europe.
Lucas Wood
Check out the wigner effect on radchicks channel on youtube.
You have been warned.
Jonathan Rivera
Sweden I thought you knew geography
Brody Martin
No one here listened to the Jeff Rense program for over the past year? Fukushima is the greatest calamity in history that has killed most of the north pacific ocean and the radiation is moving inland on the west coast.
Aaron Roberts
Thank god that the west is pretty fucking radioactive on its own already then
There is a series of videos she put out on the wigner effect that really is the missing link for most people. Covers everythibg I explaines in greater detail.
Mason Turner
Nope. They are all doing dabs and twerking like newfags.
Jack Parker
>Are there shelters/bunkers available in the USA that are accepting random people Nah. Yall poorfag plebs are fucked. Enjoy the radiation sickness :^)
Zachary Harris
No I'm too busy reading material from actual (NWO controlled) scientists
Gavin Myers
More genetic damage has been caused by the mexicans, you calicuck.
Mason Sullivan
wherabouts in CA are you from?
Eli Ross
That top graph would probably have lead to about 90 million deaths in the first few days.
The bottom right one's also interesting, I wasn't aware that radiation bounced off of coastlines. It's almost as though it's a wave height graph.
Carson Jones
Finally the title Deadliest Catch makes sense.
Connor Diaz
Jose Wright
No wonder why California is fucking radioactive shit now.
Jose Powell
Nathaniel Campbell
all i need is a 22. it bounces around inside the body doing way more damage than any other calibre
Grayson Clark
maybe this is the reason there exists leftists in the first place >tfw no leftist zombie apocalypse to slaughter
Mason Roberts
Its thanks to retards like OP that we'll never have widespread plentiful nuclear power.
Camden Rogers
>West coast is lost
what's so bad about it? It's all liberals
Jacob Taylor
Sounds bretty comfy desu
Kayden Roberts
There is literally nothing to fear from the levels of radiation coming from those. You get worse by microwaving a hotdog.
Leo Morgan
Stop posting this garbage, the lower left image is from the fucking 2011 tsunami and is a map of wave heights
Carter White
Lower right even
Josiah Stewart
Aw, that's precious.
They are still pretending that NOAA's tsunami wave height map is radiation levels.
despite being told multiple times that it's not a map of radiation, they still keep pushing that map AS a radiation map... it's almost like they are being retarded on purpose.