I have a muslim girlfriend, and she's easily the nicest person I've ever met...

i have a muslim girlfriend, and she's easily the nicest person I've ever met. I want you all to tell me what's wrong with muslims other than the radicalized retards in some corners of the world

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>I want you all to tell me what's wrong with muslims


>I want you all to tell me what's wrong with muslims

They're Muslims

who even cares, religion is stupid as fuck


its stupid as fuck and your gf worships a literal dindu nuffin pedophile

Hope you've still got that attitude when her father and brothers are breaking down your front door to stab both of you to death

The initial response in this particular discussion is the superior response.

you can't have a muslim GF,
muslims prohibited from GF/BFing,
only marriage is allowed,
your friend is a pseudo-muslim, aka munafiqun

whats worse is people like you crying about it for literally no reason

>nicest girl I ever met


that's basically every father here in the south

>who even cares

Your muslim gf.

well clearly, but just saying "muslim" isn't an argument

who else here /badnotstrictmuslim/

My dad always had good things to say about Turks, Muslim in the way that most Americans are Christian, that is to say paying lip service

Good on you mate, I'm glad you are happy


She's not a real Muslim as far as Allah is concerned

Awkies when she dies.

She's the equivalent of a Jew wearing the Star of David but refusing to eat bacon but also celebrates Christmas.

no illegals here in my household


>who else here /badnotstrictmuslim/

"badnotstrictmuslim" = not a muslim,
if she doesn't believe what is told by islam' holy book,
how can she be a muslim?

How did you get a Muslim gf? I thought they don't date outside their religion

Shame because I find a lot of them at my uni very cute

>hey i really want a boyfriend in my life
>hey this religion is kinda stopping me from living my life sometimes
>let's only break 1 or 2 laws instead of abandoning the religion as a whole


be alpha and pick one that is a /badgirlwhobreaksreligiouslawsonoccasion/

1. Muslim men are allowed to marry non-Muslims.
2. Muslim women are not allowed to marry anyone other than Muslims.
3. It is haram to eat or drink with your left hand.
4. It is Haram to keep a dog for purposes other than being a guard dog.
5. It is Haram to not wash yourself thoroughly if a dog licks you.
6. It is Haram to listen to music for entertainment purposes.
7. It is haram to make sculptures.
8. No bacon allowed.
9. It is haram to shake hands with women.
10. It is haram to dance.
11. Under Sharia a girl is considered an adult after nine lunar years (8 years, and 8 months total)

Have fun with your life op, because unless you're sitting on your ass or praying it's absolutely haram to do anything else.

yeah, i will jokingly say haram! on occasion just to yank her chain

i'm a quiet shy guy user. besides how can I tell which ones take islam seriously?

not all of them consider those things h a r a m friendo

the ones who won't even give you the time of day for a conversation becsuse
>das muy haram
are the ones to avoid basically

>muslim gf
>h a r a m

Don't you have a blog to update somewhere?


ill be right back, ill update my dreams journal blog

The only thing wrong with muslims is that they're not us. They multiply and erase your culture and religion.

But other than that
>hate the jews
>puts women in their places
>strong family values
>strong anti-degenerate values
>not infected by the radical left/marxism yet
>not cucks


alright. been ages since I talked to a muslim girl but I see them chatting with non-muslims in uni all the time

i once had a muslim gf too but dropped her faster than she could scream aloha snackbar.
Her whole fucking family (including her) tried to convert me to islam.

Traitorous scum. Hope you and your pedo worshiper gf die.

If your muslim gf
>doesn't cover her aurat which is everywhere beside the hands and face
>wear tight clothes
>doesn't pray 5 times a day
>eat pork
>drink alcohol
>take illegal drugs
>touch males that isn't family
Then she isn't muslim.

Any proof op?

>wears pants with headscarf
>semi tight normalish clothes?
>prays 2-3 times
>doesn't eat pork
>neither of us drink
>weed is ok
>touches me amirite xd

>That's basically every father in the south.
Are you actually this autistic??

not at the moment, just got a new phone so no pics currently

maybe not her too, but where i live father's will basically murder you for being with their daughters

sounds qt

I like their headscarves

yeah it's actually really qt

mobile posting is hard


as a muslim girl, I approve ! =D

> I want you all to tell me what's wrong with muslims other than the radicalized retards in some corners of the world

YOU are what's wrong here. Nice bait thread tho. Now fuck off.

not bait

fuck off fake nigger

>"muslim" going out with a kaffir
she's not a muslim then

enjoy that honor killing


so you understand the difference between individual experience and reality?
I know a tall korean person! Whow! Koreans are all giants!

im not black and i will :DD

kaffir as in disbeliever

a woman going out with a non-muslim is considered adultery, and for sunnis the punishment is death

premarital sex is also similar

whats done is already done i guess

Don't be naive OP.
I bet you think Islam is a religion of peace as well.

she's gonna die mate

Naive op, ask her if she will give up her religion in order to to get married.

ive lived with her for 1 year now, can say she's easily the nicest person that's ever been in my life

>as a muslim girl
>britbong flag
every fucking time. That country is beyond saving, even after brexit.

Then she is a degenerate muslim who doesn't follow the religion properly. Weed isn't okay if it isn't for medical purposes. If she touches you, then she doesn't really care about islam. I usually don't care for those type of people. And I also don't care if you are dating her. But if she marries you or have sex before marriage, then she crossed the line.

OP you're in deep shit. If she still practices Islam which judging by her lifestyle, she does, be prepared to be asked to convert.

If she is really keen about ending up with you, she will ask you sooner or later to believe in one of the most idiotic, un-inspiring, senseless, un-compassionate bunch of brain farts ever existed.

Been there, done that, she was the sweetest ass i ever tasted too but no man, not relinquishing my ideology for a twat.

If you're white, it's the opportunity cost of raising white children. If you're not white, no-one gives a fuck.

Why do you think she's the nicest? Did you guys have sex? Or other kind of nice act?

personality is 9.9999/10
yes sex

>I usually don't care for those type of people

What's your fucking problem you illogical slant eye arab wanna-be swine?

I've also lived with her for 1+ year now

Nothing but I dont want them in my country

correction: you don't want the syrian rapefugees*

if she is a shitskin end it, if not fuck her and have aryan babies but convert them to christianity so they can deus vult

Let's say only 1% is radical, of 40 million muslims in Europe that makes a total of 400,000 radicals, that's could-fight-for-months-and-cripple-europe-forever-with-the-right-logistics-and-recruiting-tier numbers if they started an uprising.

Now, let's imagine the number of radicals is way higher, let's say 10%, that makes 4 million enemies right IN our nations.

Fuck off with your bullshit, as we al know, these so called moderates would love to see their own culture prevail above others.

You think I want to be like the arabs? What I want to be is like Muhammad SAW. Arabs nowadays are degenerates. Even before Muhammad they are degenerates. They drink alcohol eventhough they are muslim. They don't respect people, which means they are rude most of the time. And they smell kind of weird.

Remote controlled from Saudi Arabia.

No every refugee and illegal migrant should fuck off. We are full

if she wants her culture to prevail, why has she lived with a white non believer for 1+year and dated for 2.5years

When the cock stands up the brain falls down.

- Italian proverb

She's also not arab, her family is from india aka poo in loo

He's right you know. If you can't convince her to leave her god and his pedophile for you then she does really like you.

Its ok as long as you dont convert for her


code changed due to new network, gotta go anyways boys

I saw some white muslim family at the local mart 2 days ago. Mom's wear hijab and pale skin, a looks like 5 months pregnant. Dad's white and looks like the dad in typical american tv. He wore a baseball cap but wearing the sharia compliace dress code. They have 2 sons and 2 daughter. One daughter wore a hijab. Judging from the cloth, I think the eldest son around 9 or something.
As white, do you think theyre race traitor or the actual solution for white race survival?

Good news, she's not Muslim. She just thinks she is

Because they aren't the majority in your country... YET.

Just look at the track record Muslims have when they become the majority in a reason.
Every time like clockwork.

I once boned a lady from Kazakhstan, so from my anecdotal evidence, muslim women are huge sluts.

womens arent the problem, i know a couple and generally are very ncie and humble, the teenagers are the problem...they are fking violent.

Don't listen to fags here. There is nothing wrong with some muslim girls and they are no different than christians that are not practicing.

The problem is shitskins who are not culturally or racially assimilable.

They do not belong among civilized white people and should stay in their own shithole countries.

Yeah, that leaving the EU is just so they can curb European immigration so that they have more space for the Muslims.

They got a lot of the racist vote, but those people don't realize they're just trading Poles for Pakis.


Ask if she is in favour of killing homossexuals. If she says she is not, she isn't a real muslim. Like those "Christians" who asks for the death penalty.

>talks about shithole countries
>literally from retardville

And did I mention they're blond and blue-grey eyed? Yes.

she has friends who are gay, I'd say no

The type of people that are immigrating aren't the neutered-Muslims you're used too.

You need to look at their people as a whole, in every group you have some people doing it differently, but we can't ignore the fact that the Koran has been written as a textbook for war and has been used to submit whole regions to the rulers will.
Don't forget that mohammed (glad he's burning in hell) was a ruthless immoral pedophilic warlord, and his word is seen as the truth by his followers to this day.

Are you saying she is the bomb?