What kind of apocalypse would you want, Sup Forums?
What kind of apocalypse would you want, Sup Forums?
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Zooooombeh-eh-eh-eh. Would be pretty fucking boring though, but at least I would excercise my right to shoot at bad stuff.
one where all the jews and niggers get nuked.
a gay one
I don't want any, I just want to die.
Something like the stalker games desu
Imagine being a ghoul and living for hundreds of years.
That's gay.
the one that is fooling you the apocalypse didn't actually happen, slow depletion of energy resources, moral and social degradation via behavioral sink to sap away fever and tenacity away, nihilism engulfing people and demolishing their will to uphold their values and principles, moral relativism, lack of any hope for the future
all that hidden behind a smile by society too busy with the inane to notice
...oh wait
fallout 2
The apocalypse where all liberals get killed by right wing death squads
A fast one 1 year of economy disaster 1 year of war 1 year of dissese and the end
I think a green or blue apocalypse would be pretty sweet. Blue a la Waterworld, or green where nature reclaims (or tries to reclaim) the land from urban settlements.
One that would let me survive for a month or two and let me live out my Mad Max fantasies.
After that I'd be okay with getting beheaded in some tribal war and having my had pierced by a spear used as some display. Worth it.
apparently all you do as a ghoul for a hundred years is to wear the same clothes and stay at a hotel. your personality stays the same as well
fucking todd games
I don't even care.
You can easily buy a knife or a rope at your local store.
Or you can try the helium method
Or get a gun
Or convert to Islam and do jihad, + when you go to heaven you get 72 virgins
surprise me
None. Dystopian cyberpunk future where I can commit crimes in a grim and dark future with no backlash and little care from the government.
Robot uprising.
Very well written!
death by fire
Metro Universe
Take me with you, Dark Ones
That's most of them
Giant fireball wipes out all of humanity, no one survives.
Humanity is too fucked up to continue existing.
Just fuck my shit up.
Walking dead zombies = boring.
Most people won't even die.
28 Days Later Zombies = ADRENALINE PACKED NIGHTMARE ADVENTURE. Bring the whole family, one day in this apocalyptic setting would be enough suspense and horror for a lifetime
Everything but Australia gets nuked, join navy reserves so I can play stop the boats simulator with high caliber autocannons.
Meteorite impacting Antarctica
When s really htf, and food supplies have been looted, polqueers will be on mega white Knight mode for the mustachioed, 4 point uglier (now that gillette Venus, hair straighteners, salons and make up has been commandeered by the aggressive black looters - eg 8s become 4s overnight), smelly and cum oozing you go grrrrz forced to prostitute for survival. (note, the prostitution levels and cum oozing will stay at roughly the same rate as currently, but warm water won't be on tap and paid for by daddy, like it is now). They'll be content with muh dystopian pwincess, and will overlook the fact that the indulgence of Western whores caused the apocalypse.
I've got some bad news about Australia, user.
Hope you brought your leather.
something that allows to fly a helicopter
The one where only Aryans survive
Great piece of shit kills all normies
Cosy apocalypse. Nature takes back the earth, and people return to living in close nit villages. Everyone helps each other out, and we all go to church on sundays. Any darkie or degenerate spotted at the village gates instantly shot through the head and disposed of.
>tfw you will never live in a perfect world
Why even go on?
>It's Doctor Martin's A P O C A L Y P S E Apocalypse!
I like you. Cyberpunk is the future.
Disease that wipes out 95% of th human population not including me or anyone I want to live
I've always enjoyed those stories of the peasants just happening to have the correct immune systems and surviving the plague. Just wandering into all these rich people's homes, because everyone was fucking dead, drinking all their wine, eating all their food, living there, all and all having a massive quality of life upgrade, cuz dead people. That is all.
Supervolcano induced ice age.
One full of leathermen.
Virus which only attacks people with nigger haplogroups in their DNA?
Good idea!
>not including me or anyone I want to live
how convenient
This or this
In the apocalypse, apparently everyone gets their own fuccboi
>Fallout 4
>Wanting to be ghoul scum
Your rides over mutie... Time to die!
>dreams of dystopian pwincess to go to church with
>she'll really be selling up the shit hoop to negros so they'll give her some of the food they killed you for
I don't even think I care. I just want my post-civilisational anarchist wonderland where people are free from the money Jew and the government Jew.
A nuclear winter. I'd rather die than deal with the typical desert waste setting, and I've always dealt with cold better.
Ayyy invasion
alien invasion
Only if you've got a bitchin' mohawk
any kind
>reminder to booby trap my place when ebola hits again.
viral hemorrhagic fever that spreads over the entire globe killing most it infects but giving a few immunity, super powers, magic-like immune systems that cure all diseases including genetic ones, and cool looking eyes.
But only if im one with superpoweres. Also the goopy soup of blood covering the street takes form as cute viral loli goo girls.
I once had this posed to me in a /tg/ thread and I'll bring it to light.
I would grant genie wishes to a retarded MLP fan, one who would of course start replacing humanity with ponies, and any other autistic, batshit insane wishes. I would make sure it was a delusional female over-obessesed with fanfiction and over-riddled with absurd and unlikely fetishes, and would let her sperg on magically with /d/ style 'global fetish' style nonsense until literally everyone elses's life was an unbearable hell. The catch is, I would undo the evil, if someone could beat me at the Slam Jam.
Everyone dead except myself.
>tfw Frank didn't realised he's mutie as well
Waterworld, because the neets would either drown or fry in the sun.
You don't get to dictate the terms of my fantasy.
just seems fun tee bee h
Gears was fucking great, I gotta replay those at some point
Ffa shootemup deathmatch
He was the Enclaves useful idiot
Preferably one with minimal radiation problems so a meteor or bibble flood, maybe disease. All three at once would be cool. Anything that lets me grow food and crops and be left the fuck alone
I'll get my coat
>was getting ready for full blown nuclear apocalypse
>Trump wins
>suddenly the fear of death goes away
>world is calming down
>mfw I was NOT in fact born just in time for post nuclear survival
feels bad man
one with magic, maybe something like shadowrun, magic pillars erupting creating utter chaos and apocalypse all around.
thank you very much.
Don't unclench your asshole until 20 janvier m8
Trump isn't really in yet, plenty of time for the jews to destroy Humanity yet.
The kind we're already having.
An idiot apocalypse.
It's kind of like a zombie apocalypse, only with people like you instead of zombies.
mean desu. Rude.
>20 janvier
check'em !
WTF i'm #withher now
like LISA only all the men die
except for me
Sorry Lord Kek for my transgression.
*Janvier the 20ième
>Mad Max 1 apocalypse
>slow death of the state
>socialists start protesting because their gibsmedats are cut
>bomb the protest
>no-one can catch you
>form right wing death squads
>kill socialists
>form new government
>emphasise frugality and condemn excess
>build new social order
>immigrants either fall in line or end up in the ocean
>avert apocalypse caused by rampant consumerism and my-turn-to-eat socialism
>everything went better than expected
Wanna know a funny tidbit ?
Fertility is inversely proportional with IQ.
That's right, the only way for us to survive is to literally slaughter the morons, and it'll not be a one-off deal, but an on-going, unending process.
If we don't do that, there's unfiguvaritvely 0 chance Humanity survive and escape subhumanisation.
Haha, funny aight ?
I have reoccurring nightmares with 28 days later zombies. Truly is horrific. Thanks for reminding me
President Camacho can't come soon enough
Mad Max 1 was the collapse of the economy, law and general infrastructure giving way to anarchic barbarism
Mite b cool
Barbarism is always the fear, but in reality there would very likely be new governments with different ethos. Just like happened in history whenever an empire collapsed.
Haven't found that guy yet.
[spoiler]Piper or Cait?[/spoiler]
Barbarism at its core is nomadism, and nomadism always lose to sedentarianism in the end.
A political one, like in Texnolyze, Ghost in the Shell or Neuromancer
The European barbarians who are the origin of the concept were sedentary civilizations.
A boy and his rawdog
>Piper or Cait?
Both, you can have them at different places and get the xp perk from both. Just don't flirt with them while the other one is present because they hate them.
Piper is obviously superior to Cait though, Cait is a fucking drug addicted degenerate that talks like a trucker.
Curie > Piper >>> Cait
A rift opens and lolis storm this world.
Only with your benis you can defend this world!