I can't believe how slanted /r/politics is on reddit.
Is there any way possible to take over a subreddit? It's pretty clear that a) reddit really is 90% cuck or b) the mods on /r/politics are fascist propagandist cucks
I can't believe how slanted /r/politics is on reddit.
Is there any way possible to take over a subreddit? It's pretty clear that a) reddit really is 90% cuck or b) the mods on /r/politics are fascist propagandist cucks
They are paid you idiot, it's a ctr sub just downvote every post and hope for the best
i guess theres no way to take over a subreddit
i hate faggots and liberals. my car used to have a rainbow flag sticker and HRC equality sticker both with red slash lines through them like no smoking signs. one time in silverpsrings some asshole ripped off the red slash.
This is the same guy who is a Rutgers graduate student who was teaching an undergraduate course and sounded so insane in the wake of the election that the students feared for their safety and he was taken to a hospital for a psych eval.
desu He just said "we need medical we need mental" five times. But this is an in-depth explanation TRUMP™-style.
Jesus christ liberals are hypocrites.
>Drumpf is an intolerant sexist racist bigot!!
>im going to run Trump supporters off the road because im so tolerant!!
didn't this guy use to be a nazzy?
When you express your hate towards others don't be surprised when they express back.
That's like wearing a I HATE NIGGERS shirt and being surprised when a black person jumps you.
This is serious-mental-illnesss levels of cognitive dissonance
We're intolerant to bigots.
It's not that complicated.
Why are you going to reddit in the first place?
let them be, they will eventually drive anyone that disagrees out of the echo chamber and be left alone with their own opinions, its what always happen
>express an opinion
>get assaulted
liberals are subhuman
Only savages counter speech with force. It's such nigger mentality - that words can be so mean that it warrants a violent chimp out, a theft, a destruction of property. No, that's not the way civilized societies function.
Then youre not very tolerant
Bigotry is not a defensible opinion.
Fuck off.
The problem is that you don't have a monopoly on the dictionary. You don't get to be the arbiters of what is and is not bigotry. You can't claim irrefutable moral superiority. And if you think you can, then you are a fascist.
Why not?
Most of the sensible people stay away from /r/politics, even the liberals.
The smaller subs are the only way to get quality content. There are plenty of subs associated with conservative values.
>defending the act of assaulting someone over words you don't like
Liberals everyone
I'm calling thinly veiled shit poster on this one
lmao does this NOWAG cuck think his "spite" means anything to anyone whatsoever? what the fuck is a freakishly ugly creep whose only skill seems to be complaining going to do?
Maybe if the words were preceded and partnered with centuries/decades of systemic oppression and dehumanization, we'd be more willing to brush it off when you want to be an asshole.
you can't even define bigot you mongoloid
If you don't like being dehumanized, start acting like humans.
>woman and gender studies professor
Of fucking course he is
No, let /r/politics continue the farce and be a comfortable echo chamber for dipshit liberals.
They lost this election by retreating into their safe spaces. Let those safe spaces be their tomb.
I think you took a wrong turn on the internet somewhere, sweetheart. Consider turning back, because this site will break you.
>I will define you and punish you for it
Report to the FBI. I'm not being offended at stupid shit liberals do anymore. I'm just reporting any threat.
Is he our boy, Sup Forums?
Well played Sir
Well fucking played
It's autism beyond belief, they sit there every day writing walls of text about le ebil republicans.
I have to believe they are being paid by the DNC or something.
I love watching the normies defend their cult.
You've been politely warned, snowflake.
I fucked up today, Sup Forums.
Myself and a co worker were discussing the election. I bit my tongue when he was talking about how great Bernie Sanders was and changed the topic to Clintons emails.
At one point he said "Mainstream media is so polluted. You have to get on Reddit to find out what's really going on."
I looked this guy I had just met dead in the eyes and exclaimed "Reddit is for fags". He just replied "Oh", looked down at his phone and walked away. I'm probably going to get in trouble over this.
KEK, this.
yes, very cool! the right to self-defence is also very cool!
>intolerant to bigots
So your a bigot? How can you not see the paradox? Read some Orwell, nigger.
this boy is Sup Forums incarnate, he even has the faggot infiltration going for him.
Reddit is owned by a Jewish corporation.
If you get fired at least you have a good story. Made me laugh.
>looked this guy I had just met dead in the eyes and exclaimed "Reddit is for fags". He just replied "Oh", looked down at his phone and walked away.
fuckin beautiful
It's been a week, how are liberals still so pissed off? Are their dildos iodized?
R/politics is funny to read until you realize its literally like that 100% of the time and no actual politics or content is being discussed. Its entirely circlejerk by average intelligences who each imagine themselves to have peeked behind the curtain.
>fascist propagandist cucks
>he thinks fascism is bad
Typical for a fucking redditor. The site is institutionally cucked, to fix it you need to purge the admins.
Good job reporting him.
If intolerance is bad what makes it okay for you to be intolerant but not others?
That's like killing people in protest against murder.
fuck off i can sense your smug sense of righteousness and autism from across the atlantic
He's a berniebro, he's probably spending this time thinking about how he could make up for offending you.
Is it dehumanisation if you depict sub-humans accurately?
>Uses Distracting shot and Feign Death to save bro from wild Moose
Best Hunter EU
Le true scotsman meme
"Islam is a religion of peace"
"Yet another terrorist attack was perpetrated by Muslims, why?"
"They weren't REAL muslims"
"We are tolerant"
"Why are you hating everyone outside of your group?"
"They're bigots, they don't count"
Truly retarded. Someone at the DNC that actually spoke, wore the same dress as Melania too.
late to the party.
he already got arrested and Liberals cried about muh fascist oppression.
iam happy about this, let everyone see the tricks of the left, expose them as the laughing stock they are
"Oy vey! Shut it down!' -Trump supporters
That's a pretty good way to get shot by me tbhfam
who wore it better?
Melania vs Melanin
that's fucking blood-boiling.
>take over a subreddit
Yeah, buy it. That's what CTR did: they literally paid reddit for control of the subreddit and put their own mods in. There is no public record but all of these mods dissapeared when the election was finished, leaving a giant liberal hugbox behind. Best to use an alternate: r/Our_Politics is good and numerous rightwing subs are now up and running. You don't have to take over anything
Kill yourself or fuck off to Reddit.
it has already been taken over, that's why it's so slanted. the mods on /r/politics are fascist propagandist cucks, but they believe they're on the right side and Trump is the true fascist because they're retards.
This is why /r/politics has dropped in popularity and most of it's subscribers are from when it was a default subreddit, and /r/the_donald is like the most popular subreddit.
Just stay away from reddit altogether though, shit site full of normies with shitty maymays. /r/the_donald is already our staging point in europe and it does our work for us. Those normies come here, laugh at our expertly crafted memes, remove words like "nigger" and facts like "the holohoax never happened" and then share what they learned with the other normies.
Why do you care so much about reddit?
Maybe you should stay there
this is why goyim will always lose
/hsg/ on Sup Forums
Jesus Christ. This moron is in charge of teaching people, and the people pay a lot of money to "learn" from him.
Reddit has been fucked since subreddits about niggers and fat people got banned.
This one is perfect.
Take solace in knowing he makes less than 15k a year doing it.
(You) motherfucker.
I can sense your unemployment from your flag
you don't rip someones stickers off their car. I've also had faggots in portland and madison leave notes on my car. stupid assholes. i don't do that to a car with coexist stickers. liberals have no tolerance.
this faggot wont do shit and neither would his hybrid car vs my truck.
and the bernie kike wants to use tax payer money to fund him.
Just fuck my shit
>all immigrants are brown
>all muslims are brown
I guess whites worldwide, in Europe, Australia, South Africa etc, are actually all US citizens. I Guess White European converts, Albanian, Bosnian and Chechen muslims are actually all brown.
What a complete mongoloid.
Why hasn't this faggots life been ruined
Sup Forums I am disappoint
>Allred teaches gender studies and has made headlines for teaching a course called “Feminist Perspectives: Politicizing Beyoncé,” about the superstar’s role in pop culture.