Leftard media attempting to undermine US-Russia relations


How do we counter this?
>Paints Trump as a sycophant and not just a reasonable person trying to extend an olive branch to Russia after decades of tension

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I just find it funny that they are getting mad that russia exposed the dnc and clinton's corruptions and try to discount it because the Source. Content of the hack is what's important. Prime example of the "genetic fallacy"

By ignoring it. You can't change it, so stop opening links like CNN. When enough people stop listening, they will change their tune quickly.
It's always follow the money, emu. As soon as their ad revenue dips below a threshold, they will sing like song birds.

Liberals want war.

It's like we went full circle.

Why do they keep memeing him as orange? He has never been orange.

You mean Seth Rich.

>Liberals want peace, equality, and democracy
>Majority blames white males
>Protest and riot
>Says people wasted vote and voted for wrong person
Why are the majority of liberals have mental illness?

>president-elect Trump only gives interviews to channels/press that treat him fair
>spoiled journalists realise they can't insult their way to more viewers/readers
>apologise to President Trump and be loyal rats from then

Why did this idiot ever have an audience to begin with

You might find this amusing.

Basically, around half of the people protesting the election, did not take the time to vote.

Funniest Trump bit I've seen so far, but a low threshold for that category not much higher now.

Nah, we all know it was russia.

Credit where credit is due.

Who is the guy on the left tho?

You Americans are fucking stupid, the only thing Russians understand is force. They will laugh at your olive branch, they will think it means you are weak, and they will push further.

lel. Why are libtards so keen to war or otherwise show Russia?

cool flag. too bad you won't be weaving it for much longer

libtards want to go hardline on Russia, but soft on Iran (sweet heart nuke deal)?? hard on those with nukes (and can use them) and soft on those who flirt with gaining nuke capability? they live in alt-reality

Tell me one politically feasible (in 2016) alternative to the Iran deal that would also stop Iran from producing nuclear weapons OR energy for ten years and is renegotiated for further restrictions afterwards.

Sources would be nice. Not just some washington bureaucrat saying it was russia.

I want some ip logs and penetration reports. They'll never give that though. Muh national security

The butthurt belt arrives in time, who could've guessed...

Anyone who tries to antagonize Russia in the 21st century is delusional. No American has a reason to dislike Russia. There hasn't been any anti-Russia propaganda for ages. Why do you think Hillary's insane anti-Russia rhetoric didn't work? People like Putin, people want an American Putin, which is why Trump won.

Russia allied with Iran though. How Trump gonna solve this?

USA and RF has opposite interests. They are mutually exclusive and therefore naturally incompatible.
Trump planning to start extracting oil in USA, Russia trying to stop oil prices from dropping further. This is a dead end.

Trump certainly better than Hillary, but Putin has very little in common. It is more similar to Zhirinovsky.

I hope he won't do anything except for a few symbolic changes of the Iran deal. Its the only part if his foreign policy I really dislike.

What else could he do? Scrapping the deal and sanctioning them again wouldn't be productive. War is out of the question, the country is a nightmare to attack from west/south and now slowly updating its army with newer Russian systems.

Don't be such an idiot. We know better to trust Russia, or anyone for that matter, because other governments would backstab us in a heartbeat given the chance. We just realize that we don't need a pointless war with Russia

I have to admit he's rather funny
If America was russian they wouldn't be a walking ball of shame though.

No one gives a fuck about your fishing village

People like Putin because of memes. If the President started actually enacting the kind of policies Putin enforces, there'd be quite a bit of backlash.

That said, antagonizing Russia is moronic. We don't need another fucking cold war. America has been fucking Russia non-stop for the last 30 years for basically no fucking reason, and it really needs to stop.

Oil prices - a Russian problem. And not only Russia. Capacity of oil production in the United States - this is not a hostile move towards Russia. Do not forget that the first place are the national interests, and cooperation estimated at resolving disputes.

He isn't going to do shit. Iran getting nukes is a fait accompli. Like that German said, Trump will do a few symbolic things at best.

even in Australia the media is always pushing the agenda that Russia = bad guys , its fucking stupid but honestly alot of people seem to getting wise to this bullshit propaganda.

The U.S wants its own oil for itself I believe while Russia still wants to sell oil to Europe.

Hence the Syrian war. It was over pipelines that Qatar wanted and Syria didn't.

>That said, antagonizing Russia is moronic. We don't need another fucking cold war

Russia is under no position to fight another cold war to begin with, just few economic sanctions pretty much crushed the whole russian economy.

The leftist media is butthurt that the nation which spawned the very KGB that brainwashed them into leftism is changed.

All they need to fight a cold war is a couple nukes and some espionage. Which they have.

If it goes hot, the world won't last long enough for economies to matter.


>Russia is under no position to fight another cold war to begin with

That's precisely why they are dangerous though. If they are backed too close up to a wall -- they will retaliate with nuclear strikes, no exceptions.

>Clinton is the most qualified person to ever run for office because she tried to restart Russian American relations
>Trump is unqualified because he wants to improve Russian American relations

Did anyone else see the monologue where colbert talked about dinnergate and forgot to make a joke?

Nukes are an hoax.


Russia is going to take advantage of Trump's inexperience and ignorance. It's literally the only reason they wanted him.

>USA and Russia teaming up to destroy the Muslims

This timeline is OK

the level of cuckery from colbert is reaching 2016 man levels. its disgusting to see.


What the shit kind of caricaturist did they hire? They're supposed to exaggerate the features a person actually fucking has, who the hell makes a horse-faced putin? Dude looks more like my mother than it does putin.

Stop watching is how you counter it. These people are in free fall. Let them do us all a favor and crash into the concrete.

let comedy shows continue to be irrelevant

reposting their shit is the opposite of that

theres nothing reasonable about peace. Fuck off back to tumblr you hippie dippie retard, trump aint some flower loving faggot. We will nuke all foreign communist scum.

Did you ever seen a nuclear explosion in real life?

Shouldn't you be making pasta or something, retard?

just ignore it

why have soldiers tried to sue their governments for exposure to radiation then?

Thank god Trump won, atleast I won't have to decide which side I'll fight for in WW3

>few economic sanctions pretty much crushed the whole russian economy
lol no

it literally ALL depends on oil prices

America wants low, Russia wants high

What he actual fuck is wrong with America? It's not okay to insult brown people and mentally ill pseudosexuals but it's alright to insult and undermine an entire country? I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE.

Colbert's shtick that got him popular was that he could get away with saying and asking offensive things to liberals because "lol I was only pretending, look at what a silly caricature of a conservative I am!" Now he is just another snarky liberal demagogue.

He used to be really poignant and funny but also patriotic even in his criticism. With his new show it's more like a skin mask that some imitator wears. Unabashed Hillary shill, sjw harborer, BLM supporter.. Fucking Redstein puppet.

this just proves my point that only foreigners and liberals are afraid of world war 3. we ALL know america will win, we already single handedly won two different world wars.

did you

actually no we dont, if there was any evidence youd hear it around the clock. also it would be an act of war and obama would be forced to do something drastic but all we hear is muh russia.

Except there is literally zero credible evidence for this

just shows our media is in the pocket of war mongering Soros

Member when you were in college and these shows were funny making fun of W Bush. I'm starting to think I should have done more research into Bush instead of my gender studies degree.

It's not a matter of winning.

Provided we don't go into a nuclear winter, we'll obviously win the war. I just don't see a point in risking that, or in the massive loss of life a third world war would cause. There's no reason to have a war right now. It'd be fucking stupid.

>war would hurt my poor little fee fee's

you sound like a libtard.

'Stare into my hypno pecs.'

Leftist politics everyone.

That's not what I said at all.

We won those wars because of superior manufacturing, infrastructure and human resources. Today all manufacturing is done in China. It would take many years to upgrade USA to be competitive again in factories and people not too lazy to work in them.

you're scared that people will die. boo fucking hoo. It will mostly be foreigners who die.


are you retarded? so all of a sudden trump isn't going to make america great again? nice try, ctr.

You didn't know? It's okay to hate someone for the color of their skin if they don't subscribe to your leftist ideology.
Hypocrisy is engrained into every fiber of their being so when confronted with it they just can't see it

Stop watching it.

There is a reason a country like America can negotiate with Russia.

There is also a reason we call you the butthurt belt of Europe.

Care to take a guess at why that is? Pic semi related.

That's not what I said either.

I'm pretty sure you're just baiting, though, so whatever. If you want a war so bad, why didn't you vote for Hillary? Trump's gonna disappoint you.

because liberals hate war you fucking retard. real alpha men like trump aren't scared of killing foriegners like you are, cuck.

If by some miracle he does bring back manufacturing and we start producing more then China in 4-8 years. We will be ready for that WW 3 the Democrats want so bad.

So you were baiting. Cool. Here's on more (You).

how retarded can you get? democrats are all cucks who fucking piss themselves at the thought of killing foreigner scum. Why are you such a hippie dippie peace loving piece of shit? Go fuck off back to your safe space, libtard, sorry that my calls for violence are triggering you. it's also very telling that you don't think trump can make america great again, kind of obvious you're a paid shill at this point.

how is it bait to want to kill foreigners? I bet you wish they woulld immigrate here and fuck your wife.

Liberals hate war if they think they might have to fight it. They had no problem standing behind the troops during the Afghan war after the media shamed them into supporting the troops or the mean Republicans will beat u up on the street and trash your car if it doesn't have a American flag sticker on it.

>we need to respect, tolerate and welcome all foreigners

How would that be a miracle? Cut regulations, impose tariffs. It's not difficult.

>liberals supporting the troops

are you fucking retarded? Liberals bitch and moan everytime america kills a muslim.

See Liberals love people fighting for them remember get some mucle over here bitch college professor. She had no problem calling her nigger buck over to do her fighting against the mean white man. They are always the victim.

Quickly read through his "pseudo-science" part. That dude is an idiot. The materials in both presented cases are different.

Reactor fission:
Get the necessary weight of fissile material to sustain a subcritical reaction -> heat is generated because of rapid decay -> heat water -> steam -> turbines -> ??? -> electricity ->profit

Atomic weapon:
(Uranium bullet-target design because its simpler to explain) Get enough fissile material to get a super-critical mass -> split in two so its not super-critical anymore -> add one neutron through neutron bombardment to one half -> collide them back to a super-critical mass -> the added neutron splits the first atom closest to it -> 2 neutrons are created -> 2 atoms split -> 4 neutrons -> 4 atoms split etc. KABOOM.

yeah liberals are all strong alpha men who love fighting and violence. thank you for correcting the record.

Colbert is literally a cartoon show. liberals are children

>liberals actually want to go to war with Russia
What kind of backwards world am I living in? Weren't they all for pulling out of the middle east?

Maybe your too young to remember when the whole country didn't want to go to war in Afghanistan to fight people who came from Saudi Arabia to knock down some buildings with planes. But the government choose to go anyway. All those liberals I know shit the fuck right up when popular culture switched in favor of supporting the troops not the war. Libs are cucks and will do what ever daddy government tells them via popular media. Now we have a Democrat president and popular media is telling them to hate trump and protest.

This. The power is in the consumers, always. When they loose enough viewers they are forced to change or dissapear. Audi sweden just had campaign where a fat feminist whale called Kakan who supported riots and pissed on the police. After public outcry from the police audi dropped all support for her since they have to care what consumers think.

>late show
even the retired boomers don't watch that crap anymore.

>>Paints Trump as a sycophant

no one needs to "paint" anything. trump may as well just bend over and let putin stick his dick up his ass, he's so pathetically gay and submissive to him. i mean shit, he couldnt even win the election without putin, imagine the sexual favors trump owes now.

this is one record you cannot correct, shill. Libs never supported the troops.

I realize the Colbert Report was supposed to be a conservative mockfest, but it did have a sense of bright wit to it that set it apart from the usual liberal yuck-yucks. The Late Show has just slowly been a deconstruction of that to the point that it's like John Oliver met Seth Myers.
David Letterman's spinning in his hobo beard.

No they are born followers who do whatever is trendy and popular at the time. Right now that is fighting the white man even if he is in Russia. Remember they will not be the ones actually fighting and they know this. You don't go to war if your in college.


okay now I know you're a libtard.

Counter what ? Only morons would think Russia and USA getting along would be a bad thing.

Ya they did publicly because if they didn't they would get beat up and fired from their job. unless they were a college professor. U see the tables have turned that happened during a Republican lead USA.